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The son also rises |
Desi families like to provide well for their children. Parents give their kids money, cars, businesses … and now it seems that some even help procure girls for their darling little boys. That’s right – having Salman Rushdie as your father helps you score chicks. While this isn’t a huge surprise (Duh!), I was made a bit queasy by the way the famous family discussed the matter.
First there is Rushdie, fils, talking about his dad:
Zafar Rushdie, 27, often accompanies his father on nights out because the pair are usually swamped by attractive girls keen to impress the literary genius. He says, “Most people who go to a party with their parents try to run away from them. Not me. If I want to meet girls, I just stand near him. “All the beautiful women want to talk to Dad, so I stand close and bask in the sunlight. Beauty loves brains…” [Link]
Then there is Rushdie, pere, engaging in mutual admiration:
“Every time I see a picture of him in the paper, he has four girls around him, so I think he’s not doing badly,” the author tells the paper. “He’s absurdly charming – lethally, disgustingly charming. He has it like a weapon…” [Link]
A weapon, huh? Really, we don’t need to hear about your son’s Louisville Slugger. Just tell the researchers and leave us out of it.
p>Lastly, step-mom and fourth wife Padma also agrees that Zafar, a mere 9 years younger, is a stud:
… actress Padma Lakshmi, 36, is equally complimentary of Zafar, talking him up as a red-hot ladies man who can’t be resisted. [Link]
p>In addition, Salman says, his son is a “red-hot ladies man who can’t be resisted.” [Link]
p>I know the family that pimps together stays together, but can’t the Rushdies save the meddling in their Zafar’s sex life until he’s ready to get married, like decent people? Or is this just a further extension of the same principle – they’ll help puttarRushdie find his wife, his girlfriends, and even his short term flings.
p>Please understand that my reaction isn’t one of pure prudishness – we are firmly pro-groupie here are Sepia Mutiny. We just believe that groupies should be earned, not inherited.
p>Oh and Zafar, a piece of advice from a humble blogger. While this is a great story (below), I think you want to avoid talking about the “loss of your childhood innocence” at the hands of Islamic fundamentalists – somebody might get the wrong idea.
“The fatwa was fun for me at first. I was 9, and I came home one day to find police in the house,” Zafar told the paper. “It was really cool to be around these big guys with guns. But I soon found out enough to realize there was a big deal going on, and it wasn’t good . . . I’d answer the phone and this voice would say: ‘We’ve got your number. We know where you are and we’re going to come and kill you’ . . . I lost my childhood innocence early…” [Link]
See also: The NYPost’s Page Six: THE RUSHDIES: BABE MAGNETS?, Rushdie & Sons
As long as he gettin some, ‘I aint no playa hata’. …sometimes wingman ends up on top
Is Mr. Rushdie
richwell to do? I mean, the Mr. Rushdie(s)?Hanif Kureishi is different because he is Hollywood. Half the people who go to his readings are most likely trying to flirt there way into a movie.
Jeet: I am of the opinion that you should totally hate the playa.
Maybe not “hot”, but the whole writer thing, as evidenced by Padma and all the other women who were attracted to ugly men with great voices, is more than a sufficiently redeeming quality. I know that there is a gender imbalance to this, but in my opinion, a good writer, male or female, is hella sexy – if even just for the text voice.
I get a funny feeling in my stomach because it wants to empty its contents. He’s got to be one of the ugliest people I’ve ever seen in my life. But I have to admit, when I read Rushdie, I wish I had never seen him because the voice is very attractive.
btw… I heart Metric in #32. So right on (including the bit about Abhi, who doesn’t give his pops enough credit for making the two of them such an adorably odd pair).
On the topic of groupies. I am surprised that more Indian guys havent become yoga teachers. There are to many that arent Indian. I mean if you are going to learn martial arts, you want to learn from Chuck Noris or Bruce Lee? You would think that people would be excited to learn from real life in the flesh Indian.
If you were a popular yoga teacher, I could only imagine the amount of quality booty you would get. Every other model/actress seems hooked to it. It’s to bad that I can barely put my arms over my head without feeling like my arms muscles are about to rip.
I second the I heart metric sentiment. Watching men and women deal with the beautiful is interesting…
But MD: writers — hot or not?
Depends on the writer. And how much money they have. And how they look. And what chances I may have*.
*I am a practical person.
Is the money more important than the talent?
Honestly ANI we get it: your husband is smart and successful and you love him long time. Now can you say anything else??!?!?!?
That, or the elements a great Geek Tragedy…
Oh, who am I kidding, Ennis. The only time I have ever dated the artiste type I have been ever so gently
burneddisappointed. Think kind, but flaky. So, no writers! No painters! No sculptors! No dancers! I realise I am being overly judgemental; but, then, I am overly judgemental.*I may have to reconsider for a reality program producer, though.
You like military men don’t you MD 😉
I’ve never dated any.
PS: The Hub is a rough town for me in the soul-mate arena. If he is cute, I pretend to be a Democrat. Thanks for all your help with how to sound like one, abhi!
shallowthinker, you’re growing on me.
but interestingly i’m sitting next to this couple in a cafe. the woman is actually desi. the guy’s loud, boring, scruffy, hippie dude and wearing some green quasi-communist gear. he’s talking about disruptive protests, his music collection, his yoga teacher (apparently they met there), and he’s droning on and on and on… i am about to stick a fork in his head … no not really,… but the woman’s just lapping it up. it’s quite fascinating actually which is why i’m not getting up. i tell you there’s going to be some serious downward dog after hours but what are you doing tonite, mate? go pick up those lalloolemon pj’s and hit the yoga parlor to hit it. it worked for this loser – and you’re cut from a finer fabric i can tell that.
I wish an angel would fart loudly on a person’s head any time he/she says, “i’m the kind of person who… “
No need for Rushdie Jr to worry any more on this account – apparently a mere $70 can buy one a counter-fatwa in India. http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1537516,00.html
i think he looks like jack nicholson. the ladies love jack too. plus he’s got that fatwa thing. the babes love the fatwa…nothings says sexy like “people want to kill me.”
Tirupathi Gardens:
bitter are we? yes i lead a charmed life. and i believe the issue i was getting it at was specifically whether writers are hot or not. i have always been attracted to writers — hot in my book (successful or not). and it does so happen that the reason i was attracted to hubby were origianlly purely his writing (before I even laid eyes on him).
typo: were origianlly purely his writing
should be: was originally purely for
I wish an angel would fart loudly on a person’s head any time he/she says, “i’m the kind of person who… “
You routinely make my day when you come up with that stuff. I just snorted coffee out my nose.
Oh c’mon, he’s rocking the professor look.
He does, and he brags about it.
I thought that was hilarious.
Siddhartha – what’s your source?
MD is so right:
Really? No musicians either? I have a soft spot for artsy types. Kindness goes a long way …
Re Ennis’ comment in #58: ‘writers – hot or not?’
I think we should have a sliding scale for this one. Like pop science hot (malcolm gladwell?) or indie fiction hot (would Paul Auster count?). Debut fiction hot would be a really tough one since Zadie Smith would be on it fer sure. At 10.
Rushdie would have to be judged on the Grand Poobah Hot scale. Somewhere near Harold Pinter, but definitely above Jean-Paul Sartre.
Of course, one more Shalimar the Clown and he might not qualify for the GPH scale…
i wouild like to add, for no reason other than to be annoying, that dinesh d’souza is well known for dating hot women. i can personally attest to the fact that his wife dixie is really hot. he was engaged to Laura Ingraham and dated ann coutler. and he did it all without a fatwa.
Male writers are so exquisite because they are expressing feelings, sentiments, observations. It’s something males aren’t typically known to do. And women like me swoon wildly over them because, if they are able to write and do it (and doing it and doing it) well, I will feel things that are way beyond libido tremors. It’s almost out-of-body, how I can be touched by the mere intelligent words of a prolific male…which is why the blogging epidemic is ridiculously up my alley. Hmmm, blogging men. Yum-o.
Yikes — I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, not even Dinesh D’Souza.
yeah, coutler not my cup of tea either, but she’s gotta be a demon in bed.
SM bloggers minus Anna: that’s your cue 🙂
In that case you’ll love this. (Warning: not for those of delicate sensibilities)
Ladies, alot of the greatest writers (like lots of the greatest artists) were/are insolent and self absorbed womanising bastards too. Some women seem to dig that as well, you know the sensitive misunderstood suffering creator, and they want to tame that bad boy. Seems quite common.
errr.. trying to control a Beavis & Butthead comment here…
Seriously though Roonie, don’t you feel like the silent-man thing is a bit of a stereotype? Most men I know gossip and overshare quite a bit, and use the “can’t express my emotions” bit as a handy cop-out when they don’t want to explain themselves or are busted for something. Wish I could! A thoughtful, articulate person is always interesting, but why be gender specific?
Cicatrix, don’t be a buzz kill. 🙂
(Mr K hurries off to write a novel…)
Kobayashi is a girly man!
Ah, the lengths one goes to further the species.
Puuleeez. You want us to actually express our feelings? Thoughts and observations? This isn’t Oprah it’s a mutiny! No, I prefer blogging about Bobby Jindal, Illegal Wiretapping, and other subjects that paint me as well meaning but emotionally unavailable. Writing from the heart is for sissies 😉
I couldn’t agree more, astronaut-boy 😉
By the way, Mr. K… let me proffer some advice and save you much time: You need to talk about the novel you’re writing, not actually write it.
Try something like, “well, it’s quite embarrasing to talk about, you know… But if I HAD to describe it, I guess it’s like Red Earth and Pouring Rain..the angst of a young man in America, intertwined with the ancient tales, the wisdom of our ancestors..but less GenX, of course, and the broader themes of war and suffering…the universality of it all..”
How will you meet chicks when you’re holed up in a room getting ink-stained or carpel-tunneled? No, my friend. No. You go out. you dine, you wine, you mix, you mingle, you move, you shake…and they’ll swoon 😉
And with that, Cic pawns my day to day life.
aww Vij. You don’t have to talk about it.
One look at you, and a girl will know all she needs to know about your brawny, muscular epic 😉
“Oh yeah? Would I have have heard of any of your stuff?”
“I don’t know. Are you into books?”
“Sort of, you know. Mention the headings or titles or whatever their called.”
“The Interpreter of Small Things.”
“Oh my God: you wrote that? That’s like my favoritest book for evah and evah! It was, I don’t know, touching and exotic. I could have sworn a woman wrote it. It was so, I don’t know, real.”
“A Suitable Balance?”
“Get out! Really? That’s the large one that won all those prizes, right? Wow, I’m so impressed right now.”
“Oh, it’s nothing, really. Just years and years of industry, genius and isolation. By the way, are you aware of a website called Sepia…GOOD GOD, PUT THOSE AWAY, PEOPLE ARE WATCHING…where was I? Oh yes Sepia Mutiny. Oh, I see you’re familiar with it. Well I’m…WOMAN, PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON…for decency’s sake…as I was saying, I’m friends with a friend of one of the bloggers.”
brownelf, Excuse my obnoxious and possibly unnecessary grammar lesson,
Corrections are very well appreciated and are not at all obnoxious. I hope you don’t fear others’ misguided resent. Those others who easily take umbrage are often the ones most annoying.
hairy_D, Lakshmi’s dress is fugly. It looks like a sack of aloos – vaddey vaddey Solanum tuberosum.
If you think that dress is ugly, you should see what’s in her uterus — it looks like a chicken! No, seriously, fetuses are ugly.
All, I’m surprised that through all this talk of incest none of you has brought out the bogey of Woody Allen and his ex-gf’s/ex-wife’s adopted Chinese beauty. Adoption license: $15,000 Attorney fees: $175,000 Shunning the media: $2,500,000 Incest with a sex-kitten: Priceless
Abhi has the write stuff. (patting myself on back for a most outstanding PJ)
Rushdie’s son doesn’t look desi at all. His mother is white and he looks it. Rushdie himself is practically white by indian standards. He is of muslim kashmiri origin after all.
Actually she is Korean.
After watching Padma Lakshmi’s embarassing performance as a judge on Top Chef the thought crossed my mind that Rushdie would be dumping her soon.
…because starfish are now classified as demons?
aHEM sic semper! see no. 62, if you will 😉
well said, hairy d. i’m going to have to pillage that thought and make it my own. because, i’m the kind of person who does such things…
(kobayashi and cicatrix, together again on one thread?! that made my day.)
Because she thinks that evolution is just a liberal conspiracy?
Damn right! For the record, there aren’t any gay people in India either… thats a white thang too.
look ennis, every chick’s a possesed preacher during orgasm. you want ’em screaming “OH GOD, HOLY JESUS!!” not “oh darwin, nice fossil record.”
No one followed the link I posted in comment#82 I see. So sad 🙁
Can I entice you by revealing the URL?