The time and venue has been set. You have my personal assurance that this might not be the best, but definitely has the potential to be the most scandalous SM meet-up EVER. The last L.A. meet-up was planned by Taz and was a great success (and quite wholesome). This time around…well, I’m in charge. Since we are closing down SM’s Los Angeles Bureau within 10 days, this is a “can’t miss” event.
Who: Bloggers, readers, commenters, lurkers, and…groupies
Where: Nirvana Lounge in Beverly Hills
When: Friday Dec. 15th at 8p.m.

So what does this venue have to offer that isn’t evident from the picture I provide above? I’m telling you, this place has mangoes and peacocks all over the joint (not to mention an enormous Buddha head in the back there). It also provides us with three levels of gastronomical service:
My philosophy as an event planner has always been that in order to host a good party you need to first properly envision a good party. You need to think to yourself “this is what I need to do to throw a good event AND this is how it will “look” if the event is to be successful.”
The painting below (found on one of Nirvana’s walls) epitomizes in my mind what a successful SM meet-up would “look” like:

But really folks, the beauty of SM meet-ups is that everyone has a good time, even if their vision of an ideal meet-up does not match mine. In the end it is really about about chillin’ with good new people and talking about the important issues of our time while lounging on beds and eating.
If you can make it then PLEASE RSVP: abhi [at] sepiamutiny dot com
Oh Abhi, we all
hopeknow it’s just a temporary closing. Have fun at the SMorgymeetup! Are those two men in the picture? Maybe you should make a special invitation for Pardesi Gori. As for Nirvana, see if they let you in as a cast or ensemble to add to their exotica. “Oh Abbey, you and all of these colourful Southeast-Asian friends of yours really must grace us with your saffron-scented costumes again.”Looks like what you really want is an combined LA party with the desicouples dot com.
I’ll be there! Have lurked in the group for a while so would be great to see some of you in flesh, albeit a bit intoxicated and from the tone of the invitation, slightly desirous, which is perfect.
I’ll drive, no rickshaw, the 400 miles if Pardesi Gori RSVPs. Otherwise, you debaucherous macacas better make papa proud. I await the post-meetup-messy-sex 55’s.
Desi pleeze, the only groupie you had is now banned. But I’ve been inspired by DJ Drrrty Poonjabi to also make it against all odds if Pardesi Gori RSVPs (and I live around hippies, so I actually can get there by rickshaw – peddled by a tall, blonde with dreadlocks, of course). Otherwise, this Friday is going to be way too hectic. I’ll see if I’m alive after my final that day.
Come on Shruti, who cares if you are tired as long as you are done! Besides, I picked a venue with beds just to accommodate people in your situation who have been working hard and will need to chill.
Shruti – you’ll never live it down if you don’t go, you know that …
YoDad paging YoDad 🙂
Don’t ruin my fun. 🙂
that lounge is uhh.. totally shady machang…
Goris sold separately 🙂
i just hope you have one of these before sitting down to sup. 8-.
That lounge is EXACTLY the way Abhi described it- PURE ethnic/exotification.
I went there with my girls once- I think Devdas was on the flat screens around the place – but, we were the ONLY desis in the place. Everyone was staring at us like WE were out of place, or part of the set (actually one of the girls was wearing a sari, so it’s not that far fetched.)
Anyways. Interested to see how the “scandalous” segment of the evening will play out…Too bad Roonie isn’t coming so that we could have conducted our “experiment” 😉 next time, next time…
Oh Yeah, in case it wasn’t clear. I’ll be there.
a place with beds right around the corner from my house? a nice stop as i’m on my way home from the library. was trying to find a way to sit this one out, but this lurker will (most likely) be there.
Wait, groupies aren’t allowed anymore? Because I have to pick someone up at LAX at 10 p.m. This groupie would like to make it for an hour and a half.
is there a dress code?
No, honestly it is pretty chill. As long as we buy some appetizers or dinners (which I plan to) and drink some drinks of some sort nobody will pay any attention to us. In my four years in LA I’ve never been to a place with a dress code that I can remember. I will call the place tonight and get all the particulars sorted out.
Once in a while, the Buddha pond near the bar will smell like dead fish.
It will be my first meetup. Should be fun…
Why not bring him along? 😉
I was considering it.
Ah, so jealous. I’ve always wanted to open a restaurant with reclining seating, like the Romans used.
Speaking as a New Yorker, that’s the biggest culture shock whenever I’m in LA…people dress so casually that it’s wierd. When I went there for a cousin’s wedding a few years ago, quite a lot of people showed up to the reception in jeans. On that same trip, I went to a very sophisticated, elegant sushi restaurant, but half the people were in t-shirts, shorts, and wearing baseball caps. I felt really overdressed, but I was just wearing what would be considered normal in NYC at a restaurant like that.
Abhi: No, I will not ruin your fun. Sorry JoAT. Let the kid find his own way to NIRVANA. Just make sure you guys have designated “Dreammakers” before, during, and after the event. Have fun.
Congrats on your Ph.D., Abhi! Best wishes for your new life in Houston.
sniff sniff. wish i could be there abhi. la wont be the same w.o. you.
Change of plans – dude will find his own way there (if he comes at all – not my concern!), and I will be there with bells on!
I will try very hard to make it and will RSVP properly when I have a better idea of my schedule. 🙂
As much as I’d love to be the object of objectification in a crew of macacas, I have got to fulfill my model macaca-ness and study. Abhi, I’ll see you in H-town!
vivek, as macacas, we are born smart! or did you not get the memo? 😉 so leave your books at home and come out!
Ooooh, it just so happens that I am in LA. Aren’t you SM’ers lucky? (or not). Do you folks actually make it on time or is it all Indian timing because I have to head out by 9pm or so for another party. And, er, can I bring a friend? Getting to this place may be a bit tricky… lets see….
I is going to be there too…
Good deal Sunny. I will be there on time.
always bring a friend
Abhi is ALWAYS on time. 😉
I guess I should have left earlier if I wanted to beat traffic… on my bike.
YAY!!!! last night was FUN!!!! I’m so glad that I got to meet all the new people, and guys were so open to destroying the myth of desi penises not fitting condoms. Thanks for contributing to important research! Thanks so much for coming out everyone- there was like 40 folks there!
Photos? (Uh…Not of he penises, but of the people)
Yeah…[nearly] 24 hours is plenty of time to upload pics… Perhaps the DC’ers will do better…
Sorry, the L.A. Bureau chief spent the day emptying out SM’s Los Angeles Bureau offices. He will spend tonight having fun and saying goodbye to his LA friends. When he recovers after noon tomorrow he will upload the scandalous pics.
You know, if it stays this warm the rest of the winter, we’ll be having another Chicago meetup sooner than planned. This is pretty much spring weather these days. Razib may not believe me, but it’s between 40 and 50 degrees out here.
Oh, the pathos (the bathos?) Go for it, Ennis 🙂