DC Meetup #3: L’CHAIM!


You know, for a meetup which I invited you macacas to with thismuch notice, DC’s third attempt at getting mutinous was as satisfying as the results to a certain Senatorial race, which we toasted by the way, since that was the reason for the season.

Eight of us destroyed the buffet at Heritage India, while discussing everything from breaking gossip (“Wait– HOW did that macaca get his JOB???”) to female infanticide in Punjab (“No, it’s not just a problem for the lower classes…educated people do it, too.”) to who knew a jew (“Have you SEEN the synagogue in Cochin???”). Care to gnash your teeth enviously because of what you missed? Find an entire album of awesome on my Flickr.

Commenter “Vivo” gets a special award for putting up with my non-stop derision after he accidentally made noises which sounded vaguely anti-Kerala (“Ah,” you’re thinking…”NOW these comments make sense”). Kindly be noting that I did not apologize for carrying him relentlessly– I mean, he totally deserved that. I can appreciate his thick skin without relinquishing my right to thenga-flavored chauvinism. 😉

Lurker Leo also deserves massive love for coming to the meetup, since he lives in Raleigh. He and his friend, the unexpected guest star (of David) of brunch both said farewell to me in the middle of Connecticut Avenue while everyone else left for Cosi, since we had closed out Heritage India. I hope they had a safe trip home. 🙂 Did I mention one of them was JEWISH??? 😀

Oh, that reminds me– while everyone else dodged raindrops and bitter cold by running in to s’mores central, DTK chivalrously waited for me as I hugged the North Carolinians farewell. Isn’t he the sweet? I must say, though my man-harem was filled with brilliant, witty, bewitching (bewarlocking?) goodness, nothing makes a girl feel funny in the tummy like a seemingly insignificant gesture like THAT. 😉

Inside Cosi, things REALLY got crazy, as you can see from the picture above. 🙂 It certainly didn’t hurt that three hilarious, very cute girls had joined us after brunch, two of whom were Kenyandesi and Barmaid. Jealous much? You should be. 🙂 I felt like a kid in a conversational candy store– everyone was saying something fascinating and I almost got dizzy from trying to follow all the fast and furious banter. Dynamically discussed: terrible desi “magazines”, how to avoid visible panty lines (complete with a live demonstration), libertarianism, $150 Taco Bell runs, Indian vs. South Asian (HA!), haters who feel the need to leave thinly-veiled personal attacks in our comment threads, $2000 minimums for certain mutinous holiday parties (gulp), whether our Siddhartha is really Jewish (yes!), Sriram’s hair and of course, in what is now a theme common to EVERY meetup I’ve hosted– a brief discussion regarding which mascara I was wearing at the time (L’oreal: Lash Architect in Blackest Black). The women of the Mutiny…we are girlie. 🙂

You know what else every meetup I’ve ever hosted has in common with today’s laughter and warmth? You. I say it often, but that is because I have reason to: I am filled with sublime emotion at how wonderful our readers are. On days like today, I feel like the luckiest girl ever, because I am able to meet you, eat yummy food with you and then giggle uncontrollably as you tell me something which I inevitably tuck away like a picture or ticket stub pressed in my diary. That memory will color your comments and presence online, which will make me so happy to see, eat and laugh with you next time there’s a meetup. It’s a viciously lovely circle, innit? 🙂 I can’t wait until December.


Prashant-ji, Sriram, Vivo, DTK, Salil, Kenyandesi, Barmaid…was there anything I forgot? 🙂

26 thoughts on “DC Meetup #3: L’CHAIM!

  1. That Lash Architect stuff actually works, really? I heard it wasn’t so great…Cover Girl Lash Exact is the bomb.

    God I miss those table S’mores at Xando/Cosi….

  2. whether our Siddhartha is really Jewish (yes!)


    In totally related news… My word, I think I’ve come un-straightened. What desi women can do with their eyes… lord have mercy.

  3. Let me say, without hesitation, that for the Dec. meetup I’ll be dragging a friend down so I don’t miss out on the loveliness that is a DC-SM meetup.


  4. Nice meetup. Pics from the ass grabbing party look better. :p

    Can there be one in Ho-land?

  5. Are you all looking to add more mutinous sepias to this crowd in dc? I would love to meet up with you guys, you seem like a fun bunch!

  6. Anna looks total ALPHA! She really believed in being head of the harem eh 🙂 Sorry, I missed it as I away for the weekend. December hereth, I come.

  7. Are you all looking to add more mutinous sepias to this crowd in dc? I would love to meet up with you guys, you seem like a fun bunch!

    make sure you come to our next meet up!!

  8. Only you good mutineers could tempt me into considering a trip to the east coast during this season- but that’s just the feeling all these pictures induced.

    I already miss that troublemaker SJM out here! 🙂

  9. Thanks for the pics – looked like a lotta fun. Is there anything in the works for a meetup on the West Coast ? – bet every gal wants a man-harem full of nerdy macacas… 🙂

  10. Is there anything in the works for a meetup on the West Coast ? – bet every gal wants a man-harem full of nerdy macacas… 🙂

    Sure…next time I go home. 😉 This won’t help you at all, but we’re thinking about turning brunch in to a MONTHLY event. 😀

  11. On behalf of all my brunchless West Coast brethren (and sisthren?) all I gotta say is – Tanx for rubbing it in 🙂 Also, you need to meet your parents more often like a good Malayalee kutti 🙂 You guys need to seriously think of starting a West Coast SM chapter

  12. You guys need to seriously think of starting a West Coast SM chapter

    Ahem…there is a West Coast chapter- in the form of Vinod– the problem is that he is an International Man of Mystery, and therefore, not always in town to organize meetups.

    A N N A, visit your mom pronto! 🙂

  13. The guy in the back looks like Akshay Kumar. Kinda sorta maybe.

  14. Anna, notonly do Ihave athick skin… ummnevermind jk

    next time i’ll speak malayalam(I have to learn it first) hehe.

  15. The guy in the back looks like Akshay Kumar. Kinda sorta maybe.

    Dude, you have NO IDEA how many time’s I’ve heard that in the past 10 years. To this day, I’ve no idea what he actually looks like. I don’t watch Bollywood flicks and have made it a point to avoid looking up his picture. At this point, it couldn’t be anything but a let down.

  16. Sriram,

    From what I have gathered, Akshay Kumar mowed down half the leading ladies in Bollywood, before settling down with the very hot Twinkle Khanna. You should give Bollywood a shot; you could be the next big thing there! All you DC Macacas, Looked like you had a great time; but, Cochin is way cooler than DC. Where else can you buy pirated copies of Vikram Seth’s Two Lives and Kiran Desai’s Inheritance of loss for Rs. 90/- a piece! They were priced at Rs. 150/- but like a true Mallu, I bargained till he cried 😀 OK then, time for my daily dose of Kallu and Kappa. Why do holidays have to end? Peace!

  17. I already miss that troublemaker SJM out here! 🙂

    brimful, SJM misses you, too. Come hither. You know you wanna.

    Oh, and there was a (quiet) fourth girl there, a latecomer to Cosi: my friend Reena, who gets mad props for coming out in spite of not feeling so great.

  18. Are you all looking to add more mutinous sepias to this crowd in dc? I would love to meet up with you guys, you seem like a fun bunch!

    coffeeface: the more, the merrier! We always want to meet more cool people!

  19. Curses! I missed yet another DC meetup. Oh well, couldn’t have made it — was doing stage set up for a Global Performing Arts/ASHA for Women production.

  20. a brief discussion regarding which mascara I am wearing at the time

    That links to a private page, but still, nice attempt for the promotion 😉

  21. That links to a private page, but still, nice attempt for the promotion 😉

    eeep and woops! thank you so much for noticing– i fixed it, not that you were just DYING to see my eyelashes up close and enlarged. 😉