Have Brunch With the Mutiny!

Eight people are here at Heritage India and I’m thrilled to report that I’m the only girl…FINALLY, I have my man-harem! 😀

Rollcall: Sriram, Prashant, Vivo, Salil, “context-specific” and his friend, DTK…and ME!

I told the story of the birth of the Mutiny…again. This meetup tradition continues.

WE HAVE AN INDIAN JEW AT THE MEETUP!!! I’ve always wanted to meet one (aside from the Baghdadi Jew from Kolkota I met once…who wasn’t very Indian).

Salil’s honeymoon story: the ONLY time the “slippery slope” argument was actually true!

50 thoughts on “Have Brunch With the Mutiny!

  1. I had an Indian Jewish girl in my class in Bombay all through grade 1-10. If only I had known how rare they were…

  2. Knew a pair of Indian Jewish brothers..they attended my very Catholic school in Bombay..not sure if they were Indian originally cuz they both looked firangi…

  3. hey I am talking about a certain boy’s school in Bandra !!!…AFAIK, St Josephs Bandra is girls only not co-ed..

  4. I feel like some random loser crashing a private party. But I just had to tell everyone my cousin (Hindu) married an Indian Jewish guy from Bombay. A love marriage in India against incredible resistance from the family. They now live happily with to beautiful children in Portland, Or. Happiness sometimes takes a lot of balls.

  5. A punjabi Hindu dude I was friends with in college married an American Jewish girl. To my best knowledge, they live in Chicago. I think it’s the wavy black hair…I’ve always found that soooooo hot 🙂

  6. Finally? I thought you had your man-harem, and that it was called “Sepia Mutiny.” 😉

  7. fun meetup. anna was great! I am not ashamed of my Keralite heritage. I am Keralite(well 2nd gen), hear me ROAR:)

    when I left Anna and uh damn I forget her name were the ones left. I wonder if that was intentional, jk:)

  8. oh yes and I am familiar with the term kundi although I don’t know if it’s standard tamil. my kundi was not grabbed today:(

  9. Pictures please. More importantly whose kundi was grabbed??

    I’ve been friends with my friend Nate since Mumbai. He’s not just Jewish but also Maharahstrian. What is the probability of that???

  10. oh yes and I am familiar with the term kundi although I don’t know if it’s standard tamil.

    If by standard you mean the language autokaarar and rickshawkaarar use. Then Yes. Kundi is more like ass and suthu is more like butt. It depends on how dirty you want your mouth to get.

  11. Ok sorry. I forgot to add standard also includes normal college talk. But mostly the use of suthu not kundi.

  12. FYI sidg: ANNA and her mother have conclusively confirmed for us what kundi does and does not mean. I trust these comment threads will not be sullied again by the suggestion that kundi means something other than the gluteus maximus. 🙂

    I learnt a lot in that link. Thanks.

  13. I knew Indian Jewish twins at my school in Bombay too… they left to serve in the Israeli army later. They lived in Bandra but I went to a school in Juhu with a whole bunch of Gujaratis. BTW Frank Rich has an editorial in the NY Times titled “2006: The Year of the ‘MacacaÂ’”…

  14. Not to threadjack, but here is my 2 cents:

    Malayalee synomyms: kundi, asanam, chandi. Tamizh say: kundi, soothu,(among other words)

    Since Anna is a mallu, this seems to be a list of transliterated swear words in malayalam (I don’t agree with some of their spelling in english).

  15. Here’s a link about the Bene Israel Jews, originally from Maharashtra: http://adaniel.tripod.com/beneisrael.htm

    J. Mehta

    I can’t thank you enough for that link. My family is Maharashtran, and my father would always talk about a group of Jewish Maharashtrans in Israel, though he knew nothing more. He was always proud of the language and was excited that there were people in Israel speaking it. I’ve made cursory enquiries to friends who’ve lived in Israel, but no one has ever heard anything about a group of Indians living there, which is why I was so happy to see that link. Thank you for sharing it.


  16. Let me put the baby to rest: good meetup! But then again, when are they anything but(t)?

    Prashant, thanks for the link. I’m going to check that out tomorrow evening. Sriram, DTK, Leo, Barmaid, vivo, et al: a pleasure seeing you and making your acquaintances. It’s always fun and interesting to put names with faces. The commenting becomes more interesting that way, somehow.

    And an Indian Jew…well, see…it was a mitzvah, yaar. AJP: the Hannukah meetup has officially become official. Let it be known!

    Now, sitting 400 miles away in the most barren wasteland of a Holiday Inn Express ever, in the darkest corner (literally! it’s goddamn pitch black outside my hotel room window) of North Carolina, it’s jarring to think about those hours in Heritage / Cosi. Life moves fast, huh? Thanks again, all, for giving me sufficient intellectual stimulation that I have food for thought during my work week. I burp and taste butter chicken, which is like the grodiest way to experience a warm fuzzy ever.

    See you fools soon!

  17. From the Wikipedia article about Nissim Ezekiel:

    “In 1967 while in America, he experimented with hallucenogenic [sic] drugs, probably as a means to expand his writing skills. He finally stopped using them in 1972.”

    That’s my kind of uncle-ji.

    I found this sort of odd:

    On the invitation of the US government, he went on a month long tour to the US in November, 1974.

    How often does to US government invite English teachers from India, or anyone for that matter, to tour the country? What motivations would our government have and does this practice still continue? Anyone know?

    Anyways, congrats to on a fun meetup. You know, I’m sure there’s man-harem just waiting to assemble in the Bay Area…@=)

  18. vivo, in regards to your umbrella

    Hmmm, now I’m wondering what it means that I lost my umbrella at dinner last night. Left it near the restaurant’s bar, and when I went back later it was gone — someone out there is enjoying my umbrella, damn it!

  19. hmmm, yeah I’m at the library now so can’t look. later. im off to the Guns N’ Roses concert tonight in bmore.. never seen them live. I think

    I’m greatful for the kundi clarification:) ah chandi is another word I’m familair with, but not sudhu. btw, imoff keralite-tamil descent.
    ah nice to meet u too salil and the others. enjoyed your stories:) any stories regarding rural mississippi?

    Is it just me or did I get extra hugs from anna cuz of the verbal thrashing I received hehe? maybe not I donnow.

    I can say Imetan Indian Jew. I met an Indian MOrmon once. jew, parsi, sikh headed the 1971 war I think.

    the man’ss name was JFR Jacob. oops I wonder if this was mentioned yesterday. anyway others can read it.

    gotta watch borat soon. riseof taj looks awesome!


    The major general who masterminded and spearheaded India’s offensive, and who accepted Pakistan’s surrender, was Jack Frederick Ralph Jacob, the scion of an old Jewish family from Calcutta. A spry bachelor of 81 who retired in 1978 as the commander of India’s eastern army, he considers that war the highlight of a long and distinguished career as a soldier. Having written a book about it, Surrender at Dacca, published in 2001 by Manohar, he claims that the war was “surely the greatest military feat in our history.”

    A brigadier-general by 1963 and a major-general by 1967, he was appointed chief of the Eastern Command in 1969 by Gen. Sam Maneckshaw, the Parsi chief of staff. JacobÂ’s immediate superior was Lt. Gen. J.S. Aurora, a Sikh.

  20. dudes, that was an awesome meet up. you guys provide intellectual fodder to beat any indian buffet. and that’s not even counting the classic indian restaurant service, which by the way should be a subject of conversation on this blog. why do indian shoppies sell great food with crappy service? thanks for the warm banter (and sweet hugs in barsaat!) my jewish indian friend (his name is elan) also profusely thanks you guys. he enjoyed his moment in the spotlight

  21. A N N A, is there any chance you’ll arrange UK meet-ups too? There are many brown folks here wanting to meet up!

  22. A N N A, is there any chance you’ll arrange UK meet-ups too? There are many brown folks here wanting to meet up!

    I’m going to be in the UK soon-ish we should all meet up…and I think it was Abhi who said this on another thread…people from different parts of the world who may not have a SM blogger nearby can always plan their own meet-ups 😛

    Msichana and I did!!

  23. Suidcide Girls performed at the concert. I think something about them was on the blog. anyone seen them. I’d say a good show. a bit long and one of the girls had a shaved head. Im surprised this was allowed at what I think is an all ages show. hmm maybe I’m behind the times.

  24. also I mentioned the south korean male female ratio being skewed probably. here’s an article. http://www.wunrn.com/news/09_18_06/092406_south_korea_2.htm

    “There is a long-standing son preference throughout Asia, but now it is happening in the context of this 21st century marriage market,” said Valerie M. Hudson, a political scientist and author of “Bare Branches: The Security Implications of Asia’s Surplus Male Population.”

    The preference for sons has translated in South Korea into 113 male births for every 100 females. Ultrasound became widely available here in the 1980s, and the first generation screened for gender before birth is now coming of marriageable age.

  25. one of the girls had a shaved head. Im surprised this was allowed at what I think is an all ages show.

    what about a shaved head is so offensive that young ones need to be sheltered from it? And generally if you plan on taking kids anywhere aren’t they going to see much “worse”?

    (I put worse in quotes because it’s a relative thing innit?)

  26. sorry I wasn’t talking about the shaved head. this was a burlesque show. that’s what I was referring to. the nipples were covered but other than that, topless.

  27. also wasn’t quite a shaved head. more like a buzz w/ a pony tail. shaved heads actually aren’t bad in my estimation.

  28. sorry I wasn’t talking about the shaved head. this was a burlesque show. that’s what I was referring to. the nipples were covered but other than that, topless.

    ahhh…yeah that sounds weird for an all-age show