Mutiny-Wallah. The Sequel.

Aaaaaand I’m back! What, you thought they could keep me away from the bunker forever?

It has been a few months since my gig as Mutiny-Wallah has been up, and I have since been in the real world sitting at cubicles writing humdrum policy reports, all the while dreaming of the happy days with the monkeys in the Sepia Mutiny bunker. Boy, did I miss those monkeys.Boy, did I miss those monkeys. When to my surprise, a couple of nights ago while planning my revolution, I was suddenly blindfolded and kidnapped. I was whisked away from Los Angeles on an autorickshaw (we were supposed to fly Jet Blue, but you know…) and when the blindfold was taken off a couple of hours ago, I found myself once again in the Sepia Mutiny bunkers. Yay!

How long will I be a mutiny-wallah this time around? They keep things hushed around me, but rumor has it it will last through November 7th. That is right, Election Day. You see kids, for those of you living under rocks, or not in this nation, we are at the beginning of a heightened election season, for the midterm elections. Here at Sepia, we’ve already brought you an interview with Raj Bakhta and of course, there was the whole Macaca Mutiny. In anticipation for the upcoming stories surrounding the 2006 elections, I have been brought on to assist you on this path. Think of me as the desi George Stephanopoulos, or the Anderson Cooper of the mutiny. I plan on bringing you investigative Election 2006 coverage, hard hitting interviews with political candidates, and keep you educated with the latest issues that will help in casting your ballot on November 7th. Of course, knowing the work that I love to do, you didn’t think you’d get away without a little voter registration, voter education and get-out-the vote, did you?

This is my 9th year working an election, and I know that there must be plenty of you out there working it too. Are you a desi running for office? Let me know. Registering voters? Campaigning on a ballot initiative? Writing a report about the South Asian Vote? Need to know where to register, where your poll is? Let me help and be devoted to getting you the best South Asian American blog Election 2006 coverage. And now, let the real mutiny begin- again.

This entry was posted in Blog, Humor, Politics by Taz. Bookmark the permalink.

About Taz

Taz is an activist, organizer and writer based in California. She is the founder of South Asian American Voting Youth (SAAVY), curates and blogs at Follow her at

33 thoughts on “Mutiny-Wallah. The Sequel.

  1. Yay! The last time I saw you, you were proudly reppin the desi contingent down Wilshire Blvd. during the May Immigration Rally, with dhols no less. That was you wasn’t it? In true desi style of course, I looked away when you did. grins

  2. soo-weet! welcome back, macac-ette 😉

    *for those who want to debate linguistic nerdery and gender nouns in Hindi/Punjabi/Gujarati, tell me then– how would you say the feminine noun of macaca?

  3. how would you say the feminine noun of macaca?

    macaini, like sherini, kuri, ladki.

    “i” ending denotes feminine as “a” denotes masculine

  4. macacini


    macocoa – for the darker-skinned ones (hey we need to keep Indian culture, no?)

  5. kidney bean: have you heard? chick pea: heard what? kidney bean: taz is back! chick pea, rolling around in the can of garbanzos…: YIPEE 🙂

    (warm welcome back taz…)

  6. as yogi behra might say, looks like groundhog’s day all over again — welcome back, taz!

    p.s. — i prefer to think of you as the keith olbermann of the mutiny rather than the anderson cooper. much more of an edge. 😉

  7. Taz welcome back. I missed you. I always hold a huge Rock the Vote party every election year. Will try to do the same again this year. Will be in touch.

  8. Hindi feminine should be ‘macaci’ or ‘macacini’. Punjabi feminine should be ‘macacan’ (a la ‘punjaban’)? Nach, macacane!

  9. Wait, Punjabi feminine should be macaci too…like ghoda/ghodi or kutta/kutti. Macacan would be only if the masculine version was macaci (like dhobi/dhoban or punjabi/punjaban).

  10. Taz (if I remember aright) is Bengali. Why are we talking about the feminite gender in Punjabi?

  11. p.s. — i prefer to think of you as the keith olbermann of the mutiny rather than the anderson cooper. much more of an edge. 😉

    That guy has an edge? Personally, would like to see myself in true pop icon news caster fashion as edgy as SuChin Pak of MTV. Or Sway. Now those folks have edge. I chose Cooper and George because I thought they would be more mainstreamed references. 😉

    Thanks for the welcome you guys, it’s good to be back.

  12. Taz (if I remember aright) is Bengali. Why are we talking about the feminite gender in Punjabi?

    because punjabi people are loud-talking chavaunists who drink too much and lack something in the upper reaches of intellect….let us have our harmless boorish fun

  13. btw, the above is a parody of some of the comments that come through…..I don’t believe that above, but it seems like there are people that do. people are too proud or cocky all over the place in india and anywhere else for that matter, but it seems like at times its ok to castigate punjabi people with a broad brush. its a bit offensive

  14. Taz (if I remember aright) is Bengali. Why are we talking about the feminite gender in Punjabi

    In Bengali, feminine of kaka (caca) meaning father’s younger brothers is kaki(caci). So macaca=>macaci is not entirely inappropriate. The more commonly used and the more respectful feminine form is kakima. That gives us another option in macacima.

  15. Well, Taz, I suppose you have a point. Maybe I should have just said “much more of a journalist, much less of a lapdog, and much funnier” — that’s more along the lines of what I was thinking anyway. 😉 Regardless, much happier that you’re here rather than any of them — including the MTV Newsers!

  16. Rock on my fellow Angeleno mutineer! You can be my sepia SuChin anytime, esp. after I saw your amazing performance at the ArtWallah MTV Desi booth =)

  17. Good to have you back Tash 🙂

    I’m gonna do a take off from that famous coffee ad and say that You, Macacca, haft mere MMMMMMM 🙂 when it comes to political savvy…

  18. I think Taz is younger than me. Loveable as she is, I refuse to call her “my kakima”.

    Well okay, now that I can see how much fun it is, maybe I will!

    Since it’s a Franco-Arabic term, shouldn’t we be feminizing it in those languages?

  19. Taz: I knew it was just a matter of time – you would be back. Once you have had fun with those monkeys down the bunker it is hard to stay away. May be you can talk Abhi into some kind of meetup in La La land. “Yo Dad” Macaca, and “Yo Mom” Macaci are tentatively planning to be there around October 13, 14th. Good to see you back!!

  20. Aaaaaand I’m back!


    Think of me as the desi George Stephanopoulos, or the Anderson Cooper of the mutiny.

    I think you’re way to cool for Armani suits. I prefer to think of you as the alternative journalist from the underground papers we all read in college.