There are many sacrifices that I make in order to do my duty as an SM blogger. I can’t always hang out with my friends when I want to, I can’t always stay for dessert because I have to rush home to blog, and sometimes, like today, I have to really sacrifice my mental well-being and take one for the team. It seems that the second episode in season number four of the Paris Hilton/Nicole Ritchie car-wreck-of-a-show features the ladies living with a Pakistani American family:
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Domestic bliss with Nicole |
Episode 2: The Ghauri Family
Paris and Nicole trade in their designer dresses for traditional saris when they take over the responsibilities of a traditional Pakistani mom. With the patient help of their “husband” and Americanized fifteen-year-old “son,” the girls manage to dress, speak and dance like conservative Pakistani housewives…or at least their version of it. But things don’t go as well when Paris and Nicole decide to share their experiences, namely how they like to party. [Link]
p>Yeah, I saw you cringe behind your computer screen just then. Reuters has more:
…here they are with Season 4, on a new network (hullo, E! Bye-bye, Fox), after having struck a unique compromise: They’d do the show, but not at the same time.
The subtitle “‘Til Death Do Us Part” alludes to the celebutantes’ infiltrating families for crash courses in marriage and motherhood. The first episode, which wasn’t supplied for review, finds Paris and Nicole (separately) taking the place of a nine-months-pregnant woman, wearing a suit to duplicate her condition, cleaning house and babysitting a 3-year-old. The second episode, which was provided, has them infiltrating a traditional Pakistani-American family to trivialize their religion, ruin their kitchen and corrupt their very Americanized teenage son. It’s all very contrived but harmless and less offensive than stultifyingly superficial. But then, that pretty much always has been “The Simple Life…” [Link]
Even more painful than this episode is this clip available on the internet where a bunch of women sit around and talk us through it discussing its “finer” points. It’s like The View on crack. This episode will be replaying on E! if you want to watch and get a feel for how painful the life of a dedicated blogger can be. 🙂
I confess that I watched “the simple life” on DVD just to watch the s#@t paris hilton but as it turned out Nicole made Paris look like a Mother Teresa.
Havent watched the Pakistan episode but have seen the ones of Paris staying in this farm house with a water well. The american family playing their host were shocked like shit, I can imagine what would have happened to a Pakistani family(which I assume to be conservative).
This is why I don’t own a television.
That “traditional Pakistani dance” looked more like “how not to do bhangra”.
Saw the clip posted above.
Nicole getting kinky with the “traditional pakistani” men.
This is funny as shit. Beta, lets show Nicole our religion and traditional dance. Little did he know that his traditional dance would be interrupted with whacking of asses. What were they thinking?
I don’t think there’s anything in these clips to induce cringes from the desi angle. The Pakistani family comes off as sane, patient and gracious. To any viewer with half a brain, the two Americans come off as vulgar, stupid, coarse, shallow, profane, purposeless, cheap, attention-seeking, yadda yadda yadda. The question is, why would Americans want this portrayal of themselves shown on television…Hope it’s not broadcast anywhere in the Middle East.
At first I thought some women will actually take up the task of rising in defence of Paris and Nicole. I am pleasently surprised.
Just because I have a vag, that doesn’t mean that I’m automatically going to condone the antics of someone else, merely because she has one too. Come ON.
Those E clips were garbage. Too many visine and benadryl ads and completely choppy start-and-stopping. I lost the tiny shred of patience/curiousity I had and guess I won’t ever get to see anything from the brown SL (since a new episode airs tomorrow, I think). How tragic for me. Not.
Well, I am sure some girls who found it cool. Paris/Nicole definitely have fans in girls who liked Legally Blonde movie and the small dog in it and the pink colored accessories… yuck
just like the guys who aspire to say shwarzenegger’s “i will be back” lines?
come on whatish, your line of argument is either a gross generalization or it is going to be so qualified in a couple of rounds that it will be a tautology.
Ah yes, you mean girls like ME (nb:one of my nicknames is “Elle”).
From one of my closest friends, who knows me well:
I’m not a fan of either Paris or Nicole and I’ve seen LB five or six times, in part because I’m convinced that “Delta Nu” is based on my sorority (same colors, same crest). I was sad that the sequel was nowhere near as dear as the first.
I think I know what you’re trying to say, but I’m going to need botox to remedy all of the brow-wrinkling that your method of saying it is causing. I don’t think it’s possible to file people in little boxes as easily as you’ve been doing via comments here.
Bottom line: we contain multitudes.
I like strong women which means I like Anna. But there are a lot of other women who give in easily to sin. Hang on. I am sure there will be some girls who would justify their idols Nicole and Paris.
None of my female friends like Paris or Nicole. Any female who ‘idolizes’ Paris and Nichole isn’t likely a reader of this blog. Besides, those two are so freaking tired already.
I agree with Anna.. liking “Legally Blonde” doesn’t mean you’re Paris and Nicole fans. The girls might have been genuinely dumb in ‘Simple Life,’ the first two episodes. Now, it’s all fake and those girls are not dumb (well the producers are not dumb!). The girls have to do pranks and act out of line. I was flipping channels and saw the Ghauri family. I just kept flipping. It would be like watching a car crash happen in painful slo-mo.
All cultural and societal arguments aside, I just want to make my position on this matter clear once and for all: any time Paris Hilton wants to corrupt me (on national television, or anywhere else), I’ll be there so fast that PT Usha will have nothing on me.
The Simple Life is so staged. You could tell the Ghauri family was just playing along with everything. Obviously, if they were really conservative Muslim Pakistanis, they wouldn’t even allow the show to be filmed in their house to begin with. It was so fake.
Hmmm, apparently it’s coming on in 20 minutes. I guess they repeat whatever aired last week after the new episode. West coasters, you’ve been warned. 😉
It’s on right now .. 10:30 ET =)
I happen to watch this absurdity on E! hilarious. i liked the fat nicole…now she looks and acts like she is on crack.
“you want me to breastfeed your son” genius
i never saw the episode but watched a clip on E!’s “The Soup”
Hilarious scene where the Pakistani father asks Paris if she knows what the principal religion of Pakistan is. She is too afraid to take a guess, so he gives her a hint, “It is talked about very much in the news lately.” Then, ms. hilton’s lightbulb suddenly goes off as she confidently replies, “Kabbalah.”
I loved Nicole .. she was creative and funny, unlike Paris who just played up her sex appeal throughout the whole show.
Bytewords, Anna, Dramaqueen,
Here she is. A supporter of Nicole. There are more to come.
To Wheatish: so what if someone likes Paris and Nicole? And who are you to judge them btw? Get off your imaginary pedestal. Now.
Wheatish ~ get over yourself. I didn’t say I idolize her and I want to be just like her. In the context of this specific show, I liked Nicole more than Paris. Geez, what are you, a Punjabi auntie getting her gossip fix on?
Ritam, There is nothing wrong with liking or even idolising Nicole, thats precisely what I am saying. Its very hard to find an ABD girl who speaks her mind clearly. She is too coy to accept that she can be a s@#t even if she knows she is one.
Did anyone notice how the son was sneaky and trying to get the dish on the Nicole-Paris breakup? (It’s literally the 2nd episode I’ve ever watched of The Simple Life, so don’t judge me.)
Now the gloves are off. What in hell does s–t stand for??? It had better damn well be ‘shit’. Secondly, what a trite, shallow, mindless generalization you make: “It is very hard to find an ABD girl who speaks her mind clearly.” This site alone is littered with examples of ABD women who speak their minds clearly. What is it about being ‘ABD’ that you think detracts from a woman’s ability to think?
Want to be on the other end for a while? I happen to think most FOB men are sexist, ignorant, offensive PIGS, who don’t know how to deal with women courteously and respectfully. The evidence? Post no. 23.
Well, Well, Well Arent you angry? Now who is being sexist, ignorant, offensive PIG
Wheatish, as an American-born desi, I find that statement to be at best a gross and unnecessary generalization (“shit”) and at worst, an outrageous application of the ultimate epithet one can use to degrade a woman: slut. Either way, you’ve diminished your credibility and done yourself a disservice by spewing such a thing.