Maybe it’s because I live in Los Angeles. But I’ll be the first to admit it. I love celebrity gossip. Imagine my surprise when I heard this report on the news this morning.
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Mother Teresa. Totally see the resemblance. |
Paris Hilton is on the short-list to play beatified nun Mother Teresa in an upcoming bipoic of the late Nobel Peace Prize winner. Film director T. Rajeevnath said his idea to cast the 25-year-old celebutante after a computer-generated image showed a close facial match between “The Simple Life” simpleton and the Albanian-born holy woman. “(Hilton’s) features resemble Mother Teresa’s,” Rajeevnath said. [link]
Waaaaait a second. Didn’t we just play the ‘who’s famous face matches mine’ game using a computer-generated image facial matching website here on Sepia Mutiny only a few months back?
I’ll just let you know that I ended up at a verrry interesting website, which scanned a picture I uploaded before telling me which celebrity in its database I resembled. See whom YOU don’t look like by going to y’self. [link]
I mean, Rajeevnath is Indian. Maybe he reads Sepia Mutiny and maybe, just maybe, that is what compelled him to pick Paris Hilton. That, and this:
But it was when the director read an article in which Hilton said she had turned down the chance to pose nude for Playboy maggie that he believed he had found the woman to emulate Mother Teresa’s good works. Shooting in several countries, including West Bengal will begin early next year.Proceeds from the film will benefit the Missionaries of Charity.
Missionaries. Paris Hilton. Hmm… I wonder how familiar she is with that line of work…
I thought India was trying to eradicate all communicable diseases..?
I have it on good authority (like, this video playing here on my laptop) that Paris never does missionary.
I heard this on the local news and my jaw dropped. Only in the City of Lost Angels would it be headline news…
The Simple Life is now airing in India. Rajeevnath has no excuse.
But what exactly is the problem ??
Aw yeah, online petition!
Also, I was trying to find out more about Rajeevnath. Apparently he’s making a documentary about the success of Indians in the US. It’s called Desi US. Sounds pretty typical so far, but then:
WHOA! I’m dying to know what the State Department has to say about the Indian American experience. Given that the movie’s only about Indians, the title betrays a an ignorance of the more inclusive definition “Desi” has widely taken on in the US. Also, does anyone have any idea what First Serve International is?
Will she be bathing children the way she soaped up the Bentley? sigh
All I can say is, that’s hot!
wops, did i just violate a copyright law?
paris as mother teresa! i am but a novice in papal issues, but how does one reconcile the “miracle of hotel tapes” in the grand scheme of saintliness? please rajeevnath, make her a nun at least if not a saint?
someone remember the list of 100 “hottest” (not sure the exact term used, but something to similar effect) women which featured, much to the chagrin of many i am sure, 99 supermodels and mother teresa? bet they all wish rajeevnath was around then too :).
O please, St. Jude, allow this to happen. . .it’s just too rich for words. Well, hey, if “Braveheart”-wallah can make a film about Jesus, why not Simpleton-Life as Teresa-Aunty? All we need then is to cast Snoop Dog as the Pope and the trio will be perfect.
NB there’s is nothing as unsexy as adding “aunty” to someone’s name. Try it with your supermodel of choice: Paris Hilton (whom I think looks like a week-old mackerel, but I digress), Heidi Klum, etc. The “aunty” is like a bucket of ice water to the lap.
This seems a play for sensationalist attention. Meh.
Also Paris will be interviewed on E! tommorrow, and she’s going to be asked to confirm/deny the whole Mother Teresa movie rumor. I won’t believe it until I hear it from Paris herself.
The very idea of Paris Hilton as a concept gets under my skin. Add to that the fact that a spoiled bratty rich kid is going to play a nun whose life was dedicated to helping the poor and lived a very modest, humble life herself…it all rather odd/annoying/funny/ironic. Its a bit of a pop cultural farce…If I were to watch such a movie I would view it as ironic satire that has nothing to do with the memory of Mother Teresa herself.
I’m assuming everyone remembers that sequence in Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle where the 3 heroines are dressed as nuns…..
Of course, on the other hand, Paris Hilton may surprise everyone and actually do a good job. You never know 😉
Computer face matching? Well, if this is how we’re casting for bio-pics now…then if they ever make a movie on the life of Christian Slater it seems I’m the gal for the job!
Hey.. I had sent in this story weeks, if not months ago to SM, before it had caught the eye of the MSM. I guess the powers that be just discounted it as a hoax or the delusional fantasies of a crackpot director at that time.
I think a lot of us did. 😉
not exatly top secret…have seen it on pop culture blogs for a while now. 🙂
^ Hope that didn’t sound snarky or rude.
just pointing out it was back in the day…pre-SM News tab. 😉
It’s strange that the exact same story has been doing the rounds for so long and just now gets picked up by the big guys. My guess is that this Paris movie is not going anywhere, otherwise they would have been able to dig up at least a couple more pieces of real information in the past few months.
And this makes some Indian filmmakers look like complete idiots.
Let’s hope this isn’t true.
Hey, I posted this yesterday under the News links but it got deleted.
The Simple Life 3: Calcutta Style
Oh yeah. Vomit Trent had this on his blog yesterday. If you scroll halfway down yesterday’s post you can see the photos posted side by side. I never thought I’d say this, but Paris Hilton does…sort of… look like Mother Teresa. A little bit.
Just one missionary joke? The one right on top.. I thought that one was staring me right in the face.
Maybe Rajeevnathji is a Hitchens fan.
holy crap…..can she read as many syllables as it would take for a script? can she live with her body fully covered, and not trying to parisite of something or someone? oohhh man….i dunno wether to pitch up, laugh, or choke whoever is behind this….hm….maybe it’s best to do all three, and not leave anything out. man oh man…….
hhmm……i wonder if part of her makeup job will include a lobotomy. man…i really hope this falls thru.
ROFLMFAO…..that was a joke, right? hahahahhahahahahaahhahahahahahaa…….oohh man…ooohh mannnnn…..
please…..ooh man, stop the torture!
and they think I’VE been into the bhang! i have officially be absolved.
to please jai’s verbal houndogging….we’ll just say that paris is the least appropriate person for the job, for many,many, many, many reasons.
I have it on good authority (like, this video playing here on my laptop) that Paris never does missionary.
you seruously need some better stuff to watch….
Actually thinking back about it, no one has ever seen Paris Hilton and Mother Teresa at the same place and time, side by side. Maybe Rajeevnath is onto something.
Paris doesn’t do Missionary?… well that just blows!!
Pattie Kaur,
The statement you are referring to was by Gaurav, not me.
Actually it was a fairly neutral statement and I was trying to “think positively”. I don’t like seeing people publicly ridiculed, especially if they’re not around to defend themselves, unless it involves someone who is grossly malicious and arrogant, and even then it’s not a good habit to get into.
But hey, this thread is filed under “Humor”, so I guess if anyone’s going to crack some jokes about the topic, this is the right place to do it.
Let the humour continue.
Very, very naughty Ray!
Jai Mother Parissa ki!!
What… What… What did I do 😉
looks like first serve international is an entertainment company run by the amritraj brothers.
mother teresa was a catholic? maybe rajeevnath wants to send her to catholic school.
for academic interest, is there a hilton in albania?
Nope. Yes..I did a search and I am dead bored at work right now.
albanians are known to be very reactive, as we know from Kosovo and Macedonia … Paris Hilton will just drive them nuts
I mean, what better person to play Shill Of The Pope?
this is a good thing.
jai dear, i know….i was referring to your recent comments about my verbal usage, in all good fun. we must needs poke a wee fun at ourselves from time to time. hell knows i do it alot. N. E. who…..
remember who the thread is about – a person who is known for being a hard party animal, showing off, being less than a bright light bulb, etc. indeed….thinking positive is good…..but in her case, lost cause….at least until she grows up. i will be positive and hope she grows up, at which point, i’d me more willing to defend her. but she doesn’t need more people letting her go, she needs to see that she’s not cool, and her actions are stupid. now, had we been talking about soemone who’s made more of an attempt to be a human being, ok. cool. i’d agree. but in her case…constructive critism…and a lot of humour.
Sepia Mutiny Temporary Super Star here to save the day… 😉 What is MSM?
Rajeevnath is a pretentious Malayalam movie director who has made quite a few duds which have pretentions to “art” cinema. SO this does not surprise me.
wow….there are people who are willing NOT to giver a chance? does that mean she’s just a tease?! i don’t wihs to know more.
even if she appeared nude for playboy, hustler etc etc and was the worst spoilt brat in history those wont be such terrible things, i think the greater objection in potraying one of the most influential figures of the 20th century is ……SHE CANT ACT TO SAVE HER LIFE….lets see her acting credits shall we:
i have nothing against mr. rajeevnath, except for the amount of illegal smoke he might have inhaled;)
and of course “simple life” for the simple folks..where she has to act like hereslf with the eternally doped nicole ritchie
mm..i’d say tie. the less of her skin exhibited, the better. but man oh man oh man….soo true…..she can’t even act to save the streets of calcutta!
Please. Turning down the chance to pose for Playboy nude? Since when did that become a sign of piety or good taste or any of the other million things Paris isn’t? She has as much of a resemblance to M.Theresa as I do a predilection towards NOT playing tonsil hockey with hot men (Patrick Dempsey and Saif Ali Khan, I’m talking to YOU).
GOOD ONE, sin! hahahahahahh!
you guys are sipping haterade lassis. if the director wants to cast paris, and if paris wants the part, well then, let them do it and we can judge on the results. hey, this is america, land of second chances, and india, land of reincarnations, so who’s to know?
on another tip, was mother theresa really all that big a deal?
you guys ever read missionary position by chris hitchens? even angels have to take a shit….
you know what they say – prevention is the best medicine.
would you cast micheal jackson as ghandi?