Manhattan has held three (including the first and last), San Francisco contained two (the best, Jerry…the BEST!), Brooklyn had quite a sweet one…and now FINALLY, the most powerful city on earth will host a Mutinous Meetup on Saturday, March 25th!
To continue with that nascent alliteration, it’s all going down in the month of MARCH, which comes in like a Singh and goes out like some…ghosht.
Believe it or not, half-kundi’d me remembered to bring my calendar to my shimmering birthday fete two weeks ago, where our two squeakiest wheels (read: the SM loyalists who wanted a meetup most, who just happened to be my guests that night) provided valuable input with regards to when we should
get trashed get together; Kenyandesi and Chai chose the first Saturday in March to mutiny earlier in the month, but at this point, the date you should save is MARCH 25. 🙂
I already know what our precious unbwogable bachi thinks (that’s her, on the right, in the picture to the left), but what say you Zzzzafar, Msichana, Timepass et al? Does March 4th work for you? Will this be a Tryst with Mutiny? Will my record of hosting the BEST meetups ever extend to the right coast? 😉 Will Santino EVER get kicked off Project Runway??? Sorry, I’m watching that show right now. 😀
If March 4th 25th is an awful choice, do speak up, though if we choose something different, a certain Space Cowboy might not be able to attend.
Anna: If you post pictures like this, there’ll be mass relocations to DC. 🙂
I promise to come if you two make out with each other 😀
Don’t make me stop this car…or remove the picture. Behave. 😉
oi! i want to meet up SO badly and I know I (with brimful voicing my drunken cries) asked for this weekend, but march 4 doesn’t work for me now. Can we move it for the following one weekend (March 10) puhlease (in a really whiny, whiny voice)??
either way:
[dc] brown POWER.
If we have one the last week of March also, then I may even show up in a tie 🙂 L.A.’s gonna kill me when they find out I am flirting with the idea of a D.C. meet-up while we still haven’t had one there. I’m just not a good person.
Damn Straight.
Maybe a coup is in order..maybe a– hmm, mutiny?
Well, Well. I know Abhi will be home sometime end of this month. You look forward to meet all the pretty girls in and around. Abhi’s old man (an occasional MUTINEER)is also in DC suburbs!! Or may be I don’t count. Shucks I thought I could start growing my sideburns and iron up my bellbottoms and put on my shades, and. ……….daydreaming.!! Just kidding. You guys have fun. Stop by at our place when Abhi is in town, for a cup of cofee and some Baklawa!!
I know SM keeps us connected to our roots and all. But a coup? Come on seriously! Where do you think we are? Pakistan? No, no. We are in the U.S of A and we gotsta keep it real. In keeping with the L.A theme, I propose mugging maybe even a drive-by shooting. A little rioting for afterwards, maybe. But nothing fancy, we oughta keep it low key, especially since Abhi is bizzzy these days – we don’t wanna hold him up for long. Just long enough for him to give us a rousing performance.
exam from hell: march 9th change date of meetup: heaven and something for me to look forward to meeting anna: priceless
any weekend in march after that and i’ll bring my atlanta arse to dc.. move it to a later date anna.. puhhlleeeeze?
baklawa and coffee? i’m so down coming down for that… just to meet abhi’s dad :)…i think you are going to be the honorary ‘father’ of the mutineer blog :)…and start growing the sideburns.. i’m bringing my camera with me.. the photos would be priceless 🙂
So, funny thing, a bit off-topic, but: the bass player on that song – Chocolate City – is desi. A skinny brown kid, hired in Toronto by George Clinton when some of his players, um, couldn’t get through customs. Clinton took him back to the US and toured all over with him and Bootsy Collins, and then misspelled his name on the album. Prakash became Perkash. sigh Anyhow, thought I’d give props to a family member.
Happy meetup!
You guys doing anything in New York next week? I’m thinking about having a Dippu meetup on Friday.. all five of our readers are invited.
Aw well, I temporarily got my hopes up as I’m in NYC at the end of Feb/early March but I’m leaving for Vegas on the 1st of March. I’m east coast last week of Feb then wesside till March 18th, so sort something out at some point. I DEMAND it.
YoDad writes: >>Shucks I thought I could start growing my sideburns and iron up my bellbottoms and put on my shades…
Now I can see where Abhi gets his (excellent) sense of humour from…
M. Nam
yay!!!!! I’m down pretty much any date in March, and I’d lurve to meet Abhi and Chick Pea too, so I wouldn’t mind a date change 😀
Are we sure that’s the genuine Abhi-senior? His name ain’t its normal hyperlink and he’s not normally given to using two exclamation marks at the end of sentences.
Where is Chocolate city? What is Chocolate city? I fell so left out!!! sigh…
I am down too. And I agree with kenyandesi. It’ll be super cool if Abhi and chick pea and the notorious bong breaker could be there as well. How’s that for a real mutiny?
[For some reason the mutiny song from Mangal Pandey (haven’t seen the flick properly but the track is a proper ear worm) is ringing in my head. Mangala Mangala Mangala…haha.]
FINALLY!!! I have been hatefully staring at all the pics on Anna’s flicker about all the meetups and now we can have our own!!!! Pick a date and I will brave the beltway to be there!
BB: Dude, you are really breaking all the bongs of sceptics. Plan to show up, and if I can attend this (of course together with my BETTER half (?), I assure you that I will show you lot more than double exclamations at the end !! !! Ha Ha..
Chocolate City = Washington DC
For a second, I thought you were referring to MY chocolate city where my birthday celebrations will go down on March 4th, coincidentally enough! [Three days late, but a party’s a party.]
Abhi’s dad at a meetup? Wow – now all the ladies will really start to come out of the woodwork!
Normally I get offered tea, so this granddaughter of a coffee grower is swooning even MORE over YoDad’s coolness. And baklava? I grew up in the Greek church– I had it way more often than jalebis or gulab jamuns. I think I’m going to faint from deliriousness. Abhi, how do you stand it?
opps how could I omit the great bong!! was confused as I skimmed the comments…so ANNA what’s the verdict, can we move this thing?
i don’t know. 🙁 bongsie is here in like, a week and is apparently leaving for the west coast soon after. maybe if we kept the date march 4th we could get bongbroken, but if we delay it to the 25th, abhi, chick pea and several others can make it. i have updated the post to reflect that– as of this morning, the meetup is on the 25th. perhaps bongsie is flying out from the right coast around then? 🙂
looking into flights.
🙂 whohoo… coffee, baklawa, abhi’s dad, anna, abhi, other cool people… damn.. i can’t wait 😉
How about we just move the whole thing to SF the last week of March? J is visiting, after all. Okay, I keed, I keed. 🙂 I’m just feeling left out.
In other news, I think I have figured out why Abhi hasn’t hosted a meetup in LA. All the meetups seem to have one thing in common. SO I think the plan is this: next time A N N A is visiting the left coast, we road trip it down to LA, hold Abhi hostage, forcing him to have an LA meetup.
Hey, it wouldn’t be an SM thread if we didn’t veer off-topic. 🙂
How about a NY meetup while BB is in town?
I’m all for a NY meetup. And, I promise to not be shy.
So Mr Breaker, can you make march 25?
great–i wont be here that weekend. i will be on the left coast. mut meetup, bay area folks, eh, eh?
i pray that it shall change again…perhaps to march 12. if not, i shall eagerly wait for the pics and update.
wow, chai the whole month is bad for you, eh? 😉
ooh ooh! finally… if i am in the country then I will DEFINITELY be there!!! (my company has been flirting with the idea of shipping me off for two wks for a quick project). i’ll be sure to stay tuned for any updates!
Aw, I leave the States March 18th.
I am really touched a few of you want to work me in but I am notoriously unreliable and I don’t want to throw a spanner in the works. Do what suits you (plural) and if I can make it, I’ll come. If it’s March 25th, I’ll be in South Africa thinking of you 🙂
Once again, thanks so much Anna, Kenyandesi, Nina and especially Msichana for calling me notorious, but don’t worry about me!
On another note, if anyone is up for a mini-meetup in NYC between Feb 25th and March 1st as Nina suggested, something could be arranged. I think I’ll be staying near Times Square, but I’m not in charge of accommodation. Let’s see what happens!
Sigh..that sucks. We’ll post pics that you can see and trash. hehe.
So, Anna…is March 25th a go?
are there any other cities on this blog that matter besides ny, dc, and sf? perhaps it just so happens that most or all of the staff are from those places. how’s someone in say Chicago or even Texas supposed to make these? I live in between bmore and dc btw. doesn’t chicago have the 2nd or 3rd biggest desi population of us cities?
Who peed in YOUR cheerios?
I’d be happy to host a meetup in Chicago if we could get enough people together, and somebody could suggest a venue.
then why on earth do you care? i love how the people from texas and chicago didn’t elect you to annoy the rest of us on their behalf, yet you chose to anyway. it takes a mutineer to host a meetup and the majority of mutineers live on the coasts– obviously there are going to be more events there.
I wonder if we could have something where we ask whos interested in meetups and where they live. that way we could find a way to acccomodate others. let’s see chicago what else? atlanta, houston, la……. at least 1 or 2 more. hmm maybe theres not demand.
then why on earth do you care? i love how the people from texas and chicago didn’t elect you to annoy the rest of us on their behalf, yet you chose to anyway. it takes a mutineer to host a meetup and the majority of mutineers live on the coasts– obviously there are going to be more events there.
oops ok ok forget i said anything. it was just a suggestion. i’m not saying anything has to be done. in fact maybe i’m off base. just throwing something out there. i don’t even post much anyway.
hmm maybe orlando or somewhere else in fla instead of atlanta.
i live in does ms.all mixed up.. that is all that is here (to our small knowledge pool).. and atl would def be a better meeting place than orlando… huh??? are you kidding me??? but i’ll drag my arse to dc for the meetup… why the heck not.. and if you live in between anyways, why the heck do you care? (i second eofia) i don’t get it..
vivo, it’s not, it’s a mutiny.
and while your statistics may be on par, as far as #s in desi disapora with regard to major US metros, the number of mutinous browns in said cities may be of a different proportion.
I’m all up for an NY meetup.
How about during the week after Feb 25th when BB is in town ??
if y’all interested we could start another thread or SM can lend some real estate to put it up.
Manish where are u ??…..”U the flyer of the SM flag in NYC” !!!………….
As re: the DC meet up…i just got an email from a fellow DC blogger. How does March 11th sound as an alternate date ?
Arzan, I think we’re going to stick with the end of March, b/c if it’s ever possible to have two or more mutineers at a meetup, we try. 🙂 Besides, it’s about time we took Abhi’s meetup cherry. 😉
I’d love to meet Bongsie– maybe we can do a mini-meetup in NYC while he’s here (read: drinks with our brother-in-blog from across the pond).
The bloggers’ meet that Arzan mentioned above is not a Sepia Mutiny sponsored event. It is a meeting of some fans of Arnab the Greatbong. He wants to hold this event in Union Station (somewhere) on the 11th of March from maybe noon to whenever (some details to be worked out). Some other prominent local bloggers will be there as well. It would be very nice if any Sepia Mutiny bloggers (Anna) came but this is not the Sepia Mutiny event. It will be announced on Greatbong’s blog once we have a few details settled.
Why not combine these events? Ask Arnab I guess. But both events will be loads of fun for sure.
Assertion: it is not a meeting for “Greatbong” fans—this makes me sound like some kind of cult leader. Ujval Gandhi (Desi Hokie) and Michael and I had been discussing a DC meet for quite some time and I had said that for me to make it the event would have to be after March 6th. And a central location (accessible by Metro) like Union Station. This has been tentatively fixed for March 11th—and I shall announce it on my blog.
Forgot to add…I am an Anna fan myself.