
I am a very patient man. Still, even I sometimes get tired of explaining to people who I am, what I am, where I come from, and what I am not. I found this on flickr, and think it would be perfect for those days when I just don’t want to go through the song and dance. It would make a great t-shirt:

121 thoughts on “RTFT-shirt

  1. amritdhari Sikhs aren’t “baptised” the same way gurdwaray aren’t churches. Don’t let orientalism get in the way of maintaining a sovereign Sikh identity.

  2. wait i thought a Amritdhaari was a baptized Sikh.. i though once guru ji gave you khanda de phul all ur bad kaarms are washed away… thats what the panj piyaree told us..

  3. dude, I hate you call you dense, but how many different ways can I say it?

    baptised is a word used for initiated Christians. Initiated Sikhs should not be called baptised, for they are amritdhari.

  4. I am going to have no sympathy for any Sikh who gets attacked for his turban. All this cave man chest beating over what some Guru said about the turban and trying to become a warrior for God is silly. So if you want to have your little crusade and refuse to cut your hair, then be prepared for the consequences. I actually used to think that Sikhs were reasonable people.

    I went through the thread using key words “turban” and “warrior for god”. There is nothing to substantiate your diatribe,… even remotely. by and large the discussion has been civil. are you getting off on all this, because this isnt funny. next time try using the head with the ears and type with both hands when posting.

  5. Mutiny Reader,

    I have no respect for people who invoke the name of some Guru to dress like a clown

    I am assuming that your statement is genuine and you are not here just as a way to “get attention”.

    Let me get this straight. Are you saying that you think people who wear one or more of the 5Ks in the mode of Guru Gobind Singh are “dressing like clowns” ?

    So you think Guru Gobind Singh looked like a “clown”. Is this correct ?

  6. I have no respect for people who invoke the name of some Guru to dress like a clown and then play the victim card.

    hmmm… – stroking my scruffy white beard – … hmmmm
    mutiny reader… are you sikh… stoking your own rage? or are you just trollign for hate? either way, young ‘un – you wont get very far. we’z go’n’a cut you off 🙂

  7. I am going to have no sympathy for any Sikh who gets attacked for his turban. All this cave man chest beating over what some Guru said about the turban and trying to become a warrior for God is silly. So if you want to have your little crusade and refuse to cut your hair, then be prepared for the consequences. I actually used to think that Sikhs were reasonable people.

    I have no respect for people who invoke the name of some Guru to dress like a clown and then play the victim card.

    shame, shame. such ignorance. the issue is about harrassment and disrespect, which happen to be targeted at sikhs right now. who ever posted that truly needs to learn respect for others and alot of maturity. Sikhs are much more worthy of resepct than you give credit for…such blind eyes. or mirror with broken refeflection.

    besides, the turbans protect some mighty brains. case in point – you don’t see sikhs coming and flaming/trolling your blogs!

  8. haha i love the ignorance……. just inspires me more… you know you can thank us Clowns… for it wasn’t the Clown’s 9th Guru that gave up his life.. and the 10th clown’s Guru that gave to us this clown uniform. instead of saying “namanskaar”, you’d be saying “As-Salaam-Alaikum”…. (no offense, just stating the truth)

  9. and the 10th clown’s Guru that gave to us this clown uniform. instead of saying “namanskaar”, you’d be saying “As-Salaam-Alaikum”…. (no offense, just stating the truth)

    Excellent point! I feel so bad for the 100 million plus Muslims in India. I wish the 10th Guru had come a few hundred years earlier, so everybody could have been non-Muslim.

  10. haha i love the ignorance……. just inspires me more

    yeah, we love laughing at you too. and that’s not inspiration. misnomer…..that’s ‘ Mała pamięć (umysł) z zbyt wiele (zbyt wielka ilość; za dużo) obliczają i komputer ‘.

  11. I feel so bad for the 100 million plus Muslims in India. I wish the 10th Guru had come a few hundred years earlier, so everybody could have been non-Muslim.

    “Another Reader” is referring to the fact that Aurangzeb was on a campaign of forcible conversion of Hindus (and Sikhs) to Islam. Guru Tegh Bahadur and, subsequently, Guru Gobind Singh initiated major events to prevent this from occurring en masse. It was not necessarily Islam per se which was the issue, but the fact that a) the conversion was forced, and b) the interpretation of Islam being promoted was the 17th & 18th Century version of what is currently called hard-line Wahabbism, not the more liberal Sufi interpretation.

  12. The T-shirt should have simply said: “I am not a Muslim, I am a Sikh” since that is the confusion in the west on seeing bearded turban-wearing men.