Artist attacked for blasphemy (Updated with images)

I was just reading about a painter whose work was called blasphemous and whose house was attacked by a mob of 90 militants as a result. They also attacked an art gallery that was showing his paintings and destroyed 28 of his canvasses. Two other painters whose work was displayed with his at a different gallery were also attacked. He has been the subject of repeated police investigations in the past, and was just booked by the police yesterday for offending religious sentiment.

It might surprise you to know that this is not a story of Islamic intolerance. Instead, this is a story about Hindu religious sensibilities offended by the work of one of India’s most famous painters, Muqbool Fida Husain, a man whose paintings were recently auctioned by Christie’s for $2 million a canvas.

Hindu groups objected to Husain’s pictures of Saraswati, Durga and Draupadi naked in 1996, when militants rioted, and are currently objecting to a painting of “mother India” naked:

Acknowledged as one of the living legends of Indian art, Maqbool Fida Hussain created a public furore by painting Hindu goddesses in the nude in 1996…. Hussain later apologised and said he had not meant to hurt the sentiments of any religious group. He even expressed his willingness to go before a committee of three persons – an art critic, a lawyer and a representative of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad – that could scrutinise his entire collection. Hussain said he would immediately destroy anything that the committee found objectionable. That suggestion was brushed aside as members of members of hard-line Hindu organisations ransacked the painter’s house in Mumbai and also manhandled artists outside a gallery in Delhi that had Hussain’s works on display. [Link]

the Shiv Sena … endorsed the Bajrang Dal’s attack on Husain’s home… Bal Thackeray said: “If Husain can step into Hindustan, what is wrong if we enter his house?”… [Link]

IN the October 11, 1996 incident, a group of Bajrang Dal activists forced their way into the Herwitz Gallery in Ahmedabad’s Husain-Doshi gufa, the well-known art complex. Armed with tridents and wearing saffron scarves, they intimidated a lone guard and destroyed about 23 tapestry items and 28 paintings which were on display there. The work destroyed included Husain’s series on Hanuman, a depiction of the Last Supper and the famous Madhuri Dixit series. [Link]



WARNING: Thumbnail versions of the offending images below the fold, click to see larger versions



In addition, Husain was investigated several times by the police for his paintings, although charges were never brought against him:

A few days before Hindutva fundamentalists vandalised Husain’s paintings in Ahmedabad, the Mumbai Police had registered a case against Husain under Sections 153-A and 295-A of the IPC. (Section 295A is concerned with deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs.)… [Link]

He is currently back in the news for stirring up controversy with his painting of a naked “Mother India”:

India’s most famous artist has apologised for a painting in which he represented the country as a nude goddess. Maqbool Fida Husain also promised to withdraw the controversial painting from a charity auction… India is often portrayed in popular culture and arts as a mother goddess. But the 90-year-old artist took that a controversial step further by painting the goddess without any clothes. In response, two hardline Hindu groups lodged formal police complaints. [Link]

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad has demanded that Husain be placed under arrest for hurting sentiments of the majority community. Meanwhile, state Bharatiya Janata Party president Nitin Gadkari has also extended support to the demand for Husain’s arrest, saying that the renowned painter has hurt religious sentiments. [Link]

So why didn’t these protests grow large in 1996, like those we see today in Arab countries? Well, protests have to be organized and fomented by groups – spontaneous protests are rare and don’t last very long without support. In this case, the Bajrang Dal was probably restrained by the BJP because of Husain’s high profile:

By 1955 he was one of the leading artists in India and had been awarded the Padma Shri. He was a special invitee along with Pablo Picasso at the Sao Paulo Biennial in 1971… Husain was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1973, the Padma Vibhushan in 1989 and was nominated to the Rajya Sabha in 1986. [Link]

He was also well supported by India’s intelligentsia, and it didn’t make sense for the BJP to let this go too far. Husain also apologized right away, and his investigation by the police probably assuaged many of those who had been offended at first. By contrast, it is in the interest of Islamicist leaders in the Middle East to continue to whip up protests, and Western newspapers are continuing to insist on their right to offend. The politics of the current Danish cartoon affair go a long way to explaining the difference in outcomes between the two cases.


Here is a list of paintings that Hindu groups found objectionable, their descriptions, and some links. The entire passage below is taken from a group that objected, so these are their interpretations of the photos:

The Obscene Paintings

Painting 1: Naked Sita on the long tail of Hanuman

In this painting Goddess ‘Sita’ and ‘Hanuman’ have been depicted in the nude. Sita was never rescued by Hanuman. Further, Sita is the icon of chastity for millions of Hindus all over the world. Here, Husain depicts Hindu Holy figures in violation of Hindu Holy Scriptures.

Painting 2: Lord Hanuman with His genitals pointing towards a woman having sexual intercourse

The title of the painting is Hanuman V. It shows a three faced Hanuman, and a nude couple in sexual intercourse. The erect genital of Hanuman is shown bent in the direction of the female.

(Critique of the ‘Hanuman V’ painting by noted critic, Shyamal Bagchi:
“While the brave and valiant Hanuman tries to concentrate on his meditation, the naked figures of Rama and Sita can be seen in the foreground…” Read more here.)

Painting 3: Hanuman opposite Sita sitting on the thigh of naked Ravana

This painting signed as ‘Hanuman 13’ by Husain shows naked ‘Sita’, sitting on the thigh of naked ‘Ravana’, while naked Hanuman is attacking him.

Painting 4: Naked Goddess Saraswati

Hindus regard Saraswati as the Goddess of knowledge, art and wisdom. She is worshipped as the one ‘wrapped in white, pure garment’. Showing Her naked is in violation of Hindu Scriptures.

Painting 5: Bull copulating with Parvati, with Shiva watching

Painting 6: Durga in sexual union with tiger

In this painting of Goddess ‘Durga’, she is not shown astride, but in sexual union with a tiger.

Painting 7: Naked Goddess Lakshmi on the head of an elephant

‘Lakshmi’ is also shown naked, perched on the head of an elephant.

Painting 8: Naked Krishna with His feet and hands cut off

Husain’s some other denigrating paintings of Deities (available for sale or exhibition on the Internet).

Related posts: Provocation, The Danish cartoon controversy, Husain’s record-setting art sale

112 thoughts on “Artist attacked for blasphemy (Updated with images)

  1. Kush Tandon: Thanks for your explanation, but I still cannot imagine Husain expanding human thought by drawing offensive stuff, the way Galileo did. Think about it for a minute. If an ordinary artist drew two people copulating, it’d be called PORN. But if Husain does this and labels the characters after Hindu deities, suddenly he’s pushing the limits of human thought? IMHO he’s making use of cheap tricks to gain publicity and increase the value of his paintings. And self-styled liberals hail him as a great mind who could venture where others didn’t !

    Also you completely missed my other point. Your logic on Dante is flawed. It is completely different from what I said! I didn’t say that only a Hindu can draw nude pictures of deities (compare it to your statement that only european christians can criticize Dante). Those statements DO NOT AGREE! Get it?

    Ennis: I ask this question without any hidden agenda. The prophet’s cartoon was censored when posted a couple of days back on your site (only linked to a picture on a diff. site, visible only when clicked on), but these offensive paintings find place in your site. What is the reason for that? (I’m curious, not trying to imply anything).

  2. if it was in the latter, and judged by the standards of the arab and muslim world, or china, it would be a paragon of tolerance still. if we hold her to higher standards, the results are more mixed.

    The Arab world itself is not a monolithic society either. The Human Rights situtation in Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia is a little different from the situation in Saddam’s Iraq, Syria or Saudi Arabia.

  3. How many Gujarat incidents have there been in China recently?

    china has no freedom of press, so you won’t hear about a lot of the things going on in the hinterlands. as a matter of fact, there was a massive riot in the hinterlands (sichuan i believe) between muslims and han, and the uighers are basically being ethnically cleansed from dzungharia. and we all know what has been going on in tibet for decades, the body count might not be millions, but it probably goes into tens of thousands in direct murders, and likely into the hundred thousand range in terms of byproduct deaths (starvation, disease, etc.).

    and the atrocity is not absolute. compare it what the hundreds of thousands who have died in the congo in the past 10 years and it is nothing. i’m not smug, i just know that several thousand people being killed in a short time doesn’t warrant attention in africa but it does in india. why? india is civilized, people don’t expect such things to happen. in africa it wouldn’t make it onto the AP wire.

  4. Folks,

    This stuff isn’t art, as far as art concerns itself with ridiculing the strong-held beliefs of a group of people. I was offended by his paintings, not because I’m religious but because I care about the people who have been upset and offended by the depiction of their deities in such a crude and uncalled for manner. You can’t give me some arty excuse to make me believe that what this guy has painted isn’t thoughtless and entirely innocent in its intentions. Whether its Danish newspapers offending Muslims or Muslim painters offending Hindus, anything that seeks to offend is wrong.

    Lets not make excuses for this guy just because his paintings are worth 2million each, how about shifting the focus to artists concerned with building positive bridges in society through their talents?

  5. India is civilised? Have you read the reports of what happened in Gujrart? Have you seen the pictures? Do you call a political culture that allows perpetrators of genocide to stay free, that uncovers mass graves of Muslims time after time, is that civilised?

    google: de-nazification.

  6. also, anti-zealot, india’s political culture isn’t that bad compared to the congo or china. are you getting hysterical because thousands of brown lives matter more than hundreds of thousands (millions) of africans? the world is a vale of tears, get some perspective. on god’s list of primitive goons the hindutva types aren’t at the top of the list. but yeah, india is probably on expectation half-civilized, though i suspect some parts of the country are more barbaric than others.

  7. observer,

    About “significance of human thought”. Please be aware I am not trying to be rude to you.

    At that time, Galileo was challenging what Roman Catholic Church stood for? He was a heretic. He was supposed to go through inquisition but was later put on house arrest for rest of his life.

    It is only 100s of years later we found out that he knew what he was talking about.

    Picassco’s Guernica is a grotesque painting and was a challenge to Spanish Civil War. Now, it is a national treasure and I know people who have openly claimed that it has had “deep life long impact” on them. It is now a symbol of freedom, ant-war, and democracy.

    Maybe, Hussian is a publicity hound. Who are we put brakes on him? Don’t like him, do not buy his paintings. Criticize him – But not use violence or censor him.

    A lot of pioneers challenge dogmas – Maybe, Hussian is not. But on principle, he get a free pass.

    Apriori we know nothing about “significance of human thought” – We cannot police such stuff

  8. Alrite.. My first post in sepia mutiny..

    Folks, MFHussain is 90 years old.. Give him credits for drawing at this age..

    Think about this.. Actually Hindus need to be proud that such a thing (a person professing Islamic faith to draw a caricature (demeaning to some Hindus)) can happen in India.. shows its tolerance and value system. I think whoever vandalised (in 1996 though, not now), actually bring bad name to Hindus/India..

    See this news item from Pakistan.. …. Extra vigil follows Koran riots
    Police used batons to break up Tuesday’s protests More soldiers have been deployed in the Pakistani city of Lahore a day after angry protests over reports that the Koran had been desecrated. Protesters set fire to a cinema and burned tyres after reports that pages from the Koran had been found in a drain in a wealthy residential area ….

    Do we really want this kind of stuff to happen in India?.. Read this from Arun Shourie..

    In Hussein’s case in particular, I feel that the youngsters who took offence missed a very vital point — not just about his painting but about his life. He is and has continued to be a Muslim. Now, as anyone who has read anything about the Prophet knows, the Prophet cursed and detested those who made representations of things. He put pictures at par with dogs, and, remember, he had all dogs killed. “The angels do not enter a house,” he declared on the authority of the angel, Gabriel, “which contains a dog or pictures.” Abu Huraira, the source of a large proportion of the hadis, states that God’s Messenger narrated that Gabriel had promised to visit him one day but didn’t turn up, and so, when he came the next day, the Prophet inquired as to what had happened. Gabriel, the Prophet narrated, said, “I came to you last night and was prevented from entering simply by the fact that there were images at the door, for there was a figured curtain with images on it and there was a dog in the house. So, order that the head of the image which is at the door of the house be cut off so that it may become like the form of a tree; order that the curtain be cut up and made into two cushions spread out on which people may tread; and order that the dog be put out.” “God’s Messenger,” the hadis concludes, “then did so.” His wife, Aisha tells us, “The Prophet never left in his house anything containing figures of a cross without destroying it.” She recalls how the Prophet reprimanded her for two cushions she had made because they contained pictures. The Prophet declared that those who made representations of things “will receive the severest punishment on the day of resurrection,” that “Everyone who makes representations of things will go to hell.” He declared them to be “the worst of God’s creatures.” He put them at par with “the one who kills a prophet, or who is killed by a prophet, or kills one of his parents.” [ Several other hadis, and of course several instances can be cited; for the few which have been quoted see, Mishkat Al-Masabih, Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore, Volume II, Book XXI, Chapter V, pp. 940-44. ]

    Hussein on the contrary has made painting images his very life. Therefore, in a very deep sense, his entire life is an endeavour to open an aperture in that wall of prohibitions. It has been a banner for liberalism, indeed for liberation.

    In sum, I am for Hussein, not for his champions;

    The position which Hussein’s champions have taken up is just the one which our society needs;

    We should hold them to their word, and have them stick by it in the case of one and all;

    And we should await the day when their muse will lead them to exercise their creative urge, “that one talent which is death to hide,” paint as freely and with as much abandon themes from all our religions and traditions.


  9. Has there been any state sponsored pogroms of minorities inside Pakistan since the formation of Bangladesh of the magnitude of Delhi (Sikh riots) or Gujarat (Muslim riots)? One reason for the lack of such state sponsored attacks might be due to the fact that there are no sizeable minorities in Pakistan living in large numbers in one area outside rural sindh. I guess Shias are a minority in Pakistan, but the attacks against them are more random/opportunistic/terrorist like where the state itself is not complicit.

    Bangladesh has had terrible Anti-Hindu riots. I dont know about the involvement of the state machinery in these anti-hindu riots in Bangladesh, but they are pretty bad and well organized.

    I think India is worse than Pakistan in this regard as Pakistan has not had Members of Parliament lead mobs against a minority (Delhi), where the PM (Delhi) or the CM (Gujarat) do nothing but actually help the rioters (Gujarat) and wide scale state complicity from the planning of the riots to the execution.

  10. Where is the de-Nazification taking place in Indian political culture Razib?

    dude, you didn’t get my point! if you google de-nazification you will see what a sham it was. my point was to put your horror at india’s political class in perspective. god is dead and evil lives, i don’t privilege the lives of muslim indian children anymore than black christian children eaten by congolese rebels in the congo. my tears are finite, and i’m not going to share your particular outrage because there are many others that rank ahead of it on the chain of evil being.

    you asked about china, and i gave you examples. manish gave you more. hindutva is not the apotheosis of primitivism in this world, that is all.

  11. debauch, i think the pakistan gov. genocide against bangladeshis was strongly biased toward hindus. even if a death toll in the millions is exaggerated (probably) it probably is big enough to count as a big credit to the “evil” bank accunt.

  12. At a certain level, voters in Delhi are Palestinian Lite. Voters in Delhi elected Parliamentarians who actually led mobs against the Sikhs in Delhi in the Anti-Sikh riots. Voters in Palestine elected Hamas members who sent suicide bombers to blow up Israelis.

  13. Looks like anti-zealot has an agenda today-except it isn’t really clear. I don’t see how gujarat riots figure in with representations of religious icons and figures. This isn’t about riots-this is related to the cartoon controversy.

    Can we focus now?

  14. you asked about china, and i gave you examples. manish gave you more. hindutva is not the apotheosis of primitivism in this world, that is all.

    Well put. If some ‘anti-zealots’ think that this means we are in some way excusing the Hindutva atrocities, they need to get their logic (and head, perhaps) checked.

  15. all the better to pat people on the head and describe them as hysterical for bringing this up.

    you are hysterical if you try and compare india to china and imply that the latter is somehow not as bad as the former. the chinese have gotten bad press for executing prisoners for hong kong’s organ industry for god’s sake. you seem to know a lot of about atrocities perpetrated by the indian gov, but why should i care more about that than what’s going in other places? time is finite, i allocate outrage.

  16. debauch, i think the pakistan gov. genocide against bangladeshis was strongly biased toward hindus. even if a death toll in the millions is exaggerated (probably) it probably is big enough to count as a big credit to the “evil” bank accunt.

    I was wondering about a post-Bangladesh genocide which happened inside Pakistan. I guess one could reasonably argue that the Pakistani government is complicit in the ethnic cleansing of the Pandits from the Kashmir valley.

  17. well, you could also check the ahmaddiya websites on the web. they get shat on a lot more than shia for various reasons, and there are around a 1 million or so of them.

  18. Wow – look how fast the Hindutvadis come out of the woodwork throwing phrases like ‘communist’ about.

    ??? Frontline is a known commie rag in india. Again for some even russia wasnt really communist. Regarding mf hussain yes bajrang dal and shivsena did march in and violated his rights. Not that i care about what hussain paints he can paint what ever he wants, I dont want his work to be displayed in any function where taxpayer money or my money shows up. A proper way is to not support the schools where he shows up. He does get around and visits college, highschools. If you donate money to your schools back in india, you can see and threaten to withdraw your money(works better if you represent an alumnus org) He was stopped from visiting delhi public school this way. A few parents and a few alumsn wrote lettera saying they would consider withdrawing thier kids or their donations if he is allowed to come to school and it worked they did back down. That is the proper way, throw wrenches in any exhibition which has government support and dont support any org that decides on supporting his exhbition or him in any way. Pretty soon you’d have the frontline and arundhati paying their bills, better them than me.

  19. I don’t see how mass graves are related to this- no one disputed the violence that occurred or that it was wrong.

    Hindutva fascism as you call it – it is rather small scale [albeit one Hindus can do without] vs Islamic fascism on 12 rather tame cartoons of Muhammad vs bull copulation. Had it been Muhammad instead of Parvati/Shiva, all hell would have broken loose by now. And I don’t recall Hindus asking Muslim religious heads of India for an apology- because the idea is absurd.

  20. Now I know, if it is not on Razib’s radar, it is ‘hysteria’ and relativised to the point of irrelevancy. What moral decrepitude.

    ok, last comment: you tried to compare india to china as if there is a comparison between the two nations in terms of their human rights record. the implication is that somehow india is a peculiar barbarity that rises above the savage frey. my contention is simply that it doesn’t, that it exhibits regional rwanda-lite outrages. in fact, india has a political/social class which actually attacks barbarism indigenously, while, to compare, china’s has had to flee. you said: “The atrocity is so absolute Razib that it begs you to ask questions of the Indian polity and the total impunity with which genocidal thugs can stay in power.” it isn’t “so absolute” or unimaginable, there’s a lot worst shit out there, that’s that. you smell like you took the hindutva vector and flipped the sign, but the magnitude remains the same.

  21. Times change, and people change. Things that were found offensive centuries ago may not be so now, and vice versa. Just because people sculpted nude figures in temples doesn’t mean we should ignore the sensitivities of the present day people.

    You are correct that people change over time. Hindus need to become less prudish, more liberal, more pragmatic and less reliant on superstition and mythology if our religion is to survive.

    Hussain highlights the trivial nature of hindu myths which is part of the reason why I like him even though I am Hindu.

    I think the Mahabharat, Ramayana etc deserve respect as great hindu literaray works but hindus need to stop taking things literally and realize that there is much more to hindu thought.

    Greater liberalism is a direction that hindus need to move into in order to be successful. I view this is a step in the right direction, though other hindus may disagree.

    Face it – every desi religion has a gleam of thuggery in it.

    And non-desi religions like Islam and Christianity are bastions of peace and enlightenment. Right ?

    Face it, on average Indian communists are bigger zealots than hindus. If this was a painting of Mohammamed and Jesus engaging in homosexual intercourse made by a hindu artist, the communists would be up in arms overit.

  22. If this was a painting of Mohammamed and Jesus engaging in homosexual intercourse made by a hindu artist, the communists would be up in arms overit.

    How about gandhi and jinnah engaging in the act?

  23. well, you could also check the ahmaddiya websites on the web. they get shat on a lot more than shia for various reasons, and there are around a 1 million or so of them.

    Good example. I do know some Ahmadis who were kicked out of Pakistan in the 80’s and are now settled in the US. Actually thats an excellent example of state action against minorities in Pakistan. As I understand, when Zia took over, he purged the military of Ahmadiyyas including those who were in high ranking positions. Of course we all know about the Bangladeshi radicals burning down Ahmadiya mosques in Bangladesh. Ahmadis might be the most beleaguered minority in South Asia today.

  24. Guru Gulab Khatri – I liked your comment on showing your protest. Reasonable and do-able.

  25. Dude, what does this have to do with communism/US/Israel/Hamas?

    I just wanted to point out to the author about Frontline magazines’ hypocratic stand on extremism. They were very critical of fundamentalist BJP when it came to power in India wheras Hamas who actually is militant, is glorified as vitorious. This adds up one more evidence against the communists as being anti-Hindu and anti-US as well.

  26. Ahmadis might be the most beleaguered minority in South Asia today.

    itz cuz they say they are muslim and they aren’t (or are muslim, i don’t know). one of my parents’ closest friends from bangladesh are an ahmadi couple, they tell us all about it.

    Anti Zealot, you’re a christopher john. asshole.

  27. Razib,

    I feel for Ahmadiyas.

    Greatest scientific minds from South Asia – CV Raman, S. Bose, Ramajuan, S. Chandrashekar, and Abdus Salam.

    An incredible mind with a humble heart – Abdus Salam was an Ahmadiya.

    He also did lot for Third World science and scientists also.

  28. kush, the irony is that he is often counted as a great muslim scientist, when in pakistan ahmadiya’s aren’t defined as muslim (they consider themselves muslim of course).

  29. But they don’t barbecue human beings by the mass grave tonne – unlike your Hindutvadi thug heroes.

    Now who is relativising the primiticism, dude??

    Let me paraphrase you in this context:

    “Don’t mention the communist thuggery and killings in West Bengal and Kerala, because it is worse in the Hindutva side.”

  30. A.Zealot,

    You are either for relativising or against it (its like freedom of speech 😉 ). Dont be a bigot and relativise some things but not others. Take a chill pill.

  31. But they don’t barbecue human beings by the mass grave tonne – unlike your Hindutvadi thug heroes.

    Typical Indian communist propoganda:

    • Stalin was a gentle, progressive human rights activist who worked for the betterment of his commarades, while the American capitalist pigs were busy starving their people and digging mass graves.
    • Mao’s cultural revolution in China brought a time of great prosperity, while Deng Xiaoping’s capitalist reforms are destorying the country and reducing the standard of living.
    • And Kim Jong Il has empowered North Korea to fight agianst western imperialism, while those capitalist South Korean sellouts rot in hunger, famine and poverty.

    Western communists bend over backwards to reaffirm their ideology, but their Indian comrades take cognative dissonance to a whole new level.

    Then they resort to childish name calling when someone points out the obvious.

    How about gandhi and jinnah engaging in the act?

    Or Bush and Bin Ladin. Or Hitler and Churchill. Henry the 8th and the Pope. I am all for the idea, it’s too bad I can’t draw…

  32. My favorite blogger is atanu dey. Vinod Khosla fans, he has coauthored a paper with him. Heres what he had to say on the matter

    MF Hussain is free to paint whatever he wants to paint and however ugly his paintings are, it is protected. It is interesting that he would happily paint nude Hindu goddesses but will not paint Islamic icons. Interesting but understandable because if he did the latter, he would be sent to make his maker, as Monty Python would say. Bereft of life, he would rest in peace eternal. All statements to the effect that the artist known as MFH is still a going concern would from that point on become inoperative. He will become a dead artist.
  33. Ahmadis might be the most beleaguered minority in South Asia today.

    Surely it’s the Dalits… but Ahmadiyyas are close behind.

  34. Anti-Zealot:

    Face it – every desi religion has a gleam of thuggery in it.


    And non-desi religions like Islam and Christianity are bastions of peace and enlightenment. Right ?

    Islam and Christianity are desi religions. Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs are also desis, right? Or what are you trying to say here?

  35. Dalit Minority, since when ???

    About Ahmadiyas, few I met seemed like good guys. I don’t know why the persecution. May be Pakistani rulers were indulging in favourite trick of any politician, that is distraction.

    Regarding Bajrang Dal, what they are doing is reprehensible, irony is that it will provide fodder to Hindu baiters like communists.

    I find the pictures offensive, but vandalising is not a way to go about it. May be Hindus need another Mahatma Gandhi.


  36. May be Hindus need another Mahatma Gandhi.

    Sure more temper tantrum throwing baldy saying hum khana nahin khayenge agar tum hamaare baat nahin manoge.

  37. GGK,

    Well better than vandalising right? I don’t agree with his philosophy (I think Gandhian Socialism is BS just like Nehruvian Socialism). I was talking about his method, ofcourse it can be said that he was indulging in emotional blackmailing.


  38. Islam and Christianity are desi religions. Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs are also desis, right? Or what are you trying to say here?

    I thought he was alluding to the violent hindu thuggee cults, and suggesting that all religions originating in south asia had elements of that barbarism in them.

    Desi Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc are desis, of course.

  39. It sounds a little weird when Indians call someone a ‘commie’. Its something only regularly used in arguments by a certain section of the American population. I wonder if people have incorporated this in their lingo from exposure to American blogosphere/culture and is only an internet thing or whether people are commonly referred to as ‘commies’ in India as well.

  40. Perspective – esp for Christopher John a.k.a. anti-zealot.

    Hindu thugs and deranged hooligans recently burnt down a library in Maharshtra containing priceless manuscripts because of a book showing ‘disrespect’ to ‘Hindu Warrior’ Shivaji.

    Divya did point out that these were actually anti-Hindu thugs. Completely unknown before this incident and unheard of later. They burnt down the library not because of the denigration of a Hindu king but of a Maratha king and because to them the library represented Brahminical condescension of an anti-religious folk hero. This is the opposite of Hindu nationalism. To say that this is hair-splitting is like saying that the Brits killed Jews in the genocide and then shrugging off the correction. In short, you are an idiot. Also somewhat unhealthily obsessed with showing up Razib. Get some air.

  41. GGK, Well better than vandalising right?

    No if some one else has taken over your runs it how he wants to run it and refuses to leave, then my bapu would get strike the lathi in the intruders groin.

  42. It sounds a little weird when Indians call someone a ‘commie’. Its something only regularly used in arguments by a certain section of the American population. I wonder if people have incorporated this in their lingo from exposure to American blogosphere/culture and is only an internet thing or whether people are commonly referred to as ‘commies’ in India as wel

    Nonsense! again it shows that you have no knowledge of indian political scene, may be cause you ape americans you expect every one else to be at the same level as you

  43. sorry messed up applying tags in comment 110


    Well better than vandalising right?

    No if some one else has taken over your house runs it how he wants to run it and refuses to leave, then my bapu would get strike the lathi in the intruders groin.

  44. Boy, I went away for a few hours to go work out and already this place is sounding like a nursery school.


  45. debauch, well, india has had democratically elected communist parties for a while though. so communism is alive there in a way it isn’t in the USofA. but, it gets confusing, as ‘commie’ is an epithet with particular connotations here.

  46. Nonsense! again it shows that you have no knowledge of indian political scene, may be cause you ape americans you expect every one else to be at the same level as you


    Calm down!

    I did not pronounce a judgment one way or the other on Indians who use this term. I was wondering about the origin of this word and its usage in the Indian context. I also made a speculation about whether this expression was ‘borrowed’ from the US.

    I have already stipulated as to my lack of knowledge and that is why I asked a question instead of making a declarative statement. Now you need to calm down, before you completely lose your mind and commit random acts of violence on yourself and on people close to you.

  47. but, it gets confusing, as ‘commie’ is an epithet with particular connotations here.

    Exactly! I get the feeling that Indians who use this term are duplicating the American popular culture connotation which might be out of place in India.