Guest Blogger: Siddhartha Mitter

I found our newest guest blogger sitting under a Bodhi Tree in a snow covered park near our world blogging headquarters in North Dakota. For one who had made such a long journey, an invitation to guest blog seemed very appropriate. As I approached him he simply said, “I had been expecting your arrival.” Please welcome one ill Hindu: Siddhartha Mitter.

I am an independent writer on topics including politics, music, food, race, globalization, and cultural change. After academic training in the politics and economics of developing countries, I worked on electric utilities in West Africa, and then spent six years in research and consulting work in the global energy industry. In 2002 I shed these layers to regain my creative freedom. [Link]

Yes, we have found that people who end up in our bunker have shed themselves of material things and chosen to take the blogastic vows that we too hold dear.

26 thoughts on “Guest Blogger: Siddhartha Mitter

  1. Welcome to the Mutiny, Siddhartha. May your lotus-positioned meditations give you the supernatural degree of enlightenment required in order to comment with utter clarity and conviction on the universe, spirituality, the chaos of modern life, and Rani Karnik’s endless legs.

  2. welcome.

    What do you think of Enron thing in India – as you have electric utilities background in developing countries? Some people are discussing it @

    I do say hi to SL from time to time.

  3. Wooo! Welcome to the guest spot Siddhartha, some words of encouragement then:

    I know you wanna ride You a star and it shows What’s happening? What’s up? What’s up? Let’s go!

    Shake dat laffy taffy Dat laffy taffy

    That was a great article 🙂

  4. great pick for guest blogger! I’m very excited for siddhartha m to serve up some fresh culture-snark

  5. i listened to your august 2005 npr radio piece back in august and i thought the historical context that you provided about the turban was phenomenal. and now i’ve found you here! i am looking forward to reading your stuff.

  6. aw yeah! siddhartha’s one hella wise dude. nice choice!

    incidentally, auntie mallumolu would just like it noted for the record that siddhartha kutta’s initials match those of The Mutiny. a match made in heaven.

  7. does siddhartha’s head shot count as SM meeting the quota of offering eye-candy/cupcake boys? 😉