Oy, I’m Getting Farklempt…

Tawk amongst yourselves. I’ll give you a topic.

The Mutiny is neither mute nor tiny, discuss.

Fine, you want that I should give you another topic? Discuss what’s…below. πŸ˜‰

porno ikea.jpg

Yeah, I’ll BET it’s “easy to take home”. Oh, it’s just too easy to keep going with this…[Thanks, Dinesh]

83 thoughts on “Oy, I’m Getting Farklempt…

  1. Hee Hee! That’s some funny shit, although the word “pieces” next to it makes me squirm.

  2. works for me. w00t firefoxy macs! πŸ˜‰

    i keed, i keed! unfortunately, i’m just the glitter around here. we’ll have to ask the vij. i have no idea why it’s not working for you and i’m sorry it isn’t. the only consolation we have is…you can still see the essential information, linky or not. πŸ˜‰

  3. slightly off-topic but these pseudo-scandi names just get my go-insert umlaut-t.
    I’m buying a couch and these are all priced by the fabric and color… anda is $599, bonda is $629, coondu is $519, dandu is etc… frig… why cant they be green, blue, red, plain … instead of making it even more complicated… i hate shopping.
    on the flip side they do have very attractive and perky salespersons, piercings and all.

  4. mmm… yes… dipped in batter and fried… i’ve eaten an egg bonda as well… axually … I’m more a vada-phan though… the bonda gets messy… yum… a fresh fried vada dipped in hot sambhar … and a cup of kaapee in a little bowl… ahh… memories of madras.

  5. isn’t “bonda” a fried snack? made with potato? like vada? πŸ˜€

    bonda is indeed that (potato among other things… but mmm fried goodness). i’m surprised none of the south indian restaurants here in the valley refer to their “pakoras” as bondas.

    it’s also a good nickname for an overweight child… notice the semblance of shape…

  6. Easy to take home; comes in four boxes.
    Easy to keep clean with a removable,machine washable cover.
    Casters make the furniture easy to move when cleaning or re-arranging.
    Reversible back cushions. Plain on one side and patterned on the other.
    Extra covers are available for variation and renewal.
    Seat with spring core for lasting comfort.

    read the letters backwards… it’ll be very funny.



    What’s a nice Mallu girl like you posting links like this…I mean how did you know? πŸ˜‰ ;-).

    On second thoughts, I suppose only a Payal would fail to see the humour in this.

  8. it’s also a good nickname for an overweight child… notice the semblance of shape.

    absolutgcs: That was going to be my answer, since ANNA already figured out the obvious.

    But that is some fudged up stuff. I wonder who is responsible for naming stuff and if they acctually knew wtf it acctually meant.

    For all we know it could be some desi who did not get a raise.

  9. Anna, What’s a nice Mallu girl like you posting links like this…I mean *how* did you know? πŸ˜‰ ;-).

    Never underestimate the power of brown. Specially the good looking ones πŸ˜‰

  10. I don’t get it!! Whats the big joke? Somebody explain…..

    “Lund” translates as Penis “Valla” translates loosely as “person” normally associated with a trade of some sort.

    So a “Lund Valla” is a person whose trade is somehow making use of his penis.

  11. hahahahhaaa…….i have to share this page with my friend. lol. we’re alsways making lund jokes. btw, he also explains to me that a bulla is the same as a lund, and i truly think he’s mistaken. so i have to ask, is he right?

  12. “he also explains to me that a bulla is the same as a lund, and i truly think he’s mistaken. so i have to ask, is he right?”

    When I was in school, a bulla (also sometimes pronounced bolla) refered to a punch to the lund, not the lund itself.

  13. When I was in school, a bulla (also sometimes pronounced bolla) refered to a punch to the lund, not the lund itself.

    ok, thanks. lol..that give a whole new edge to references of 10 inch long bullas. lol.

    all of a suden, i’m hungry for nuts.

  14. wow- this conversation is pretty juvenile. for those desis who grew up or live in sweden (and yes, there are plenty of us, including even in the student population, http://www.aisl.cyd.liu.se/, not just “token brown guys” on university sites) the term is simply a fancy word for couch. ikea is from sweden, by the way. it is pronounced loond vaala- lund is an orchard (where apples grow) and valla means to be grazing. so it’s a term for relaxation. never thought to see such cultural ignorance from my own people. i’m ashamed you find so much fun in making potty humor of someone else’s language. this is like picking on someone for his accent or the jokes that clowns make in second standard.

  15. Pliese-a ffurgeefe-a oos, uh eeleeghteeid pirsun ffrum zee eecy nurzeern vestis, ve-a vuoold nifir meke-a ffoon uff uny uzeer neshun’s pruood und unceeeet heestury, uh nu nut oos, bork bork bork.

  16. oohhh well…we all have to be a bit juvie once in awhile! tom, that list of yours is a hoot!

    bork bork…pricelessssssssssssss…

    always loved the swedish chef!

  17. It took me a full 10 secs to get the dirty joke. Damnit girl, you nasty! πŸ™‚

    Ok…quick one…what do they call the special place where all IKEA pieces go to die? Lund Valla-halla.

    Incidentally, Lund is a very good Swedish university. Some, really smart people there. Having said that, it was a bit of a shock to come across the name the first time. Now I know it just means Couch College.

  18. Stooopid ones:

    Q. Why is it easy to do research in Lund University? A. They have a big endowment πŸ™‚

    Q. Why is Lund good for grad school? A. Comprehensive financial-aid package.

  19. Reminds me of going to Poland a few years back, and seeing “Osram” light bulbs. In Polish this translates as “I shit all over…”, only lacking a noun to make the circle complete. Happy happy joy joy !

  20. Oh my god…I clicked on this link clueless to what it meant….but after reading the comments….!

    I’m blushing! ;D

  21. i’m ashamed you find so much fun in making potty humor of someone else’s language.

    yes, yes, yes. i am an ugly american. now if you’ll excuse me, since you said “potty” i suddenly have the uncontrollable urge to go watch the scene in “dumb and dumber” in which harry takes a massive, loud dump. bork bork bork!

    lighten up, kid. we’re not retarded. we know ikea is swedish— those meatballs and lingonberry everything in the cafeteria kind of tipped us off. (damn. now i want some daim.) this post expresses innocent glee at a brilliant coincidence. your orchard grazing in sweden IS allowed to mean something entirely different in another language. we’re not laughing AT the swedes, we’re laughing because of them. bork bork. πŸ˜‰

  22. Rahul,

    We know ‘Lund’ is pronounced ‘Loond’ as in ‘Loon-d’ and not ‘Lund’ as in penis in Punjabi. We are not mocking the accent of Swedes which now that you bring it up, is immensely mockable πŸ˜‰

  23. Anna, can I laugh at the Swedes? PLEASE?

    uh…no. that would be juvenile and second-standard-clownish, much like me. πŸ˜‰

  24. maybe I’ve just got my mind in the gutter, but ANNA I could swear you said “meatballs and lingam-berry” and that just set me off with the juvenile locker-room giggles all over again. heh.

    If english speakers can make fun of Madhuri Dixit’s last name, we can make fun of Swedish furniture.

  25. Speaking of the Great University of Lund, I was looking up the University and came across:

    Education is free: In Sweden, with few exceptions, tuition fees for students are fully subsidised by the state, regardless of their nationality. SwedenÂ’s public spending on education is the OECDÂ’s highest, at 4.9% of GDP. And because it costs to live in Sweden, foreign students can work while studying. English is spoken by all: Almost all Swedes speak fluent English. Many Swedish companies use English as their official working language. Foreign students find that this prevalence of English makes adapting to their new surroundings much easier.

    Sounds like a sweet deal to me.

  26. absolutgcs: That was going to be my answer, since ANNA already figured out the obvious. But that is some fudged up stuff. I wonder who is responsible for naming stuff and if they acctually knew wtf it acctually meant. For all we know it could be some desi who did not get a raise.

    Was his name Bose D.K.? Sorry couldnt resist that one πŸ˜›

  27. 1] hehehehe

    2] well… now you can get the chair and other fabulous products in India–just have your carpetner make it for you! read this. on the bright side you dont even have to assemble it yourself!

    3] desidancer:

    If english speakers can make fun of Madhuri Dixit’s last name, we can make fun of Swedish furniture.

    that totally brings all the trauma of elementary school back! ugh…

  28. Ok I knew my lack of Punjabi skills was a hindrance, I always figured I would one day get my arse in gear and take lessons. However it is only through SM’s 5 star edmucation programme do I learn about the true extent of the piss-taking opportunities missed as a result of my linguistic ineptitude. No prizes for guessing the name of my Swedish room mate’s home university during a recent year long academic exchange!!!

  29. DDiA,

    Incidentally, Lund is a very good Swedish university. Some, really smart people there. Having said that, it was a bit of a shock to come across the name the first time. Now I know it just means Couch College.

    It’s an indication of the state of this thread, and my impression of your (actually very good) sense of humour, that I initially thought you’d written “Crotch College” πŸ˜‰

  30. My favorite cross cultural misunderstand of this sort has to do with the French town of Condom. Visiting tourists love getting their photographs taken around any sign with the town name, but this baffled the locals at first since they don’t call rubbers condoms in French, so they had no idea what was so funny.

  31. A man running for office in my area a few years back had signs all over the place which said something to the effect of, “Do what’s best for our children! Vote for Dick Lund.”


    There’s also a house in our area that I drive by almost every day. They have a lovely wood sign engraved outside with their last name and house number. “Lund 112”. I don’t know why it still makes me chuckle. Maybe it’s the potty mouth in me, maybe it’s the mid-90’s r&b nostalgia… who knows.

  32. maybe I’ve just got my mind in the gutter, but ANNA I could swear you said “meatballs and lingam-berry” and that just set me off with the juvenile locker-room giggles all over again. heh.

    that’s MEATY balls and lingam berry! man…those little suckers just got yummier!

  33. After spending a large part of yesterday’s afternoon at Ikea Houston (and almost purchasing a Kakao plant pot among other things), this post is funny. Especially if Ikea is going to sell to a growing global market, how can some of the transliteration not come off as humorous in various languages? I like the “Ask Anna” option.

  34. Jai, I should not be surprised. I nearly read that as Cooch myself. Different strokes for different folks. Oops, did I say strokes?

    I feel like I am back in freshman year. sigh

  35. After spending a large part of yesterday’s afternoon at Ikea Houston (and almost purchasing a Kakao plant pot among other things), this post is funny. Especially if Ikea is going to sell to a growing global market, how can some of the transliteration not come off as humorous in various languages? I like the “Ask Anna” option.

    They already sell a very good desk called the “Jerker” in the US.

  36. Rahul, for whatever its worth. This type of “confusion” is a world wide phenomenon.

    For instance. 1. Check this oxymoronic name of a movie star from motherland. I remember this star had a site maintained by fans.

    1. Would you attend one of their concerts without one of these.

    2. Oh, and I recall the Arabic Newspapers had a great time reporting the 1996 presidential elections (in USA) apparently Dole in Arabic means the Γ‚β€œSwedish translation of couch” in hindi/punjabi/urdu.

    A good place to verify and enhance your cussing vocabulary is this . Quite helpful in venting out at IRS as one prepares ones taxes.

  37. Hey Swede boy Rahul,

    Don’t get too incensed. If you go through the pages here, you will notice that we tend to laugh at everything. I consider myself cultured but didn’t know that Lund (chortle) meant an orchard. So, relax. We are just having fun here. I walk into Ikea and laugh at the names all the time. That doesn’t mean that I am racist. I’m sure that there might be some things that Americans say that you wouldn’t have a clue about. That’s why it’s all good fun!

    Madhuri’s last name still cracks me up. However, this name takes the cake. I had a white co-worker who was dating an indian boy called ‘Hardik’. Can you imagine the fun when she started, ‘I had the most amazing time with HarDik last night’ or ‘What HarDik wants, HarDik gets’ etc etc. Bless her heart..and his parents.

  38. Super thread.

    But isn’t it going on a little…er…long?

    In any case, Condom, France notwithstaning, the world champion is surely this.

  39. My very first week in the US, I rented an apartment and in front of the complex was a large sign — “Eklund Management”. Never could look at the caretaker without that coming into mind after that.