It’s a Boy: Naveen Joshua Andrews

naveen_andrews_98.jpgThe tip line is burning up with news from readers about the latest scandal to put the drama in ABC’s hit “Lost“. I was ready to credit one of you helpful email-senders for this post, but it turns out Lulloo beat you to it. Who cares, pour some tea, call your neighbor and start gossiping!

Naveen Andrews, who plays Mystery Island’s resident Iraqi Republican Guardsman Sayid Jarrah, has admitted that he fathered a child last year while briefly separated from longtime companion, Barbara Hershey.

Andrews’ publicist released a statement to E! Friday saying that Andrews, 36, and Hershey, 57, “quietly” split for a period early last year, during which Andrews had a fling with another woman. He recently learned that he is the father of her baby boy.[E!]

No worries, Sayid fans. Your boy intends to do the right thing AND stick with his Hershey Bar…ba..ra:

“Andrews has every intention of assuming appropriate responsibility for the child and proceeding with all integrity in this matter,” the statement says.[E!]

Who’s calling Naveen her baby-daddy? A Czech acting student who met the star at a New York bar. Nope, I didn’t intend to rhyme.

The baby’s mother is pretty student Elena Eustache, who has alleged in the past that…he regularly flew her to the Lost set in Hawaii for love-making sessions.[tabloid]

That’s one way to conceive of “room service”. Anyway, she said they were hooking up for a year. He said something which sounded like a forgettable Shaggy song featuring Rik Rok. The paternity test proved that indeed, it WAS him.

When Elena announced she was six months pregnant following a year-long affair with Naveen, the actor denied those claims, branding her claims of an affair as “ridiculous.” Elena claims Naveen told her that his relationship with Hershey was over…[tabloid]

Sigh. Who knew you couldn’t trust boys you meet in bars, who are on the rebound?? I think we’ve all learned something here today (besides “The Pill is only effective when taken”).

29 thoughts on “It’s a Boy: Naveen Joshua Andrews

  1. Your boy intends to do the right thing AND stick with his Hershey BarÂ…ba..ra

    I think it’s his Hershey Bar stick that’s at the root of all his problems.

  2. Uncles and Aunties everywhere shake their heads while tut-tutting, and mutter “This is what happens when you don’t get your son married off to a nice homely girl from India by the time he’s 25…..”

    By the way, Anna — What happened to 55Friday last week ?

  3. I just dislike his continuous ‘wog’ comments and bizarre self-loathing. Knocking up random girls, cheating and shagging your teacher are things all celebs do, why should we hold him to a different standard because he’s a wog brown? I’d be surprised if he had been better behaved. Still, not as naughty as Boris Becker. And at least Naveen got a year of sex out of it, whereas Boris got a new kid after only 5 seconds of fun. And Boris is as popular as ever. Celebs exist in a different moral universe. Although if they were really split, I guess Naveen hasn’t been that naughty.

  4. Yea, leave him alone…I love seeing him in Lost (freakin so addictive this show is…its creators are the ultimate masters of the televised drama cocktease) and he’s one of the few brownies we’ve got on TV… I agree with Jai…this judgmenet of his morality is not any of your business; it’s more of a factor of our ingrained gossipy judgemental attitude passed down from our parents (making a vast generalization, i know)…those in glass houses…I mean I’ve gotta a cousin who cheated on his wife when they were separated (yea, our family only enjoys talking about that with very close family members, but oddly enough its kept quite on the down low with others), and he’s a great guy…And I’m sure many of you guys have a relative somewhere with some similar problems…Naveen’s just a squirrel tryin’ to bust a nut…let him be to deal with his woman issues; judge him on his acting….Now Tom Cruise…that’s a different story…he’s a complete looney. Feel free to judge his personal life all you want. Katie Holmes: “help mee….kill meee.”

  5. …Naveen’s just a squirrel tryin’ to bust a nut…

    Ha! He’s too cute of a squirrel to be so raunchy!

    (And this is really mean but I sort of secretly hope Katie Holmes gets postpartum depression, just so Tom Cruise can see what a stupid asshole he is.)

  6. Nah, post-partum PSYCHOSIS, far more interesting. Who knows, maybe she’ll go crazy and beat him up.

    Are you saying cute squirrels can’t be raunchy?

  7. Sigh. Who knew you couldn’t trust boys you meet in bars, who are on the rebound?? I think we’ve all learned something here today (besides “The Pill is only effective when taken”).

    AMEN to that!!!

  8. he is indeed quite cute in that pic, but his sexploits don’t sell me. the badboy image is only fun for so long before it gets old. better check the expiration date on that boy. good, innocent boys are much more fun in the longrun. i’ll take rabbi, thanks. 🙂

  9. This dude looks like a total choora/bhangi/shudra by his mug…shows that Americans will really fall for anything

  10. This dude looks like a total choora/bhangi/shudra by his mug…shows that Americans will really fall for anything

    Sour grapes perhaps? Why don’t you put a mug of yourself up and we’ll be the judge of who looks like a “choora/bhangi/shudra”! You can take an Indian out of India but you need to beat the shit out of some Indians to get some of this kind of India out of them.

  11. “This dude looks like a total choora/bhangi/shudra by his mug…shows that Americans will really fall for anything”

    I bet if Naveen used “fair and lovely” you wouldn’t say that. Some Indians have the sick mentality that equates dark skin with ugliness and “low caste”. Naveen has great features and amazingly expressive eyes and donÂ’t get me started on those sexy lips. He has such a versatile Indian look… he can play all kinds of Indian… north or south… I totally bought him as a Sikh soldier in the English Patient.

    As to his personal lifeÂ… it doesnÂ’t affect meÂ… so IÂ’m not going to judge him, when he starts killing homeless people than IÂ’ll give a damn.

  12. “This dude looks like a total choora/bhangi/shudra by his mug…shows that Americans will really fall for anything”

    I bet if Naveen used “fair and lovely” you wouldn’t say that. Some Indians have the sick mentality that equates dark skin with ugliness and “low caste”. Naveen has great features and amazingly expressive eyes and donÂ’t get me started on those sexy lips. He has such a versatile Indian look… he can play all kinds of Indian… north or south… I totally bought him as a Sikh soldier in the English Patient.

    As to his personal lifeÂ… it doesnÂ’t affect meÂ… so IÂ’m not going to judge him, when he starts killing homeless people than IÂ’ll give a damn.

    yeah..i had a friend who was upset recenlty, because he was called dark. i said, go with it…you look great. colour can be quite beautiful…all shades of it.

    the english patient was a pretty good movie.

    people get the notions that a celebrity’s bad behaviour is an ok for them, and celebrities are human too. if people act like this, no matter who they are, they affect us all negatively. it’s not ok to throw values to the wind, no matter how much money or power you’ve got. besides, bad boys bore easily.

  13. “people get the notions that a celebrity’s bad behaviour is an ok for them, and celebrities are human too. if people act like this, no matter who they are, they affect us all negatively. it’s not ok to throw values to the wind, no matter how much money or power you’ve got.”

    When Naveen found out he’s going to be a father, he took responsibility for his baby… so what constitutes as his bad behaviour on this issue and how does it affect us all negatively?

  14. This dude looks like a total choora/bhangi/shudra by his mug…shows that Americans will really fall for anything

    Black, white, brown or yellow ; it is none of our business to judge a person on his private life.I am so discouraged the nth generation desi would be ranting about “shudras” and what not.


  15. when he starts killing homeless people than IÂ’ll give a damn.

    like this guy? kills 1 and injures 3, tries to get his bodyguard to take the rap for him…judge away y’all.

  16. like this guy? kills 1 and injures 3, tries to get his bodyguard to take the rap for him…judge away y’all.

    Haha. I was waiting for salman bashing…he is the steve urkel of the hindi film industry..the guy we love to hate.

  17. he is the steve urkel of the hindi film industry

    Wot?! No way, what has this face ever done to anybody? I’d say Salman is more of a balding Russell Crowe.

    P.S. How about a current pic of dear, sweet Urkel. Sigh, looking at those boots there is a good chance he doesn’t want to take Laura to the prom anymore 🙂

  18. Si, esta correcto, Caza. I find similitude in my recently-departed father. He was a gentleman in marriage, but before his vows, he didn’t do such a good job at waving off unsolicited female affection. The man was a stud-hoss (like this character) and running loose in the fields. Women mobbed him in every country. And women being women — some of them got preggelated. Pregnancy, by natural propensity, happens to women unless they make an effort to contracept. My advice to this chick holding Mr. Andrews’ little bundle is “manage your uterus.” If you’re gonna have sex out of wedlock, you need to take responsiblity for your sex organs. Boys don’t get pregnant, they just get off. Andrews (whether demon-assisted or genetically-derived) has got the magick. Women are gonna do him every chance they get for the rest of his bhangra-thumping life. Cheers, S.

  19. Anyobody know what part of India that Naveen Andrews comes from?

    “Andrews grew up in Wandsworth with his brother and parents, Nirmala and Stanley, who moved from Kerala to London after their arranged marriage in 1965” (article)

  20. I don`t undestand why he keep coming back to woman who is 60, she is granny now no matter how young she look like, I think he is adorable, it would be ashame if he stays with only one woman. He was great in Kama Sutra, and I love his caracter in Lost!

  21. You have to keep in mind, alot of the so-called naughty behavior happened before he was famous. (The affair with his teacher, drug abuse, etc) Also from what I have read, he had a bad childhood, with parents that often put him down and I don’t know what else. If he had to move in with his teacher and her husband at age 16, then it must have been a very difficult and painful life. At 16, and feeling unloved by his parents, I don’t blame him for having an affair with his teacher. He had no way of truly understanding the consequences then. I blame the teacher for that. What was the deal with her? Sleeping with a 16 year old when she had a husband? I know sometime during that affair he became addicted to heroin. But he quit taking drugs now. It seems to me that now that he is famous, he has it more together now than he ever did before. He’s not perfect, but the czech actress played a part in making that second child as well…

  22. P.S. Chick Pea – His son Jaisal was born in 1992. That means that Naveen was about 23 when he was born. Not 16. The affair started when he was 16, but they were together for quite a while after that.