Crisp or Not

One of my college buddies was mired in a highbrow Ph.D. program for many long years. The next time I saw him, he’d put the degree on hold and gone into business with a mutual friend, and they seemed to be doing well. ‘What happened?’ I asked. And Jim and James told me the story behind Hot or Not.

As you know, that site inspired has lots of imitators, some parodies, some not. From fertile brown minds came RateDesi. Now there’s a new contender to help you winnow your beard-sniffing dreams. It’s called Rate My Turban (via Ash Singh).

I don’t think I give anything away when I say that the top-ranked specimen perches atop the cranium of a Nihang Sikh:

26 thoughts on “Crisp or Not

  1. More about Ash Singh:

    In his free time, he runs one of Singapore’s fastest growing media companies and manages the company’s investment portfolio. His consultancy provides strategic solutions to pre-IPO and Fortune 500 companies. He is also an advisor to the INSEAD Business School. An aspiring venture capitalist, Ash was recently appointed to the executive on the Young Venture Capital Society of Asia to spearhead growth all over the continent. [Link]

    I notice that Ash hasn’t submitted his own pagh …

  2. Nihang-eriffic, Only Erykah Badu comes close to you

    puh-lease. This guy totally smokes Erykah Badu.

    I think we need to enter our dear Ennis. We could do a theme…like a float! 😉

  3. Ennis,

    Lookin’ good, bro !

    I like the whole tartan thing you got going on, along with the “where’s my flying carpet ?” slippers 😉

  4. I like the whole tartan thing you got going on, along with the “where’s my flying carpet ?” slippers ;

    That’s no tartan, that’s a straight up, knockoff Burberry pattern, my friend.

  5. Ennis buddy, I’m afraid I’m clean-shaven…..So the Mutineers and intrigued Mutineerettes will just have to keep on guessing 😉

  6. “clean-shaven” … what an odd phrase. What’s the opposite of clean-shaven, “dirty-bearded”? I prefer to think of you as not-bearded and un-turbaned myself, since I know little about your hygene 🙂

  7. I know! Come on Patti, they’re not collectible 😉 Save some sardars for the rest of the ladies.

    mm….ya sure??? they make cute pets! and reminders that life is good and wonderful!

    Maybe I’m in the database already 😉 How do you like the cellphone-as-accessary and the knuckle bling 😉

    almost as cute as you-know-who. almost! 😉

  8. Will there be another race
    To come along and take over for us?
    Maybe martians could do
    Better than we’ve done
    We’ll make great pets!
    We’ll make great pets!
    We’ll make great pets!
    We’ll make great pets!
    We’ll make great pets!
    We’ll make great pets!
    We’ll make great pets!
    We’ll make great pets!
    My friend says we’re like the dinosaurs
    Only we are doing ourselves in
    Much faster than they
    Ever did
    We’ll make great pets!
  9. The skanky 14 year olds on RateDesi scare the bejeezes out of me…this is the next desi gen? It seems like every 7ish years, the kiddos get worse and worse. (I’m 23 and think my batch is bad enough.)

  10. The skanky 14 year olds on RateDesi scare the bejeezes out of me…this is the next desi gen? It seems like every 7ish years, the kiddos get worse and worse.

    i agree…and funny, but it seems take even less than 7 years. 😉

  11. The skanky 14 year olds on RateDesi scare the bejeezes out of me…this is the next desi gen? It seems like every 7ish years, the kiddos get worse and worse. i agree…and funny, but it seems take even less than 7 years. 😉

    Oh, and I love it when they answer the “Do you smoke?” section with “oMG…sHeEShA OnLY…tEE HEe!$#$%&$”

  12. Oh, and I love it when they answer the “Do you smoke?” section with “oMG…sHeEShA OnLY…tEE HEe!$#$%&$”

    that’s today’s adolescent charm for ya! and it was thought collecting sardars was odious, even the cute cat like ones! oye.