Some Sepia Golden Globe Noms



Besides the notable exception of our Lost boy Naveen, the following nominations are only mildly desi (i.e. it’s the show or movie which got recognized, BUT the aformentioned program or flick has a brown cast member). You know, it’s almost like they enhanced this exotic soup of international Golden Globe nods with…I don’t know…curry powder? Fenugreek? Asafoetida? 😉 Perhaps they wanted to emulate the Village Voice and concoct an electric curry of sweeping overdubbed strings.

The just barely sepia aspects of all this aside, any day I get to post a picture of le hottie to the left–Weeds‘ Maulik Pancholy–is a veddy good day, indeed.

Via Gothamist and AnkG:

Best TV Comedy: Curb Your Enthusiasm, Desperate Houswives, Entourage, Everybody Hates Chris, My Name is Earl, Weeds


Best TV Drama: Commander in Chief, Grey’s Anatomy, Lost, Prison Break, Rome
Supporting Actor, Miniseries or Movie: Naveen Andrews, Lost; Paul Newman, Empire Falls; Jeremy Piven, Entourage; Randy Quaid, Elvis; Donald Sutherland, Commander in Chief.
Best Film, Drama: Brokeback Montain, The Constant Gardener, Good Night and Good Luck, History of Violence, Match Point
Best Director: Woody Allen (Match Point), George Clooney (Good Night and Good Luck), Peter Jackson (King Kong), Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain), Fernando Mereilles (The Constant Gardener), Steven Spielberg (Munich)

Related mutinousnesssss: eka, dva, tri, chatur

23 thoughts on “Some Sepia Golden Globe Noms

  1. I’m surprised that you, Anna of Green…uh…well, Brown…..well, anyways….I’m surprised that you didn’t make point of the following Golden Globe nominee…

    Supporting Actor, Miniseries or Movie: Naveen Andrews, Lost; Paul Newman, Empire Falls; Jeremy Piven, Entourage; Randy Quaid, Elvis; Donald Sutherland, Commander in Chief.

    Not that I’m that huge of a fan…but you are….

  2. I got all moon-y over Maulik and forgot. 😉

    Well, that and my stellar HTML skills swallowed a few choice blockquotes. 😀

  3. is it me, or does that naveen andrews pic keep getting bigger each time i visit the page? *whistles innocently*

    Maybe he’s just pleased to see you, Anna….wink

  4. Maybe he’s just pleased to see you, Anna….*wink*


    Raunchiness from the emperor of Mughal-inspired nanofiction? Who would have thought???

  5. wowwwwww… maulik! he’s not quite rabbi or waris, but oi vey! he’s adorable! naven’s cute, but i gottsa say, maulik is cuter. he’s got softer looks. ahhh…eye candies!

  6. I wouldn’t mind getting lost with Naveen…..
    i wouldn’t mind getting stuck in the hatch w/ Naveen.
    And I wouldn’t mind getting stuck with Indira.
    ahhh…eye candies!

    And… I wouldnt mind some hot saag paneer ,… with sizzling makki roti RIGHT NOW. chop chop.

  7. And… I wouldnt mind some hot saag paneer ,… with sizzling makki roti RIGHT NOW. chop chop.

    Same here, except I’d add a nice plate of appams and chicken stew as well. =]

    Oh, and I wouldn’t mind Indira, either. ;D

  8. VBSF,

    Ha! Raunchiness from the emperor of Mughal-inspired nanofiction? Who would have thought???

    Dude (dudette ?) you’ve obviously missed some of the dodgier comments I’ve made in the past to a couple of our hotter female Mutineers ! Along with a couple of racy 55s I posted during the “illicit”/film noir theme a few weeks ago 😉

  9. Pattie Kaur pahenji,

    come to think of it…maulik looks a LOT like my family doctor…hhmm…

    You must have fun during your check-ups at his clinic then….”Ooooooo Doctor saab…..What cold hands you have…..”

    heh heh

  10. A friend of mine gets mistaken for Naveen all the time, which is hilarious b/c this happens in NYC while the show is filming. Come to think of it, he is on a (nearly deserted) island in the South Pacific at the moment. Here’s a kind of dark picture of him:

    He might make a nice substitute of Naveen is not available 😉