BillMel in Del

My former boss visited the big don today. I got these Bill and Melinda Gates pictures in email followed by a message from ‘Hotmail staff’ telling me ‘your account is nearly full.’

Xbox Diwali Extreme is amazingly lifelike in high def

Cappuccino with Sonia



Bill: ‘Take Hotmail back’
Manmohan: ‘Indian giver!’

Bill dodges Narayana Murthy’s Ball of Fire attack

In a sound check ahead of a nationwide television interview Wednesday he counted not one, two, three, but: “one billion, two billion, three billion.” The audience for a New Delhi Television special live broadcast roared with laughter… [Link]

See more photos.

8 thoughts on “BillMel in Del

  1. Why is your account nearly full? Not to make a commercial comment, but you can bump it by signing up for the new beta.

  2. guess what? this morning i met ted turner.. (speaking of the gates)…he asked me where i was from… i said california..and he said, no, where are you from? told him he had 3 guesses or he buys me dinner (i was in a saucy mode at 6:30am), anyhoot, he got it in the first try…

    why am i writing about this? he’s leaving for india tomorrow, visiting delhi, bangladesh, pakistan for 10 days with a UN entourage, since he’s donated millions for relief, and womens rights, (against child marriages, etc), we had the most fascinating discussion….

    got to meet the don of atlanta today.. it was fantastic… 🙂

  3. Bill: ‘Take Hotmail back’ Manmohan: ‘Indian giver!’


    Your best one yet Manish 😉