Shaadi Mubarak, Jesminder! (Updated)

vat a hottie

Set your Tivo, sneak out of document review or make sure to watch NBC while on the Arc-Trainer tonight– Mutineers Olinda* AND JaneOfAllTrades alert us to a very special, all-new ER that you’ll be sari to miss:

A NIGHT TO REMEMBER–Back from Iraq, Gallant (Sharif Atkins) surprises Neela (Parminder Nagra) by telling her he wants to take their relationship to the next level. Kovac (Goran Visnjic) and Clemente (John Leguizamo) vie for the same job making the tension between them even thicker…Morris (Scott Grimes) shocks everyone when he stands up to Weaver (Laura Innes) during a medical procedure…TV-14

O M G .

I canNOT believe this…seriously, those story lines are the last thing I would’ve expected from this venerable must-see-TV veteran…Kovac mired in tension with another doctor?? That’s NEVER happened! And…and…Morris giving Weaver lip? What an episode! Who else will be glued to the TV tonight at 10pm? 😀:+:

*Olinda also sent in this tip, but she did it last week while I was away; I regret not crediting her properly.

You guys…did…notice…I was gone…right? 😉

NB: If you feel like a tip you sent in wasn’t acknowledged or credited or addressed…there’s usually a fairly boring reason just like this, behind it. There are only so many hours in a day– when I win Powerball, I’m going to blog ALL DAY LONG and THEN I’ll hit the vast majority of goodness so thoughtfully sent in via the tip line. 🙂

53 thoughts on “Shaadi Mubarak, Jesminder! (Updated)

  1. Hey, A N N A, I lurve ya, but don’t be dissing Kovac… he’s my future husband. 😉 He just suffers from being stuck with some of the worst writers in television.

    What’s up with a white sari at a wedding though? I found that a little odd.

  2. brimful darling, ’twas no diss. like brandy and monica once crooned, the boy is mine. now THAT is a guy i’d break the brown “rule” for. 😉

    i wasn’t surprised at all wrt white sari; it’s somewhat common when they’re trying to blend cultures, etc. i’ve seen it before. 🙂

  3. RYR:

    yeah, i saw the vite sari pic but i didn’t use it for two reasons:

    • perhaps w/o it, readers will be more likely to tune in to the actual show 😉

    • this pic of parminder is HAWT. i have a girl crush after spotting it. that is all. 😀

  4. What’s up with a white sari at a wedding though? I found that a little odd

    Traditionally Sri Lankan gals of the Buddhist variety wear white saris. My grandmother wore a gorgeous one that my sister wore last summer for her wedding.

    I know Neela’s character is not Sri Lankan…so that explains nothing. Who cares. I’ll be watching to see how Neela rocks the white sari, I never see white sari weddings on tv or the movies. V. excited.

  5. What’s up with a white sari at a wedding though? I found that a little odd.

    Actually it’s a white sari with red and gold border. I’ve been to 2 desi weddings so far here where the bride wore stark white, not necessarily attractive or even festive but to each their own. Some desi brides even have colorful, same sari clad bridesmaids.

  6. Having just helped my fiance purchase wedding gear in India, I recently learned that the Panetar, the traditional sari worn by Gujarati brides now includes both red and white. I think in the pic, Neela’s sari has more white, but also has red.

  7. What’s up with a white sari at a wedding though? I found that a little odd.

    My mom (a Malayalee Hindu) was married in white…and in every wedding pic I’ve seen of MH’s, the bride is wearing a white sari with a gold border.

  8. I learn something new every day on SM. I thought her character was Punjabi on the show, and as such, would be wearing something more red, but I stand corrected! 🙂

    the boy is mine A N N A, oh no you di’nt!

  9. This pic is AWESOME!! A reliable source told me they’re making a Bend it like Beckham 2. Anyone know anything about this?

  10. I thought her character was Punjabi on the show, and as such, would be wearing something more red, but I stand corrected! 🙂

    brimful- you are correct. She in Punjabi, and therefore red would be more appropriate.
    But, my question is: where did this wedding story come from? It completely came out of left field for me! I coulda sworn they dated for a second before he left the country.

  11. The producers probably just wanted her to wear white since that’s the traditional western wedding dress color. I doubt they would bother to take this regional desi stuff into consideration.

  12. Dear God,

    I know we haven’t believed in each other for a while now, but the fact that I’m praying surely demonstrates how desperate I feel. Please O Lord, don’t let the harridan troglodyte that is the one CHADHA smite us all with another heinous assault on our eyes and ears. Please O Lord, stop Bend it Like Beckham 2.

    Thank you God. Now do what I say or Darwin will strike Chadha down.

    Yourbloody – apparently it’s true. Sources tell me too, that Keira and Parminder are signed up. But I can’t see why Keira Knightley would go for it now. Gorrilinder says:

    “The first film was based on me when I was growing up, whereas this next one is going to be about my life afterwards. She added: “I’m busy with another project at the moment, but after that I’m really looking forward to getting started on it.”

    A la Darth Vader: Noooooooooooooo!

  13. A reliable source told me they’re making a Bend it like Beckham 2. Anyone know anything about this?

    Doesn’t look like it. 🙁

    Gurinder Chadha: “Am I completely insane to go back to Beckham? My dear, that train left the station long ago. There’s absolutely no reason for me to return to it,” she told the syndicated news service.”


    She does look fantastic in the photo. Though this is my fave parminder pic.

  14. happy to be ther bearer of good news. 🙂

    I wouldn’t mind seeing a BLB 2.0 as long as it was all about Joe saying Jaaysus and making pouty angry faces (and NOT dancing…that was unbearable). Doubt this would be appealing to any one else…A girl can dream

  15. She does look fantastic in the photo. Though this is my fave parminder pic.

    I love that she’s so real and so pretty (scars/blemishes etc) and earthy, like girl next door, not the glammed up, hopped up on botox, fake brown hair, tits upto the neck and a couple of shreds of clothing bollywood variety type.

  16. The producers probably just wanted her to wear white since that’s the traditional western wedding dress color. I doubt they would bother to take this regional desi stuff into consideration.

    Good point. In fact, more realistically, as a Sikh character she wouldn’t actually be wearing a sari at her wedding at all (women here in the UK don’t, anyway). Heavy embroidered desi skirts etc are the usual fare. Although they are usually red & gold too.

    Being a sardarni herself, Parminder is probably aware of all this too.

  17. Doubt this would be appealing to any one else…A girl can dream

    Desi please, that’s the ONLY reason to watch “Velvet Goldmine”, duh.

  18. Pout. Rewind. Pout. Rewind. Pout. Rewind… 🙂

    lol. His pout could give Kiera Knightly a run for her money. (Compare: A vs. B)

    I’m excited about the ER {possible) Wedding tonight.

    Also saddened by the fact that I’m so excited by television.

  19. Maisnon and others:

    The regional variation in wedding-wear color in India is interesting. The Gujurati dress (red + white) is obviously a new development but do you know how far back the Malayali tradition goes ?

    White wedding dresses in this country don’t surprise me but I have to say I am surprised at the Malayali tradition, given the ‘inauspiciousness’ of white in so many Hindu traditions. After all, even the Gujurati saris are more red than white.

    Bong Breaker:

    I join you in heartfelt thanks that there won’t be a BILB2.


  20. Kumar, my understanding is that white is very auspicious in Kerala. From the photographs I’ve seen of weddings in the family, everyone wore the traditional white-and-gold mundu. (In fact, I even wore one for my engagement ceremonies.)

    Not a Southie, Rani

  21. Yes, the mundu is very auspicious in Kerala, I wore it during my wedding. However, for festive occasions, we don’t wear white white, it’s more cream and gold.

  22. really Jon Rys Miers?


    Plus the feeling’s mutual. He’s dating a Brit desi girl…and by extension he’s dating me. (warped logic, I know)…I try to ignore the fact that she’s 19 and he’s… not 19.

    Dr. D: Have enjoyed your site for a while now as it has aided my ER obsession. Keep up the great work!

  23. Thanks, Mohan. I am still learning; I was hoping someone who grew up with the culture could clarify the specifics.

  24. How will Dr. Neela’s parents react to her marrying an African American? I hope they show some scenes with her family…somehow I doubt they will, b/c to Americans anything ethnic is the same- “if you’re not white, you’re black.”

  25. “Am I completely insane to go back to Beckham? My dear, that train left the station long ago. There’s absolutely no reason for me to return to it,” she told the syndicated news service.”

    Honey, that movie made your CAREER. The intelligent thing would be to ride that choo-choo again, instead of mass-producing crap like Bride and Prejudice. I used to think highly of Chadha, but lost all respect for her talent after B&P.

  26. Rani – Being a Mallu Hindu recent bride who did a lot of research into making her wedding attire and decor very traditional to Kerala I can attest to the fact that Malayalee brides traditionally wear a kasava mondu/neriyth. It is 2 pieces – one wore around the waist as a mondu and the other wrapped around your torso like a half-sari. The material is a thin off-white fine cotton bordered by kasava – silk thread that is coated with silver/gold mixture. You can see it worn even in old paintings such as those by Raja Ravi Varma. Nowadays in Kerala, many women wear one for their early morning temple ceremony and may change into a brighter colored sari for the formal ceremony.

    Looking forward to ER!

  27. on the show her name is “Neela Rastogi”, right? is that a punjabi name?

    i second the cream with gold border mundu-for-men, sari-for-women preference in kerala, but i usually associate that with Onam vs weddings; then again, i don’t have (for example) maisnon’s experience with mallu hindu weddings. over three decades ago, my jacobite mother was married in southern california, so she split the difference and wore a cream kanjaveeram. not that you asked, but her manthrakodi was a dazzling aqua.

    my late kashmiri auntie wore a white sari to her wedding.

  28. Rashmi, thanks. I wore the same for my engagement, as I said before. (Our wedding was North Indian: sherwani for him, Banarasi brocade for me.)

  29. on the show her name is “Neela Rastogi”, right? is that a punjabi name?

    Anna: I think it is Neela Rasgotra, and she is a Sikh on the show, although not sure what region Rasgotra as a last name belongs to.

    Also, I think i should correct my self re my earlier comment on the Panetar, it is more of a cream or off-white, than an actual white.

  30. hmm…don’t Telengu brides also wear white?

    Flygirl, nothing personal, but my god I thought I had seen every possible spelling of “telugu”, but you’ve topped them all. : ))

    And yes Telugu-Hindu brides do wear white (or off-white) sarees with a red border. I of course cannot speak for all Telugus of all castes and regions, but I think this holds true for most.

    A General Rant Directed at Sepia Mutiny: I see so often people posting here speaking of how things are done in South Asia/India, when what they are really talking about is how things are done in their grandparents house.

  31. tef:

    no offence taken, it didn’t look right but couldn’t think of the correct spelling 🙂 mental disarray rules!

    so some south and central indians wear white/off white…as do sinhalese sri lankans..white is very auspicious for sinhalese, we even use it for out school uniforms. we do, however, change into a red sari for the “homecoming” ceremony

  32. anna’s musings

    my late kashmiri auntie wore a white sari to her wedding.

    rythm and melody – you write very well. hats off.

  33. Anna:

    About the wedding saris among Kashmiris–Your aunt’s choice is quite unusual among Kashmiris, and I have that on the highest authority: yeah, that’s right, my mom (we’re Kashmiri) 😉

    I second dhaavak; you are a good writer. The post on your aunt was especially well-written.


  34. a classmate and i thought it would be hilarious if a part II came out: “Bend it BACKWARD like Beckham.” In this philim, Jesminder falls for the catcher of the UC Berkeley softball team, and together they can explore the joys of veganism and Reef chappals.

    we both thought BILB would’ve been far more entertaining if Parminder and Keira hooked up. there was chemistry, don’t lie!

  35. Dr D: I spoke with Parminder last month. She wants you to stop sending mail to her house.