Russell Peters strikes again

Set aside an hour for this one. Funnyman Russell Peters strikes again in this stand-up clip, and once he lets rip, you’re not gonna want to stop (thanks, Aizaz). Politically incorrect, but he’s just sayin’ in public what y’all say in private.

Update: At 21 minutes, he goes self-referential with his old punchline, ‘Somebuddy gonna get hurt real bad.’ Half the audience gets it and laughs. ‘Downloading m*f*s… that’s 45 minutes of material you won’t be hearing today.’

Update 2: Dwarf and deaf person jokes? The old show was better.

Related posts: Veezher, Russell Peters show online, Paul Varghese delivers on ‘Last Comic Standing’: God’s own comedy, God’s own comedy

69 thoughts on “Russell Peters strikes again

  1. In response to:

    “One thing that puzzles me is that somehow the non-desi crowd… get his jokes???? Or so they seem to anyways, because the die laughing. Methinks it has more to do with the stereotypical stuff.”

    Please don’t assume that all non-desis don’t understand Russell’s humour or where he is coming from. Sometimes non-desis have desi friends and have grown up with them so they understand the background behind the humour and do not always take thing at face value.

    Granted, there will always be ppl in the audience members who only “get” the stereotypical ish, but you have to chalk that up to ignorance.

  2. Russel peters showS are heavy. You should do it more offen, you would be gettin bear dosh 4 it.

  3. hello…yea i did see the interview he said he is an anglo-indian which i find funny…coz when he imitates his dad he puts on this punjabi accent maybe its just part of the show maybe his dad doenst……anways if its not then it is werid coz anglo-indians dont speak like that at all.coz the native language of anglo indians is english..and they spoke very british english..with the slangs as well…and all….trust me I am and anglo-indian I live in calcutta too…my grandparents were part irish part scottish my name is Chistopher James Atkinson I grew up on elliot road calcutta a very anglo-indian part of the city although u only find a hand full today…anglo-indians look mixed its simple light brown tans they look asian coloured but have certain european features in the case of my sister it was odd she was was born a green eyed blonde girl…so that means they can look veyr indian..or very european…or mixed..simple..their were alot of famous anglo-indians way b4 russels came along…ppl like holly wood actress merle oberon…cliff richards…englebert humperdink if u dont beleive u can look it up on (seach anglo-indians) or and search those names in the latter they show u the birth place of the people. and another odd thing i find is that hes a hindu…anglo-indians are christian…well most..maybe his parents converted i dont know… those of u who are wondering what an anglo-indian is its someone who has a mixed european and indian heritage it came along when the british came had intimate relations…with the locals…..although today anglo-indians are considered neone who is christian……like u have serian christians in the south of india…anyways anglo-indian or not hes indian…lol cheers!

  4. Am forever surprised RP is so popular. To me he is a one trick pony, and like chikpea (#25), .ca (#44) and darshan (#45) say, I no longer find him all that entertaining. Come on, you can laugh at a joke once. This fellow just hashes together every bigoted statement he has heard and parades them as his own jokes. Ok, I do concede find an occasional bit here and there funny.

    Pico, #37, yeah I like Seinfeld and Leno a lot. But I doubt you need to draw in on lot of experience for that. I have a lot of friends who are extremely funny. They just notice stuff more, and put a new spin on it—very often from the point of view of their upbringing. Desi fob, Ashkenazi jew or Southern baptist, you will always find ways at laughing at everyday things. These usually have universal appeal simply because it is about an everyday event, and they are funny because of the novelty of the point of view.

    And no, Peters does not do any deep observations. Accents, stinginess, i-am-indian, chinese-have-american-names, they are not his observations. Who hasn’t heard them all? Most comments of his barely straddle the line between racist and funny. But a few comments, especially when he does other ethnicities are just racist in my opinion. I wont be caught dead in one of his shows.

  5. “…although today anglo-indians are considered neone who is christian……like u have serian christians in the south of india…anyways anglo-indian or not hes indian…lol cheers!”

    No, anglo-indians are not anyone who is Christian in india! i can’t speak for the rest of south indian but, in kerala it is well believed that Christianity originated when Saint Thomas brought the religion to the region. this origin has been disputed however, i can assure you that the Christians of the kerala are not “anglo-indian”.


  6. ooooaaaa russel somebodys going to get a hurt real bad i am not going to say who and how?

  7. i went and kicked kurpal’s dog. but the problems is now he needs an operation. what in the blood hell should i do????

  8. There are a lot of converts in India, christians, muslims etc. Anglo-Indians are a miniscule population mostly concentrated in Calcutta, bombay and maybe Pondicherry in the south.

  9. Guys… The deaf girl joke was the BEST. I’ve seen maybe five full-length performances by Russell Peters, very little overlap between them, and nothing has topped the deaf girl yet. It’s the best :D:D:D:

    Peace, Phil of

    P.S. It kills me that people get offended at this stuff. You should all take a lesson from Stephen Hawking and his responce to M.C. Hawking. Thats about as much fun as you can make about the disabled — pretend you are a gun slinging gangster while being paralysed in a wheelchair. And yet one of the smartest people on this Earth understands it for what it is:

    Fucking hilarious!!!

  10. i gotta q about russell peters. i get that he anglo-indian and that his family is from calcutta, but is the indian part of heritage punjabi? or bengali? i’ve heard both.

  11. The link to the video is dead. Anyone know where else I can find it?

    I saw RP live last year, and he seemed like a huge a*hole in person. He was really bitter. Maybe it’s because he’s so popular in the Indian community but everyone watches him on-line for free, so he doesn’t see as much profit as he should?

  12. hi russell peters i’ve seen one of your shows on the internet and i think u were fantastic! it was an hour long and it made me laugh through that whole hour. i think i might come to your next show in february, i ain;t sure yet. cu soon. xx

  13. Russel peters is a funny man and all you people can’t say anything against my homy chill cool