"Suicide blond, was the color of her hair…"

Ever since Cicatrix made herself at home here in our North Dakota HQ there has been a plethora of attractive men featured on our website.  Consider this a push back.

Meet Canadian rocker Priya Thomas“Hot body-check”

PRIYA THOMAS may well be one of Canada’s best-kept secrets. Long considered bold and innovative, Canadian songstress, guitarist and multi-instrumentalist PRIYA THOMAS has built a solid reputation for her work by bucking trends and never underestimating her audience. And hers is a rabid audience that just keeps growing.

On a recent tour of the UK, Thomas was hailed by the BBC for her jaw-droppingly intense live show and highly original songwriting. A suicide blonde with an adrenalin-charged stage presence and unusual lyrical complexity, she’s been likened to an odd cross between Debbie Harry and Neil Young, not to mention countless other artists such as Tom Waits, Pj Harvey, Madonna and even Mick Jagger. Originally trained as a dancer, Priya Thomas’ live show is a force of nature to be reckoned with; as Priya steers the audience through her uniquely kamikaze performance energy. And with The blast of 7, a kicking 5 piece band behind her, the live presentation of the new record is a sonic assault of blazing rock riffs, post-punk trash drum loops, crafted melodies and Priya Thomas’ charismatic performance.

Priya Thomas grew up the daughter of a Syrian Orthodox minister and a phycisist mother who gave up working as a professor after moving to Montreal, Canada from the Southwestern state of Kerala in India.

There is nothing, and I mean nothing cooler than a lady rocker.  Best of all her website features videos of her live performances as well as audio clips.  There is none of that hopping in place.  She appears to rock the stage.  You can check out her old CDs here.  There is also an article about her in August’s issue of Elle Magazine Canada.  She has a parrot named Magnus who keeps her company while she writes her songs.  Sigh…

Alas only our Canadian and Brit friends will be able to catch her live.

Oct 3   Manchester, UK – In The City, The Late Room
Oct 4   London, UK – Water Rats Theatre
Oct 6   Sheffield, UK – The Boardwalk (supporting The Fall)
Oct 10  London, UK  – Spitz

Perhaps one of them will go check out the concert and tell her that they have a friend named Abhi and that she should perform in L.A. Please?  Punjabi Boy, help a brother out.

35 thoughts on “"Suicide blond, was the color of her hair…"

  1. also, a plea to anna and cic, please don’t retaliate for abhi’s decision to display THO through a white shirt with pics of dudes with packages visible and what not. my vision is bad enough.

  2. According to her site, she’s toured with the Fall. Ace!

    It’d be ace to see more desis in post-punk (Nirmala Basnayake from Controller.Controller is another).

    There’s also Basim from deathpunk/taqwacore bands Malice In Leatherland/The Kominas.

  3. Perhaps one of them will go check out the concert and tell her that they have a friend named Abhi and that she should perform in L.A. Please? Punjabi Boy, help a brother out

    If I get that close I am her groupie for the night bro 😉

    She is half Keralan apparently.

  4. Click on her video live in London – she is good!!

    Sexy and sassy and funky and all that stuff. Proper mad dancing on stage and everything and really you know arrrrgh I am confused my daddy never loved me lyrics aaarggggh nobody understands me arrrrrgh I am so misunderstood arrrrghhh my rage arrrrrghhh I am weird arrrrrghh stuff – great, fantastic.

    I can see an MIA style obsession gathering up on SM.

  5. Punjabi Boy, at the risk of looking really stupid if you turn out to be right– the proper term is Keralite not Keralan.. am I right, fellow Mutineers?

  6. Hey Peeps, hows y’all doing?…….

    Was just going through a few of the articles and seen this on Priya as im going to this on the 3rd Oct and i’m buzzing……

    Daycruz you are right about term Keralite for the people of Kerela, i’m sure the word keealan is from Starwars or somthing but i am not 10% sure but allow that, yeh you were right……

    Well take it easy y’all keep it real, Peace out

  7. Hey Peeps, hows y’all doing?…….

    Was just going through a few of the articles and seen this on Priya as im going to this on the 3rd Oct and i’m buzzing……

    Daycruz you are right about term Keralite for the people of Kerela, i’m sure the word keealan is from Starwars or somthing but i am not 10% sure but allow that, yeh you were right……

    Well take it easy y’all keep it real, Peace out

  8. Originally trained as a dancer, Priya Thomas’ live show is a force of nature to be reckoned with

    heh. seems to be a prerequisite these days… PB, hand me the peroxide!

  9. heh. seems to be a prerequisite these days… PB, hand me the peroxide!

    Dont go for the t-shirt promo photo though DD, expecialy in the cold weather!

  10. At the risk of sounding like a swot: PB, the correct term is in fact Keralan not Keralite.

    Then how come my Keralan friends told me to say Keralite?

  11. the correct term is in fact Keralan not Keralite.

    So I was right first time round? Hooray!

    I take back my apology to all Keralans.

    Then how come my Keralan friends told me to say Keralite?

    Oh no! I may have spoken too soon! My apology stands!

    Someone clear this up, please – I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight otherwise.

  12. Haha – I’ve opened Pandora’s box. Ok, so first off, the actual word that people from Kerala use to refer to themselves is “Malayalee”. Second, although Malayalees sometimes use the word “Keralite” to refer to themselves, I believe that the proper English term (c/o Rushdie, OED etc) is Keralan; and I have confirmed this repeatedly through relatives, friends in Kerala.

  13. Secret note to Abhi, lol – very sneaky, I’m impressed -check! Hey, when I was very amused by how male commenters were constantly drooling over every girl featured, so I thought I’d pitch in with a taste of yer own medecine… lol. Didn’t really succeed, but it amused me just the same.

    Secret Note to Everyone: She’s really good (haven’t seen her live yet, very stupid of me for missing out). The song Bollywood is one of my faves. As far as the nipples go- hey, doesn’t offend me. It’s cold in Canaydah in the winter!

  14. What has become obvious is that the reductionist, positivist school of understanding history has found resistance from a tradition that finds its roots in hermeneutic discussions of context
    As both writers approach history from a post-colonial perspective, the concept of history as invented narrative is one of the most important theories required to expose the various social, political and economic agendas that have shaped our personal as well as our collective histories.

    She can say write clever stuff like this, play guitar, dance like a devil-angel, make wicked music, dye her hair blonde, sing beautifully and be a rawwwk star???

    What a woman.

  15. Uff uff uff, I second that, Jay. I’ve got the Loweria too. Saw her on ZeD a few years ago and she was great. Too bad there aren’t any future Toronto dates. She played here a few months ago but I was silly to not want to stay up late on a school night, ha.

  16. In language Tamil its called Tamilan or Tamizhan. The zha is Pronounced in as corresponding ‘La’ in Tamil and also the same way in Malayalam

    I believe when the English came to India, they started calling them with their corresponding Language names. For instance Maharashtrians are called as Marathis, Andhra People are called as Telugus, People speaking Punjabi are called as Punjabis.

    Also the actual name of Tamilan or Tamizhan, as they are called in the Tamil language, started variating as Tamilian, something simmilar to Maharashtrian, Punjabian.

    I think this is how Tamil or Tamilian came to existence. But, I would be happy if any SM’ers could confirm this.

  17. Between Priya Thomas, Naveen Andrews and the Malyalee gangs of Houston, the studious Mallu image is taking a beating 😉

    You’re forgetting forget John Abraham !!

    Hey, what’s this about Mallu gangs? You’re joking, right?

    And hey, its Mallu or Malayali or Malayalee or Keralite. That’s it. Keralan? Sheesh.

  18. I suppose Malayalee is a linguistic way of identifying people from Kerala since Malayalam is only spoken in Kerala (and maybe in the Middle East:). And Keralite is, I believe, the right term – never have heard of Keralan. Although occassionally Kerala(the state) is referred to as Keralam.

  19. Too bad there aren’t any future Toronto dates.

    she was supposed to play the ear to the ground fest here last weekend but it was cancelled, maybe she’ll play a makeup show? Or maybe not with all those UK dates coming up soon.

  20. she was supposed to play the ear to the ground fest here last weekend but it was cancelled

    I was bummed about this (mostly because RJD2 was supposed to play). Yea, doesn’t look like she’ll be on this side of the pond for a while.

    Didn’t manage any MIA tickets either. Boo boo boo. Also, Midival Pundits are playing the Gypsy Co-op this friday, just in time for moving week! Wee, packing while weeping all weekend, I am.

  21. ok in malayalam, its keralian or keraliyan, but in eng we just say keralite. then there’s malayali or malayalee which is also a prefectly correct term for keralites, but the people of the lakshadweep islands also speak malayalam. i have never met one since they dont get out much, but maybe they can be called malayalees too.