She’s “hot now, you’ll see” (slightly updated)

Mathangi rocks DC.jpg London calling and speak the
slang now, boys say wha,
go on girls say wha wha

66 hours until MIA destroys the 9:30 club, kiddies. That picture was taken at her last concert in DC; without a doubt, it was one of the greatest shows I’ve EVER been to, and I saw the Pixies final gig at Hammerstein Ballroom last year, so I don’t sling such words sans souci.

People who are new to the Mutiny often out themselves by leaving a comment like, “I don’t get it…why is she successful?” when that subject has been debated and dissected every time we post about her. I’d like to add another dimension to the discussion.

I firmly believe that groups who give good show should be recognized– and that it’s possible that a band you normally dislike can impress you live. Case in point: Smashmouth at the 9:30 club, 1999. I do NOT like Smashmouth, but I was surprised at how their concert didn’t blow. So, even if you can’t stand exoticized, objectified, overexposed Mathangi and you think her music is beyond lame, you should know that she is AWESOME on stage.

I’m thrilled she’s playing the 9:30 club again; it’s such a wonderful, intimate venue, easily my fave place for a concert in swamp city. When MIA opened there for LCD Soundsystem, I was four feet away from her, wishing I had remembered earplugs because the screams were even louder than what was spilling out of the speakers. Oh, and speaking of LCD Soundsystem…I totally dig them, but after the party Miss Arulpragasam threw on stage, they bored me to the point that I left early. I never leave concerts early, yo.

Anyway, unbelievably (and unlike sold-out, Craig’s list-desperate last time) tickets are STILL available, not to mention affordable. The next time she plays DC, it may be a different, bigger venue; she’s blowing up. Anyone catch the advertisement for the newest Civic Si? Sick animation, executed flawlessly to the unmistakable thrum of “Galang”. You love it. And even if you hate it? I’m not trying to hear that, see. πŸ˜‰


I’m watching VH1’s “Best Week Ever” as I type this and what are they playing in the background of one of their segments? Yup. “Galang”. That song is tighter than a hoochiefit at a Bhangra party. πŸ˜€

Ah, I love synchronicity. πŸ™‚:+:

Yes, Siddhartha. She DID ascend the speakers on my side of the stage.

on a high.jpg

And you’re right. It WAS hot. We went nuts. πŸ˜€

sing your life.jpg

68 thoughts on “She’s “hot now, you’ll see” (slightly updated)

  1. break it down, anna!

    same here in boston — most everyone including myself left the show shortly after lcd started. no comparison.

    did she jump up on the speakers there too? so hot.


  2. no doubt she’s good live, good point. it would probably be hard not to mash it up at a show

    still can’t shake the squemishness about the objectification angle

    who knows, wouldn’t it be great if everyone was digging her for the show and not for being exotic?

  3. raju,

    you can’t shake the tourists. you have to live with them. or otherwise, you have to ban them. in which case you turn the event into a private social gathering, and what’s the point of that? the artist loses exposure and income, and the goodness isn’t shared with the world. that would suck.

    don’t let it get to you. objectification will happen, so will orientalism. it will happen to brown and other “ethnic” artists, just as it has been happening for ever to female artists (judged on their chest and legs rather than their skills) and anyone else that is subject to the white, male, imperial gaze. maya’s neither the first nor the last to endure this, and frankly i think she’s handled the pressure quite well.

    on this post and other the other thread, you seem so much to want to like her, and your reservations seem so much to do with what you perceive other people’s reaction to her as being. so complicated! why not just relax and enjoy! go to the show and get your groove on, and nevermind the bollocks!

    or, as parliament-funkadelic said: “shake your mind and your ass will follow!”


  4. she’s awesome live, i’m seeing her next monday here in toronto, looks like it’s sold out too, hopefully browns rep better than they did last time she came

    another group that was surprisingly great live was fuel, i dont even like them but in concert they’re nuts

  5. Yeah, what the hell is a hoochie fit?

    Aw I missed SM while I was away. The newspapers carried a pic on a few front pages the morning after the Mercury Music Awards with MIA giving the photographers the finger and a grin, for some reason I thought of the SM MIA-fans. I also missed some interesting discussions it seems.

  6. PB + Bongsie-

    a hoochie ‘fit is an outfit that fits the wearer much like a sausage-casing. in other words, clothes which are TIGHT. πŸ˜€

  7. It looks like she’s wearing a yellow nappy (translation for USA – diaper) outside her pants.

    Personally, I like girls in hoochie trash outfits @ bhangra dances ;-D

  8. Personally, I like girls in hoochie trash outfits @ bhangra dances ;-D

    Ah yeah, definitely with you on that. Slutty girls, especially slutty Asian girls, are great. Skinny as hell, straightened black hair, black clothes and an attitude. And they’re up for it. Plus there’s the whole added danger if it’s at a bhangra gig – if you look at the girl a split-second too long, you’ll get your head kicked in by Pritpal and his boys. Ah, happy days.

    Thanks for the explanation Anna.

  9. I sort of love the fact that she wears the same 3 outfits to every performance. She rocked some new shit at SummerStage, but it’s back to the jumpsuits I see πŸ˜‰

  10. you’ll get your head kicked in by Pritpal and his boys

    You are cracking me up. I was actually almost beaten up once by a guy called Pritpal, and it was girl related.

    Have you noticed alot of the bhangra Hoochies are called Jaz?

    Or Sapna.

  11. PB, you was probly lukin at P’s gyal and you deserved bare blapsin.

    Jas/Jaz must be one of the most common Punju nicknames. For someone who’s still struggling with the whole unisex nature of Punjabi names after 23 years, I can’t bring myself to fancy any girl with names likes Hardip or Navdeep. So they’re out as hoochies. See I’d target the shorter hoochies – which invariably means more Gujju-love than Punjabi-action. Hence if you ask me my stereotypical hoochie at a DESSY event, it’s Seema. Just the name alone sends shivers down my spine – I’m dead serious!

  12. Seema is such a bhangra hoochie name it is unreal. I’m not joking. You hear that name for bhangra hoochies all the time. You hit the nail again Bongo. Another hoochie name that is quite poplar is Naz.

    Jaz, Seema and Naz – the bhangra hoochies representing all three communities – big up Asian Unity through the bhangra hoochie girls.

    This word hoochie is in my vocabulary now I am using it every day to all my people.

  13. I’m old skool. I still call them HARLOTS.

    What a concept you’ve stumbled on. Yes, unity through sluttiness! It’s surely the way forward and with Jaz, Seema and Naz, three religions stand as one. Between their three ‘fits, they probably enough fabric to cover a normal person.

    What’s terribly tragic is that I’m going out tomorrow night with people called Jaz and Naz. Seema is replaced with Priya (I hear it’s even more popular in the U.S.) but I know of at least 3 Seemas who will be present. A few Poojas, the odd Reena, a sprinkling of Beena, two Tinas, half a Meena and a Jeena.

  14. They are not harlots they are lovely – you always have fun with bhangri’s – they are sweet and down to Earth.

    Plus you can be the older guy with them most of the time – you know, rugged and experienced (at least I can – I think you’re still a youth)


    disclaimer: My comments on hoochies in no way reflects my deep respect for the female race as equal to men and in no way reflects my true opinion of women as noble and deep individuals with minds as well as bodies, who have their own jobs and dont have to do the washing up and cook meals for me everyday. Feminism is great. It is what is on the inside that counts, their personality, not the superficial things, like how good they look in hoochie ‘fits. The most beautiful thing about a woman is her mind. Those who only judge a woman by her body and face are superficial neanderthals who I only pretend to share their views.

  15. you always have fun with bhangri’s

    PB, I think, after reading this thread, I shall pass on the offer to assimilate in “punjabi gangster” culture. Still not sure what that means, but it doesn’t sound very girl friendly.

    Does anyone know that really old indian song with gibberish for lyrics? You know from those old movies parents pull out in times of nostalgia? I remember something like “Oh Teena Meena Reena! dum pum Beena! Jeena Nina Seema! Rum Pum Po! Rum Pum Po!” LOL. Thanks alot for inadvertently reminding me, BB and PB! Now that awful song is in my head and won’t go away. Ick.

  16. old indian song with gibberish for lyrics

    The song in question is one of those, I think, early 60’s “rock’n’roll” songs with an elvis movie type set. Another song in this genre would be “Jaan pachaan ho” (sp.), also featured in the movie Ghostworld. Decent music, but gibberish lyrics in an attempt to be crazy, rebellious and Rock’n’roll wild, methinks.

  17. I only know that song via Dil Chahta Hai. I once sang a slightly adjusted version of Mambo Number 5 with Indian girls’ names. It would’ve brought the house down had I been able to carry a tune. But hell I looked the part, I had a Kid Creole yellow zoot suit and everything.

    I’ll explain my conduct in this thread. Hoochies, which I have taken to mean the slutty under-dressed ones at a partay, get a bad press. I just wanted to praise them. Hoochies come in every shape, colour, religion and size. I want to celebrate this fact. I wanted to draw attention to their refreshing willingness to oblige to a young gentleman’s requests. Without them, where would we be?

    Where would we be?

  18. I want to celebrate this fact. I wanted to draw attention to their refreshing willingness to oblige to a young gentleman’s requests. Without them, where would we be?

    Sure, sure…but would you be willing to marry one? πŸ˜‰

  19. I shall pass on the offer to assimilate in “punjabi gangster” culture. Still not sure what that means, but it doesn’t sound very girl friendly.

    I dont know what it is either – what is it? You can assimilate with me instead, I am girl friendly.

  20. See I’d target the shorter hoochies

    So, even if I was a “hoochie”, I’m still safe then! THANGGOD!

  21. BB and PB:

    Would the male Punjabi equivalent of Seema type hoochie be called… a hoocha?

    ‘hoocha ko hoochie se pyar ho gaya…’

  22. Sure, sure…but would you be willing to marry one? πŸ˜‰

    What are you, nuts?! Who said anything about marriage? Hell I wasn’t considering any timespans longer than a week. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not just talking about sex. Just a bit of fun in between the nice girls. Perhaps things have changed these days, I haven’t tried to chat up a girl for 5Γ…β€œ years. Which is coincidentally the same length of time since I got slapped by a girl too, how odd.

  23. Ooooh NinaTinaSeema the claws are out eh? Well with a name like that, your height’s not even an issue, I’d be giving you a wide berth anyway ;ΓƒΕΎ

  24. How did we get painted as playas? This is what comes from association with that rapscallion Punjabi Boy. Doesn’t a playa mean someone who plays girls? I’ve never done that.

  25. Don’t worry playa’s, you’ll get played…

    I am unplayable – but I enjoy watching them try πŸ˜€


    You have the wrong impression of me – I’m really sensitive in real life, in touch with my feminine and gentle side.

  26. BongBreaker, So you only respek gyals who ak like Aunties, then? Two Tight Slaps, an’ you behave??

  27. Ooooh NinaTinaSeema the claws are out eh?

    Look boys. Give it up. There’s no point in arguing with me. In addition to being much taller than you, I have about 9 rhyming desi names. You can do the math (# of possible combinations) and figure out how many times I can come back at you. There is no point.

  28. So you only respek gyals who ak like Aunties, then? Two Tight Slaps, an’ you behave??


    Bongo, you just got played!!

    We have some undercover stuff going on here and I reckon I know who they are in real life but I like their cheeky undercover styles!

  29. BongBreaker, So you only respek gyals who ak like Aunties, then? Two Tight Slaps, an’ you behave??

    Hey, that’s not me!… so that combo doesn’t count. I get one more combo. But props to you anyways, BeenaNinaJeena

    Peace:) The original mutant has to get back to work.

  30. Oi!

    Don’t forget us either! We’re with BeenaNeenaTeenaSeemaMeenaJeenaReena all the way. 100%, yaar!

    And we can make our spandex haltertops into slingshots ‘fore you’ve had time to put down yer bloddy drink!

    Pass the garnish tray, Seema! We can pelt the barstids with olives an cherries…

  31. Here you go..don’t forget the martini onions! They’ll hurt more!

    I’M the original mutant, TinaBeenaNina! But the Jan Brady bit was out-of-place so I changed it. But whatevs girlfriend! You know I got yer back!

  32. Martini onions! What kind of hoochies are you?!

    PB I don’t know who they are in real life. Although two people on here (and only two) know that by turning me down, pelting me with olives and cherries, these poor girls are in fact denying themselves one eighth of the perfect Asian man.

    Skeen blad.

  33. P-Boy,

    We have some undercover stuff going on here and I reckon I know who they are in real life but I like their cheeky undercover styles!

    It’s not your friends from Rouge, is it ?