She’s “hot now, you’ll see” (slightly updated)

Mathangi rocks DC.jpg London calling and speak the
slang now, boys say wha,
go on girls say wha wha

66 hours until MIA destroys the 9:30 club, kiddies. That picture was taken at her last concert in DC; without a doubt, it was one of the greatest shows I’ve EVER been to, and I saw the Pixies final gig at Hammerstein Ballroom last year, so I don’t sling such words sans souci.

People who are new to the Mutiny often out themselves by leaving a comment like, “I don’t get it…why is she successful?” when that subject has been debated and dissected every time we post about her. I’d like to add another dimension to the discussion.

I firmly believe that groups who give good show should be recognized– and that it’s possible that a band you normally dislike can impress you live. Case in point: Smashmouth at the 9:30 club, 1999. I do NOT like Smashmouth, but I was surprised at how their concert didn’t blow. So, even if you can’t stand exoticized, objectified, overexposed Mathangi and you think her music is beyond lame, you should know that she is AWESOME on stage.

I’m thrilled she’s playing the 9:30 club again; it’s such a wonderful, intimate venue, easily my fave place for a concert in swamp city. When MIA opened there for LCD Soundsystem, I was four feet away from her, wishing I had remembered earplugs because the screams were even louder than what was spilling out of the speakers. Oh, and speaking of LCD Soundsystem…I totally dig them, but after the party Miss Arulpragasam threw on stage, they bored me to the point that I left early. I never leave concerts early, yo.

Anyway, unbelievably (and unlike sold-out, Craig’s list-desperate last time) tickets are STILL available, not to mention affordable. The next time she plays DC, it may be a different, bigger venue; she’s blowing up. Anyone catch the advertisement for the newest Civic Si? Sick animation, executed flawlessly to the unmistakable thrum of “Galang”. You love it. And even if you hate it? I’m not trying to hear that, see. 😉


I’m watching VH1’s “Best Week Ever” as I type this and what are they playing in the background of one of their segments? Yup. “Galang”. That song is tighter than a hoochiefit at a Bhangra party. 😀

Ah, I love synchronicity. 🙂:+:

Yes, Siddhartha. She DID ascend the speakers on my side of the stage.

on a high.jpg

And you’re right. It WAS hot. We went nuts. 😀

sing your life.jpg

68 thoughts on “She’s “hot now, you’ll see” (slightly updated)

  1. “Swingin’ on the Riviera one day And then layin’ in the Bombay alley next day Oh no, you let the wrong word slip While kissing persuasive lips The odds are you won’t live to see tomorrow.”

    Good call, DD 😉

  2. Bongster,

    You’re forgetting about the Egyptian one. Or did she break your heart / love you & leave you / throw an Appletini at you when you asked her to dance ?

  3. BongBreaker,

    Sorry mate just re-read your post — I guess the Egyptian girl is the one you like then eh 😉

  4. Jai, Jai, Jai. You leap to conclusions too quickly my boy. Laura is a few years junior to me at medschool. Here’s a picture of her reading my newspaper. She’s very bright, down-to-earth and not at all what I expected. And you thought I fancied her. You think I’m incapable of thinking above my waist? That I must fancy one of them if I support them? Eh?! I can’t be supportive of a British group without fancying one of them?! Well sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t fancy Laura.

    …I fancy Legha.

  5. Perhaps if I record an album of raucous yelps, I too can be marketed as the “new new thing.” -Mola Ram, on the ones and twos

    Speak on brother!!!

  6. Sidharatha,

    I do want to like her and just go with the flow. But sometimes there’s a price to be paid for it. Its not a fun feeling to “wake up” the next morning and not be able to respect yourself. Engaging in excerzies in exocitization (spelling?!) are temporary fun but later you feel taken advantage of. I’m trying to strike a balance between ignoring everything and ignoring nothing

    If we never hasten the day when this objectification bs goes away, it will remain with us. And it sucks no ifs ands or buts

    I was at a show and I felt the vibe there wouldn’t be a reason I’d stop. I’ve stopped going to hipster events for a while now. I only miss it occassionally. I’m on the look-out for spaces that truly respect all people in them. Anything else and I can pass, I had that fun.

    A new day will come.

    Maya might not even be that bad by the way, I don’t really even have a judgement on it

    but word up to you, thanks for the message

  7. raju,

    I’m trying to strike a balance between ignoring everything and ignoring nothing

    well put. believe me brother, i hear you.

    leaving aside the specific case of maya, i’d simply encourage you to remember that there is an alternative. there’s a political alternative, in the construction of solidarities that aren’t mutually exploitative — yes it takes effort, but it can be done — and there’s a spiritual alternative, in the pursuit of detachment and transcendence, both of which (conveniently enough) are developed in hindu philosophy…

    on the political front, have you read vijay prashad? not that i agree with all of his outlook, but he’s as smart an analyst of the desi condition as i know, and he offers some political ways forward that can get us beyond this point. (feel free to answer off-sepia if you want to continue this conversation elsewhere.)

    peace & respects

  8. Siddhartha,

    Yeah I have read Vijay Prashad and I agree he’s got a pretty good outlook in a lot. your comments are well taken in general


  9. I went to the show last night. Amazing!

    But our camera crapped out. Did anyone get any good shots? I would love to see them..