Food for Ogling, er, I mean, Thought

I believe I lead a call for more sexy sepia men on the Mutiny, but now that a reader sent in some pics, (thanks Ananya) I’m not sure what to think. (mental note: research loopholes and plausible deniability) sepiaPETAchili.jpg

Over on the right, we have John Abraham, the 6’1″, half-Keralite/half-Parsi, 1999 winner of Gladrags Manhunt India. Let me hasten to add that he’s now fast becoming an established Ahctor with roles in Dhoom, Water, Viruddh and the soon-to-be released Baabul, among others. The last two with none other than the Daddy-O of Hindi cinema, his excellency Amitabh Bachchan.

As an avowed vegetarian, Abraham recently posed for a PETA India campaign to release caged birds, (see the sexy results below), but it’s this latest poster promoting vegetarianism that caught our tipster’s eye. “Abraham appears dressed in green onions, chilies and what looks like green peas,” s/he succinctly writes. Am I the only one rather turned off by this pic? I dunno, but a scallion grass skirt covering a man’s tender parts entirely makes me lose my appetite. For anything. And what’s with that highly ridiculous crown of chilies? Is this a pun on hotness?

“I’m against cruelty of any kind. That’s why I’m associated with PETA and work against cruelty to animals. Though I’m not the moral police, I’d like people to be considerate to other living beings,” he says. [link]

Sure, sure, but what about cruelty to men, eh? I think forcing a man to wear vegetables surely counts in that category.Of course, given that I’m an incorrigible carnivore, I can’t speak to this with any authority. When my guest tenure is up, dear readers, know that the mutineers will breathe a sigh of relief for they won’t have to hear me slurp ox-tail soup in the close quarters of our North Dakota bunker anymore. Anna is ready to label my flatware, kosher-style, and Sajit still hasn’t forgiven me for eating all his Marmite. (I thought he bought it for me – I didn’t know yeasts weren’t animal!!)

Kudos to PETA for finally tapping the Indian market. I guess a long history of cow-protection and vegetarianism meant the country was ripe for PETA style re-education:

Cattle – who were once revered partners in our culture and part of our spiritual and family lives – endure dreadful lives and painful deaths. Their suffering has become ours, as studies have shown that consuming milk that was meant for baby cows puts us at risk for a host of ailments, including cardiovascular disease; ovarian, breast and prostate cancer; diabetes and even osteoporosis. The cholesterol and saturated fat in dairy products clogs arteries and feeds tumours, and the high protein levels leach calcium from our bones, making them brittle and fragile…A study revealed that at least 70 per cent of the South Indian population cannot digest milk sugars! [link]

My ignominious days as a bio student are long over, but perhaps Abhi or one of the science/medical braniacs reading this could explain why (some of) this sounds like rot to me. Drinking milk leaches calcium? And I thought South Indians lacked lactase because of a childhood diet short on dairy? Damn..where’s Razib when you actually need him!

As much as I agree that frankenfoods (aka genetically modified tomatoes and such) are scary, and that Vestern agri-businesses are not environmentally sound, and that modern cattle raising methods are inhumane….PETA’s propagandistic tactics leave me cold. And this relentless scrutiny of everything worn or eaten reminds me of the hippies in Gita Mehta’s Karma Cola… you know, the “India’s so lovely, too bad about the Indians” sort.

Ah, but I digress. Here, finally, is John Abraham’s poster for Avian Freedom. Let’s scrutinize it for, um, fashion faux pas, and, er, ethnocentric perspectives, shall we?


Related posts: one fish, two fish, three fish, blue fish.

48 thoughts on “Food for Ogling, er, I mean, Thought

  1. Cicatrix, this is slightly off-topic but your analysis reminds me of a line one of my friends uses:

    Friend: Abhi check out that cute girl.

    Abhi: Where, where,…where?

    Friend: That one over there, the fine one. She’s got an onion butt.

    Abhi: Excuse me, “onion” butt??

    Friend: Yeah, makes you wanna cry.

  2. Thanks for the post. If this can make some people visit the PETA website and read and watch some videos , that would be great.

    As for PETA India, I think most of the material they have about diary or Protien is pretty much common to all their web sites.

    Drinking milk leaches calcium?

    Drinking milk does not but too much (animal) protien does. Found this from googling.

    Anyways, south asians need not worry abt too much protien in their diet.

  3. oh, turbanhead, it just goes to prove how far I am from uwegetarianism that I needed your reminder! What an oversight! Will resign myself to nothing but lentils tomorrow in penance 😉

    Abhi, I’ve actually heard that one before!! And it’s still funny 😉 here’s (an old) one for you: Q: “Are you wearing astronaut underwear?” A: “Wha? No, Why?” Q: “Cuz your ass is out of this world!”

    Psssst, raju. meet me out back for the $50 I promised you.

  4. Psssst, raju. meet me out back for the $50 I promised you.

    Harrumph! Membership in the Mutiny can’t be purchased!

    Unless you want to send me Rushdie galleys before they’re published. Vat? Everybuddy has a price.

  5. How about an invite to Padma’s next soiree? I might be able to smuggle you in as a chimta player.

    During a break, you whip out a tray with your homecooked versions of her latest recipes. Feed them to her as you make make sweet sweet lowe. I can guarantee 6 minutes until Rushdie shows up to break your kneecaps.

  6. Abhi, I’ve actually heard that one before!! And it’s still funny 😉 here’s (an old) one for you: Q: “Are you wearing astronaut underwear?” A: “Wha? No, Why?” Q: “Cuz your ass is out of this world!”

    I will propose to any girl that uses such a line on me 🙂

  7. hark! the sound of a baseball bat being grabbed, in the distance. 😉


    damned skippy i’m labeling all the flatware– the things you eat terrify me. that slimy thing which was on the end of your fork at spring street natural continues to haunt me. 😀

  8. Also, that fashion designer guy is way cuter.

    I think they’re both pretty cute, I dig the vegetables but not the vegetables, and I demand more pictures of tasty brown Y, especially vegetarian Y.

  9. I nominate a picture of Punjabi Boy as the next hunk-of-the-week.

    The server would crash – wouldnt be able to handle the number of hits – it would go crazy – women would be divorcing and I would feel guilty about all those fantasies that would inevitably arise in the minds of married women and girls in relationships – I have no need to be humble – but I dont want to cause so much pain and unrequited lust.

    No, but seriously, I need the reminders, please keep posting the hunks with the six packs to humiliate me and remind me of my zero-pack.

    I’m just going to do some sit-ups now.

  10. Just did nineteen sit ups – almost made it to twenty but then something went crack in my back – well I think it did. Anyway, no problem, I’ve done some sit ups so I can have an ice cream now – its equalised.

  11. Sorry, Anna, sorrryy!! Those were just calamari tentacles!

    The question is, do you jab them with your fork and wave it around the table to traumatize your squeamish dining party? 😉

    The tentacles are the best part!

  12. The question is, do you jab them with your fork and wave it around the table to traumatize your squeamish dining party? 😉

    DD, I have no idea what you’re talking about. moi! Stoop to such juvenile antics? Really.

    rushes off to retrieve whoopie cushion with Ann Coulter’s face on it from Vinod’s deskchair before anyone finds out

  13. Mr. Cicatrix will let the mizzez eat whatever the hell south-of-south-indian bit of barely-cooked offal that she wants, as long as she does the dishes. But you mutineers seem to have cut into dish-doing time.

    In other news, overheard at a party last nite was a tidbit that Abishek Bachchan is very, very shy and feels like he’s living in the shadow of his father.


    i know, right? Even the mizzez was amazed.

  14. Mr Cicatrix are you trying to say we expect Ms. Cicatrix to do your dishes? chauvansistic expectations of desi women are not transferable

  15. no, HER dishes–if she doesn’t wash ’em immediate the Brooklyn HQ starts stinking like the ugly end of a cowfoot. the servants do my dishes and the ones that we dirty together. Living the good life has its advantages, yaar.

  16. wouldn’t know about that, i do my own dishes and give to the poor every chance i get. later i work for peace and justice and then come home and cook dinner for my girlfriend and then help her protest patriarchy. then we make funny jokes and drink wine. haha IT work is fabolous

  17. Heh, this guy’s not hot. He’s got your typical vacuous model looks, and he looks rather confused.

  18. Sorry Ennis, John Abraham’s not my type– I wasn’t inspired to whip up enchiladas with his scallion skirt 😉

  19. and some woman somewhere is turning up her nose at your John Abraham and kissing a poster of Johnny Lever…

    different tastes and styles yaar.

  20. cicatrix

    Exactly. So my long-standing crush on Vijay Raaz is not weird. Not weird at all.


    he was SOOO cute in Raghu Romeo!


    word, janki. i wouldn’t kick him out of my bed. not for a few minutes at least. 😉

    me… – shaking my head – to each his own.

  21. word, janki. i wouldn’t kick him out of my bed. not for a few minutes at least.

    What if he was eating biscuits and dropping crumbs all over your bed sheets? Wouldnt you kick him out then?

  22. john abraham is so hott and nice!but true that pik is not too cute.i love him and all his movies hes sweet and kind and cute and…i could go on forever!but he is not a full vegetarian.he eats fish but then he needs it for his muscles!hes also really smart hes not one of those dumb supermodels.i love him but some people have different tastes.haaaaaa=] of only i could meet him!