I wish I were a man. Really. Their problems seem so much more…significant, no?
At least, that’s how I feel after reading a Washington Post article entitled, New Wives Bring New Hope to Sri Lankan Widowers.
Thanggod! Some good news about Sri Lanka, I thought, as I clicked the link and started reading:
Plunged into despair after the tsunami killed his wife and two of his four children, Ruknadhan Nahamani passed the first months after the disaster in an alcoholic fog, drowning his sorrows in the potent local liquor known as arrack . But grief was only part of the problem, he said.
“There was nobody to wash my clothes and take care of my kids when I went out to work,” said the wiry 32-year-old fisherman, whose teeth are stained red from chewing betel nut, a mild stimulant. “It was really difficult.”
But Nahamani is a single parent no more. In June, he exchanged wedding vows and jasmine garlands at a Hindu temple with a woman from a nearby village. “We are very happy,” he said outside his tent at a refugee camp as his new wife, Leelawathi, heated cooking oil for the evening meal.[link]
The man survived a tsunami and lost almost his entire family and lives in a refugee camp. Of course he deserves all the happiness he can find.
But the grinchy pebble I call a heart couldn’t muster more joy when I remembered all the war widows in Sri Lanka. Some 40,000 at last count.
And the fact that women drowned in massively disproportionate numbers (three times more) during the tsunami because they’re not taught to swim.
And the fact that widows are still treated like amoral harlots in most of South Asia.
Where’s the bloody community support for them?According to Sri Lankan human rights activist and lawyer Manouri Muttetuwegama:
“Widows were marginalised by their communities, orphaned girls were deprived of basic education, and thousands of female-headed families struggling to survive are still waiting to be counted in official statistics so that they can receive aid”, she says.[link]
But let’s return to the happy fisherman:
In [his] village, 31 of the 37 men whose wives died in the tsunami have remarried, according to local officials and aid workers.
In the first months after the tsunami, virtually all of the 37 widowers [of one village] dealt with their grief — along with more pragmatic concerns, such as who was going to cook for them and raise their children — by drinking themselves senseless.
Widowers from the village appear to have had little difficulty lining up new wives, often with the aid of relatives or friends.
Why do I feel sour reading this? Why is it ok for men to have a pity parties while women are expected to hide and fend for their shameful selves? Can you even imagine how this village would react if a woman hit the arrack while her kids yowl with hunger around her?
Maybe I’m still a little steamed from watching 1-800-INDIA on PBS tonight. Young, single women earning enough to support themselves and their families…I was all set to have a happy hour in front of the telly. The show did address some ways in which traditional gender roles are loosening, but single girls, living with (female) roommates? Aunties, Uncles, and SuitableBoys, all say – “Sluts!”
Dismayingly, it’s a hypocritical refrain I hear even in NY, among the American-born…Men want to meet a sexy thing at a club, but not the woman they want to marry. What gives?
I ain’t trying to pour haterade on all the lovely SepiaBoys who visit this site. But while we tut-tut over the latest rural Panchayat decree sentencing a woman to be gang-banged by half the village, don’t we feel rather superciliously removed from it all?
I dunno. If you want to discuss this further, please come find me. I’ll be at the bar with a hipflask full of arrack.
punk-ass bia, thanks for vitriolic restatement of the obvious. Most people on the thread admitted that they were generalizing with regard to the topic, albeit that we’re way off topic. That goes to Sumita’s “merely another angle” comment.
Who you callin’ a bitch? Check yourself. Wait, no, don’t. You just validated the need for this inter-gender bloodletting.
I was sarcastically commenting on Sumita’s proclivity to COMMENT. A lot.
How would I know what sex you are, bia? As you probably know, bia can be applied colloquially to either sex. Sumita, there’s some chick out there who’s got beef with you.
Uh, maybe because “bachi” means GIRL? Very mature of you to keep calling me that, by the way.
Sorry, English 1st, 2nd and 3rd language.
Again I apologize kid.
Punk-ass bia
Nah!! How could I bore you with what I know?
I must compliment you on your pretty name though.
Am happy that you feel you have it good. I always suspected the rants(on this thread) were a little OTT.(and in fun)
Wow, Sumita Auntie…now you’re calling me a bitch? Think of the children!!
Bachi(this is better)
Sorry , I actually thought that was your name. Oh, I didnt realise bia stood for bitch.(I saw the posts later)Carelessness.!!!
See, this is what comes of being old. We dont even know the regular abuse words.
(this is sincere)
I was not going to continue to contribute to this thread, but you know how I need some of the sweet sweet chest beating.
you wrote:
I didn’t write this to bash those fishermen. We are in no position to judge their drinking habits.
I am heartened to hear that you didn’t wish to judge the drinking habits of pre-industrial society fishermen recovering form a global natural disaster. It is really very enlightened of you. As is your use of a human-interest story in an American Newspaper to grind a personal-is-political Ax . Especially when itÂ’s wrapped in such subtle sarcasm.
Yay, More Hope for Men! I wish I were a man. Really. Their problems seem so much moreÂ…significant, no?
I apologize wholeheartedly.
Jai – I’m not an Indian doctor. I’m an American one. Please feel free to contradict me, any time. My students and residents and other faculty do it all the time.
Okayyy, I obviously need a snack and a nap. And to lay off the SM threads for a while.
vandesi: “
You sublimate, you playa-hate. Seriously, stop making the originator of the thread a proxy for every desi girl who gave you the wrong number when you crept up on them in the computer lab.
Now’s a good opportunity for me to say, sincerely, thank you Cicatrix for the original post and your other posts and comments. You are a beacon of integrity and courage in a sea of shame. As my dear Mama used to say, Non illigitamus carborundum.
Or,as my hectoring Ammi used to say, Non cuoia troppo mai lo spagetti alla carbonara. 😉
Vandesi, I apologize wholeheartedly for offending you!! But I would consider your points far more seriously if you hadn’t needlessly insulted people in a comment that had to be deleted just now.
Given that I said the following, allll (I know, it’s hard) the way up in the original post:
It looks like you need a humor infusion like I need a heart transplant.
Anyway, many thanks to all the commenters (psssst, Nina! Meet me out back for the $50 I promised you) for a rollicking, if utterly disjointed, conversation.
It’s time to put this baby to bed though, yeah? I hope to see y’all, ranting and raving, in the new posts.
So, without further ado: