Both clean and dirty at once

It has been 75 years since Lux soap was first manufactured in India. To mark the occasion, Hindustan Lever is making its first ad for Lux staring a male Bollywood actor. In it they present Shah Rukh Khan in a bathtub full of rose petals. Equal opportunity objectification for men is beginning; you’ve come a long way baby!


p>It seems that the actor had long wanted to star in a Lux ad:

A spokesman for Hindustan Lever, the Indian arm of the multinational Unilever, said the firm had learnt of Shah Rukh Khan’s desire to star in a Lux commercial, following in the footsteps of actresses Hema Malini, Juhi Chawla, Madhuri Dixit, Kareena Kapoor and Aishwarya Rai.

“Our advertising agency somehow managed to hear that Shah Rukh had told his co-stars Juhi Chawla and Hema Malini while shooting for a movie that they are the real stars as they get to sit in elaborate bathtubs and advertise for Lux,” the spokesman, Paresh Chowdhury, told the BBC. [BBC]


p>And of course, a sudsy SRK made perfect sense for the manufacturer as well: Will desi men start threading their chest hair to emulate SRK?

“The target audience, which is basically women between six and 60, love him because he comes across as vulnerable,” he told the BBC. “You could have had some macho actor get in tub but he would seem unreal.

Shah Rukh Khan is a man with a very strong female side – he is not ashamed of not having any hair on his chest – yet he is a man’s man.” [BBC]

Is Shah Rukh Khan the metrosexual desi man for the next century or just a passing fad? Will desi men start threading their chest hair to emulate SRK? One thing is for certain, Indian TV will never be the same again.

UPDATES: These ads will be shown worldwide, and place SRK in the footsteps of Paul Newman:

Khan is the first Indian actor to sign on as the global ambassador for Lux soap, marketed in the South Asian country as the beauty soap of movie stars, said Hindustan Lever Ltd., the Indian arm of multinational Unilever Limited, which makes the soap.

The Indian star follows in the footsteps of Hollywood legend Paul Newman, who was the first male actor to endorse the brand, Hindustan Lever said. NewmanÂ’s ads appeared in the West, not India.

Responding to news that he was following Newman’s lead, Khan told The Hindustan Times newspaper: “But I’m sure he wasn’t in a tub of water with rose petals around him.” [cite]

Also, some commentary about how radical this advertisement actually is:

Although a minor storm of excitement has been whipped up over Khan in the ads, doubtless by Lux’s marketing division, television commercials which depict men in a sexually provocative way are not new in India. In fact, Khan, bare-chested in a bath with petals, is pretty tame. One advert showing now in India features a roll call in a school sixth-form. The teacher calls the name of a particularly attractive boy, and the girls shout, “Yes sir! Yes! Yes!” as if mimicking cries of orgasm. The advert, strangely, is for wristwatches. [cite]

61 thoughts on “Both clean and dirty at once

  1. LOL! “Threading their chests”

    I’m starting a new basement salon business. Don’t knock it. On second thought… maybe knock it.

  2. Do all you really prefer the smooth chest? Why?

    Pretty soon, we’ll be up to eyelash plucking until all men and women are completely shaven, shorn and smooth, head to toe, no hair anywhere on the body, whitened teeth, everyone with skin the same color of bottle beige, wearing contact lens in a neutral ‘null’ shade, we’ll all blend into the background of our Western-desi style apartments and look like overbread dogs with our pilates-ized ribs sticking out as we prance on the balls of toes, preening to each other in a mating ritual of stunning sameness.

    Or not.

  3. And by you all, I don’t mean the commenters. I’m addressing the latest I’ve seen at the gym: Boston must be metrosexual heaven. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  4. I won’t stop my “Threading For Men” campaign until men spend as much time in the bathroom as we do. I came to this realization after deciding I could not give up By the way, I also started the metrosexual campaign; I’m taking credit for that.

    To answer your question MD: I think men’s chests look better hairless: muscle definition is so much more pronounced. It’s more masculine (than feminine or metrosexual) if you ask me.

  5. That is interesting Angie: I feel exactly the opposite.

    I do have sympathy with the having men spend more time on themselves argument: all the time I spend at the gym, getting my eyebrows done, shopping for clothes and make-up. Honestly, it’s all so time consuming.

  6. I prefer hairy men .. that’s how the sardars come =)

    And um, where’s his other nipple? Did they not realize he was lopsided in the picture?

  7. I think the photo is actually a still from video – a t.v.commercial. If it was a photo for an ad, it’d be a terrible one; with the distracting black circle in the background.

    I still won’t stop my campaign for me until both men and women are equally time strapped from wasting time on the superficial. This ensures I have an equal chance of getting a promotion as my male metrosexual, vanity smurf type counterparts.

    (If you haven’t got it by now, this is all in jest, btw…. sort of. No wars please, I’m Canadian.)

  8. Oh, I’m not kidding Angie 🙂

    If I must suffer, I prefer others to share my pain….Yes. I am that good a person.

  9. One of my freinds is convinced that Shah Rukh Khan is gay and Karan Johar (who makes movies that start with “K”) is his boyfreind. 🙂

  10. I hit ‘post’ too soon. I want to add that I dont share my freind’s views about SRK. Also want to add : “Not that there is anything wrong with that” – Seinfield

  11. See – I’m a sardar of punjabi origin. That makes me hairy and unwilling to wax/shave/thread/nair/pluck/tweeze/laze or otherwise depilate my hair. Which is a blessing, because it would be painful, time consuming and expensive otherwise.

    Angie, you can stop your campaign in some sections – have you ever seen how much time some teenage sardars take getting dressed? When they’re pimpin’ they spend so much time primping their beards and turbans that you can never get them out the door.

    MD – you’re right about what you see at the gym. Count the number of guys you see who have shaped eyebrows for starters, and then count your blessings that you can’t see what goes on inside the locker rooms. [Wow – MD and I actually agree on a point!]

  12. One of my freinds is convinced that Shah Rukh Khan is gay and Karan Johar (who makes movies that start with “K”) is his boyfreind. 🙂

    I have a friend who is convinced about this as well 🙂

    Will desi men start threading their chest hair to emulate him?

    Already metrosexuality is taking hold in indian cities, I keep hearing about this fantastic pedicure place for men in blore 🙂

  13. Well, I remove my chest hair before going out on a date, or any place where I might meet a girl. I don’t grow much of it, but it’s still kinda visible. Still, I hope it doesn’t become a trend or anything. I look so good standing next to my hairy friends;)

  14. have you ever seen how much time some teenage sardars take getting dressed?

    Okay, Ennis, I promise not to not put sardar men in any of my threading ads. But in the name of spreading metrosexuality equally, maybe I will start a new campaign to bring funky pink turbans back in style as a primping opp. Those were cool (I’m not joking or poking fun), but I don’t think the younger generations ever caught on for some reason. There used to be this elderly fellow who lived on the same street, when I was a kid; he always had a pink turban and he was so super nice and introduced me and my sister to hulva(sp). He was kind of lonely, I think. Anyways, it’s as if the sweety-pie pink hue was an extension of his sweety-pie soul. I suppose maybe the pink turbans went out with the 80’s, but there’s a good retro-chic opportunity here!

    On the other hand, maybe it’s just best you don’t heed my fashion advice at all. I have been known to wear plaid pants, after all!

  15. To answer your question MD: I think men’s chests look better hairless: muscle definition is so much more pronounced. It’s more masculine (than feminine or metrosexual) if you ask me.

    But most guys don’t have pronounced pecs. Which is why hairy chests are OK in my book. But then again, I think guys who wear anything below a size large all look fifteen years old 😉 YMMV.

  16. But most guys don’t have pronounced pecs.

    Well, that’s a part of the campaign as well. In their efforts to make their bare chests more comely, they will spend more time at the gym; 1)Mark spends too much time primping, 2)Angie spends more time at work. 3)Angie takes over the world! bwahahahaha

  17. Re: Pink pugs. If we’re ever at a meet-up together, remind me to tell you a story of the power of a pink turban. Unfortunately, they’re getting harder to find. I mainly see sober colors now.

  18. King Khan has been a gay icon for a while now.

    I’ve also heard from someone who is gay and actively involved in the gay rights movement: SRK and Karan Johar are not just gay, but also openly so.

    And it was weird in Paheli seeing SRK shirtless and hairless… no wonder he was so ticklish! From the neck down he looked like a prepubescent boy. Ick.

    And here’s another thing…He’s knee deep in all these supposed-to-be Rajasthani men with twirly mouches, he has a mouche himself for the film…. did no one say “Er, perhaps for continuity’s sake, saab should also have hair on his chest.” ?

  19. You think that this:

    he is not ashamed of not having any hair on his chest – yet he is a manÂ’s man

    is meant nudge-nudge wink-wink ?

  20. I’m not sure about SRK being either secretly or openly gay — isn’t he supposed to be very dedicated to his wife Gauri ? I thought they were supposed to have one of the most rock-solid marriages in Bollywood. Plus he has children too — and yes I know there have been various gay figures in the past who have been both married and fathers, but with regards to SRK, I don’t see it.

    Karan Johar, however, may be a different matter; I’d noticed that he used to be very camp indeed, although he seems to have toned it down recently and has toughened up slightly, especially since his father passed away.

    Re: SRK’s hairless chest: a) He could just be naturally hairless there, b) Committed Muslims are supposed to remove any excess body hair, so he may have got rid of it for that reason, and/or c) It could be an aesthetic thing, either due to his own personal choice or on the recommendation of producers/directors/stylists for his films.

    Re: Metrosexuals in India: Has anyone noticed that, tied into the current trend for men there to grow their hair very long and straight, a lot of men seem to be wearing “Alice bands” to keep their hair in place ? (eg. Farhan Akhtar did this too until very recently). Curious fashion trend…

  21. Jai Singh, I’ll take option #1 based on the “My Life: 7 days with SRK” documentary that came out last year. At one point in the movie he’s shaving and he mentions that he’s really pretty hairless…

    I think I just completely outed myself for Bolly-nerdiness…

  22. DesiDancer, interesting that you mentioned that documentary; the BBC showed it here last year too. I thought SRK came across as a really nice guy — he’s a lot more humble these days than he was in his younger days.

    I do think people need to be careful about the gay allegations — especially on a website like SM which has such a wide readership — we don’t want SM to degenerate into some kind of Stardust-style gossip rag.

  23. I looooved that documentary; SRK came off as much more mature and human than he is painted by fluffy bolly-gossip media sources. I liked it so much I bought it 🙂 I found myself compelled to give the guy a hug, after watching the movie. Between the boarding school scenes, the way he takes care of his sister, him with his family, how his views on fame have changed over the years and the way he remains so in awe of his wife… It was very well done!! The screening at the SAIFF last year was the highlight of the festival… (sadly, as “Bride & Prejudice” was a colossal snore of an opener)

    There was also a scene in the same documentary, where SRK is doing overdubs on Kal Ho Na Ho, with Karan Johar in the studio. I’ve got a pretty cutting-edge, finely-tuned gaydar and I’d throw it out there that there was nothing going on between them, other than business and friendship. Jai Singh– your 2paise?

  24. DD, I thought I was the only one that loved that SRK documentary, and I too thought it was the highlight of SAIFF last fall. I wasn’t expecting much at all – I really didn’t care much for SRK – but after that one-hour film, my opinion(s) of him really changed. He came off as mature and self-aware.

  25. My 3 year old daughter has secured SRK as her imaginary friend. Its makes mealtimes a little bizzare

  26. I agree with you completely about SRK’s personality — he really did come across as an all-round great guy on that documentary. I really liked and respected him after that, and as you said, he did also seem very mature (which he should be, considering he’s about 40). He seems to be becoming increasingly humble and self-effacing as he’s getting older — you can see how he reacts when he receives awards at the various bollywood ceremonies (which happens fairly frequently).

    I don’t know if you guys in the States get Karan Johar’s chat show but the final episode has SRK with Amitabh Bachchan, and SRK does behave in a very respectful manner indeed when sitting next to the Big B — his body language, manner of speaking etc. I thought that this reflected very well on him as a person too.

    Speaking of KJ’s show — I can’t remember what “vibes” there were, if any, between him and SRK on that documentary (I don’t think there were, apart from just relaxed friendship), but KJ certainly is far less camp than he’s been in the past when presenting his show. He comes across as quite a tough director, judging by his deceptively relaxed interviewing style — he knows how to maintain control of the situation, with regards to how he handles his often hyperactive guests; he doesn’t take any bukwaas from them either, and subtly-but-clearly steers things back under his control if the guests appear to be taking things over or “crossing any lines”. I was quite impressed.

    With regards to the alleged rumours about his orientation — I don’t think he did himself any favours by behaving in such an outrageously camp manner in the past, but it could just have been some immaturity on his part. He seems to have grown up a bit since his father died, as I mentioned earlier. shrug Even if he is gay — which may or may not be the case — I guess it’s his own personal business, at the end of the day.

    However, in terms of any supposed liaison with SRK — personally, no, I doubt it. People often just have dirty minds, and I’m sure you know how Indians/South Asians in particular cen have a fairly prurient and immature attitude to such things; they love to speculate and are constantly reading things into situations which aren’t even there. Moreover, considering that SRK has children who, although still young, are not so young that they won’t pick up on any comments made on this area either by the children of people idly gossiping on the subject, or by adults themselves, well….people should consider the impact that their overactive imaginations have on the kids. Perhaps there wouldn’t be such “loose talk” if Karan Johar himself was openly dating someone or was actually married (although who knows ?), and of course I could be totally wrong about the whole thing, but I thnk that dragging SRK into the equation is wrong, irresponsible, and immature.

    Just my 2 paise 😉

  27. SRK has less amount of facial hair for a ‘Peshawari’. So I can buy that he has naturally less hair on chest.

  28. I’m still fixated on trying to understand his facial expression in the picture above. I think it’s supposed to be a direct adoption of the female “come-hither” look but to me it says “constipation” or something.

    I think the one nipple exposed/one hidden combination is very “come-hither,” though.

  29. I think speculating on an actor’s sexual orientation absent any actual evidence is a little distasteful. Behind it is an idea that guys who are too good-looking and not especially macho are sort of questionable.

    (Now, if you had pictures or audio tape from Salman Khan, there might be something to discuss.)

    I’ve never seen the Karan Johar chat show. But I surely hope it’s more interesting than Karan Johar’s movies.

    Ennis, here’s how you make a pink pagri: Take a red pagri and a white pagri, and put them into the wash together. Your red pagri will still look the same, but your white pagri has now turned pink! No need to go all the way to Ludhiana to hook it up.

  30. I’m still fixated on trying to understand his facial expression in the picture above. I think it’s supposed to be a direct adoption of the female “come-hither” look but to me it says “constipation” or something.

    It’s the patented SRK “sensitively perplexed” look, Deepa. He’s trying to figure out why he can’t stop thinkin’ ’bout you, gurl…donchoo realize??

    but yeah, constipation just about sums it up.

    Whatever, I don’t care. More SRK!! More sexy sepia men for the girls and gays to ogle!! 😉

  31. he did also seem very mature (which he should be, considering he’s about 40).

    well you’d think, but he’s the same age as Salman Khan… so that skews the maturity-by-age curve. 😉

  32. Ennis, here’s how you make a pink pagri: Take a red pagri and a white pagri, and put them into the wash together. Your red pagri will still look the same, but your white pagri has now turned pink! No need to go all the way to Ludhiana to hook it up.

    exactly, amardeep. i did that with my clothes after legally blonde came out, when i suddenly wanted a way pinker wardrobe. it totally worked. 😉

  33. er, well..but..hhmmmmmmmmmmm..

    dawning awareness of power

    oh shit…Theo – you’re right! I can!

    yippeee! nekkid boys on sepia!!

    bwah hah hahhh!!

    waits for Vinod to terminate admin priviledges

  34. But, back to the original question: “Will desi men start threading their chest hair…?” Threading works for small areas where precision is required, i.e. the eyebrows. It is unlikely ANYONE would thread their entire chest. (Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!) The question should have read, “Will desi men start waxing their chest hair…?” (Less ouch!)


  35. Maybe it could become a fashion for desi men to have their chests threaded in elaborate patterns – like mehndi patterns or a carpet of rosebuds 😉

  36. omg. that would be beyond ‘metrosexual’, past ‘gay’, and a sharp left tun onto ‘flaming.’

    hehehh….imagine seeing male “carpets of rosebuds” at the beach!!!