The Next Apprentice?

The Romans pioneered today’s victory and ticker tape parades in their Triumph ceremony.  Post-war, a long procession of captured loot, slaves, musicians, and, of course, the Legion in its finest regalia marched through the city for all citizens to lavish their praise.  The victorious General followed this procession in a priceless chariot waving to the audience like the beauty queen of his day.  Ever cognizant of human nature, the Roman council enlisted a slave who stood by the side of the general whispering the reminder that “all glory is fleeting”.  

Perennial SM television favorite Raj Bakhta may have to hang up his golden leaf crown as he confronts the newer, younger model this fall.   The latest season of the Apprentice will unveil the newest Desi reality-TV star, Ms Toral Mehta

Toral, 29, currently a Vice President in the Capital Markets group of a major investment bank in New York City, is among the handful of officer level women in her group responsible for originating, structuring, negotiating and closing multi-million dollar business deals. Fluent in French, Hindi and English, Toral has traveled to more than 15 foreign countries over the course of her career, working with top business leaders in both the public and private sectors. A graduate of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Toral has worked for some of the country’s leading financial institutions including Goldman Sachs and American Express. In addition, Toral is a skilled day trader and self-made multi-millionaire. Her recent investments include luxury real estate and upscale restaurant projects in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Toral now resides in New York City, and likes to spend her free time at her homes in Miami Beach and London.

A few Penn alums who know her mentioned that Toral has the chops to give Omarosa a run for the money in the drama and tension category.   Delicious.   Her interview Q&A certainly reveals she’s a PC-be-damned type –

When will you consider yourself “a success”?
I already do.

Have any previous Apprentice winners motivated or inspired you? If so, who and why? If not, what did you think of the winners?
No, and I don’t think about them.

Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with Donald, George, or Carolyn, and why?
I would take my chances floating at sea.

Heh.   She sounds charming.   Unlike Raj, for whom charm appeared to be just about the only thing in the show he had going, Toral’s victories sound rather less fleeting.  Let history and the history about to be made be the final judge whilst the denizens of Sepia Mutiny lavish ratings.

71 thoughts on “The Next Apprentice?

  1. She’s a self-made multi-millionaire AND Capital Markets VP at the age of 29?!

    That’s thoroughly impressive; I bet she kicks major ass. Good luck to her!

  2. Do your research on her. She’ll come up empty handed…she’ll rank up there with Omarosa as fronting much her success. Her brother has another tale to tell…

  3. god I hope my dad never hears about her, or it’s the ole “you’re so behind the accomplishments curve” lecture again…

    “AND she’s on TV, beti. What are you doing with your life?”


  4. Why don’t you ask DD yourself? If you’re trying to pick DD up, I don’t suggest talking about her in the third person when she’s standing right behind you 😉

  5. If she is a multi-millionaire, already considers herself a success, and seems to not care about anyone “famous,” then what is she doing on the show?

    Still, I look forward to the new season, new drama, and new dynamics.

  6. I was actaully inquiring about Ms. Toral, but not that DD doesn’t raise my inquisitiveness… I was just hoping I wouldn’t need to ask 🙂

  7. It does not get hotter than this:

    What, in your opinion, is the most important quality to have in order to succeed in life and why?
    Focus and determination – pursue your goal like a tiger would his prey, and don’t stop until it is yours.

    Listens to bhangra.

    Multi Millionaire.

    Pursues like a tiger.


    I want to be her Apprentice.

  8. haha PB, you’re so easily excited! (Though I admit I was a little excited about the punjabi music comment too).

    But seriously, why does she need to be on the Apprentice when she’s already the master? This girl’s parents are going to be receiving a lot of marriage proposals.

  9. I found her choice of favorite movies to be lacking…”Titanic, Independence Day and Thomas Crown Affair”

    She is a hottie tho.

    Slick chick right here!

  10. Yeah, her taste in film is seriously lacking: surely a sign of bigger problems. I’d vote for Savita Chaudhry for ultimate hottie and more importantly, smartie.

  11. Finally, something to justify tuning in to one more season (after ignorning as much of the past one as possible). Let the catfights begin. (Wonder if she’s been offered to do a lingerie layout from FHM yet…)

    Aside from the super-rich bhangra queen here, I’m curious to see who the allegedly drop-dead beautiful girl was that Trump insisted be on the show, even after the crew said “She’s too beautiful, no one will take her seriously.”

    Hmmm, you don’t suppose this gal is one and the same….

  12. I’m surprised Kierkegaards’s The Concept of Irony didn’t make her list of favorite books.

    What do Frederico Fellini’s Satyricon and television’s The Apprentice have in common?

    Both burlesque a cohort of self-obssessed hedonistic freaks excellently unaware of their own bestiality.

  13. Both burlesque a cohort of self-obssessed hedonistic freaks excellently unaware of their own bestiality.

    Something’s not quite right here…hum, let’s see…Not harsh enough…? No, I got it. It’s the extra “s” in “obssessed” (sic).

    Might as well correct Kierkegaards’s (sic) to Kierkegaard’s as well.

    Why am I obsessing about this?

    I’m the spelling Apprentise.

    Me big succes just like Toral Mehta!


    Ardent Professional Peacocks Ritualizing Excessive Narcissism To Ingratiate (themselves with) Chief Executive

  15. Vinod,

    Doesn’t this properly illuminate the spirit of your Roman theme?

    What do Frederico Fellini’s Satyricon and television’s The Apprentice have in common? Both burlesque a cohort of self-obsessed hedonistic freaks excellently unaware of their own bestiality.
  16. Some guy,

    I am wondering did you misspell the word…..coz it doesnt make any sense to me

    Still wondering…

  17. your professor of Punnery 101 is Dr. Manish Vij. Professor Vij, please explain the basics of the Toral Sex joke to the freshman class…

  18. Professor Vij, please explain the basics of the Toral Sex joke to the freshman class…

    It’s a blue collar joke, like working on the docks– you have to godown for it.

  19. Professor Vij,

    Thanks for clarifying me on Toral sex.

    BTW, How do I register for Punnery 101 ?

    My dad is like “No way, you are joining such a class”.

    If you cud give me some ideas for convincing my dad, I will guarantee that I will bring more students for your class, so that this course doesnt get dropped next year, for lack of students.

    Help me! Proff

  20. Now that we have been educated !!! Let me add Toral name’s history. Toral is part of Jesal-Toral pair of legendary lovers of Gujarat. Jesal was an outlaw in the Saurashtra part of Gujarat. They are the Laila-Majnu of Gujarat.

  21. She has a gigantic task of salvaging the image of Indians after the moron Raj Bakhta ruined it (and in the process, gave a bad rep to my name). I just hope she doesn’t end up like Tammy, Verna or Stacie.

  22. If any of you based in the US have access to BBC America — or can find this on DVD — the recent British version of The Apprentice is also worth checking out. There was a British Pakistani woman on it called Saira Khan who ended up becoming quite (in)famous — she’s the pushiest, most aggressive, loud-mouthed broad you can imagine, but great to watch. You know the meek-&-mild stereotype of the “ideal” bahu/daughter-in-law in the Indian media, especially those television soaps ? Well, Saira’s The Anti-Bahu.

    She was quite successful in the show too, but I won’t give too much away 😉

    Oh yes, we also had an Indian guy called Raj but he was nothing like the bow-tie-wearing, Robin-chasing US version.

    The British show was a little different in style to Donald Trump’s version but still very, very good. The candidates were also far more openly aggressive — people were swearing at each other much more (assuming all that wasn’t just edited out in the American version).

  23. Hey, is this the same Toral Mehta that was in that god-awful Hindi movie, Kehtaa Hai Dil Baar Baar? She looks familiar…

  24. Toral is absolutely gorgeous, she should really be in movies and not reality TV shows. I saw Toral in Kehtaa Hai Dil Baar Baar…the movie was pretty bad, especially bad were actors Kim Sharma and Jimmy Shergill. But Toral easily stole every scene she was in with her cunning and beauty. Has she been in any other movies? Move over Aishwarya Rai and make room for Toral Mehta.

  25. I don’t know about whether or not she should be in movies, but judging on her taste, she should def. not be a movie critic!

  26. yes, that’s the one and the same. the movie bombed, and she in it, bombed.

    and she’s not all that… believe me, I knew her when…

    …and knew a few people she burned…

    too bad.

  27. This girl is the biggest opportunist around. I know her because my friend was in love with her for years. For some reason, all the guys want her and she tosses them aside once she gets bored with them. This is just another publicity stunt for this chick.

  28. Please ask her to use me and toss me aside. It would be the happiest day (or night!) of my life.

  29. Well who can blame her for taking advantage of this opportunity, Neil? It really sounds like from your post that you are jealous and the fact that she rejected your pathetic friend is simply sour grapes. Any guy knows that the worst thing he can do is keep chasing a girl if she isn’t into him, and that she will just end up humiliating him. If you could’ve been on this show you would have, but she got chosen for this show and you did not (and probably you didn’t bother trying out because you knew you had no chance). She probably got chosen because of all the great qualities that she has and you (and your loser friend) know that you don’t have. So don’t blame her for taking advantage of her assets, just as every other celebrity takes advantage of theirs. It is really the american way and anyone who is against opportunism and against trying to better oneself should really do everyone (especially myself) a big favor and just leave this country immediately.

  30. wow – let us know how you really feel, mumbaistud69!! Is that name supposed to compensate for something?

    I don’t think anyone is against bettering ones’ self or creating opportunities but there is a difference between “creating opportunity” for oneself and “being an opportunist”. Go look that up in the dictionary, why don’t you?

    And, I truly believe that what goes around comes around, and the mean and ruthless will eventually get their comeuppance (you may have to look that up too!)

    Besides, why are you wasting your time defending someone who probably wouldn’t even look twice at you??

  31. guestspeaker- I have no problem defending someone who probably wouldn’t look at me twice. In fact, I think it is an incredibly honorable act to defend someone against the unjust when there is no self-interest. For you to ask me that suggests that you only defend people if there is something in it for you, and because of that I have no choice but to conclude that you are a person of low character. Furthermore, I too strongly believe in the element of karma and I am sure the mean and ruthless were certainly get their due (or comeuppance). Fortunately for Toral, she is neither of these things, and I am sure she is a person of highest character, values and integrity, unlike yourself. Because of this, Toral has nothing to look forward to in life but the greatest rewards of life, which she has already apparently received a small dose of by being chosen for the Apprentice out of millions of candidates. Finally, she would not be able to look at me twice even if she wanted to because the first time she looks at me she would be so captivated by my immense physical appeal that she wouldn’t be able to stop looking at me for eternity, making looking at me twice impossible.

  32. I met Toral at a cocktail party in NY.. All I remember is that she was the best looking woman around; she knew it and she made sure everyone else knew it through that look in her eyes. But I have to say, while she is not my type– she is definitely someone with a confidence and personality that most women lack.

  33. she is definitely someone with a confidence and personality that most women lack.

    While I appreciate your reverence for her, perhaps you could have used less insulting language towards “most women”. Instead of implying that most women lack confidence and personality, you could have said Toral has a unique personality and rare confidence.

    I’ve met alot of women with confidence and personality, and that I look up to. I’m not sure where you are meeting these “most women”. Perhaps it’s in the same nightclubs where all the supposedly “groping desi dudes” are. Look beyond your comfort zone and you’ll meet some fantastic people.

  34. Angie, um…wanna split a latte some time?

    hmmm… what if “Angie” was really Angad Singh Pehelwan, a strapping, hairy Jat from Haryana…

    oy vey! I kill myself sometimes. 😎