The Next Apprentice?

The Romans pioneered today’s victory and ticker tape parades in their Triumph ceremony.  Post-war, a long procession of captured loot, slaves, musicians, and, of course, the Legion in its finest regalia marched through the city for all citizens to lavish their praise.  The victorious General followed this procession in a priceless chariot waving to the audience like the beauty queen of his day.  Ever cognizant of human nature, the Roman council enlisted a slave who stood by the side of the general whispering the reminder that “all glory is fleeting”.  

Perennial SM television favorite Raj Bakhta may have to hang up his golden leaf crown as he confronts the newer, younger model this fall.   The latest season of the Apprentice will unveil the newest Desi reality-TV star, Ms Toral Mehta

Toral, 29, currently a Vice President in the Capital Markets group of a major investment bank in New York City, is among the handful of officer level women in her group responsible for originating, structuring, negotiating and closing multi-million dollar business deals. Fluent in French, Hindi and English, Toral has traveled to more than 15 foreign countries over the course of her career, working with top business leaders in both the public and private sectors. A graduate of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Toral has worked for some of the country’s leading financial institutions including Goldman Sachs and American Express. In addition, Toral is a skilled day trader and self-made multi-millionaire. Her recent investments include luxury real estate and upscale restaurant projects in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Toral now resides in New York City, and likes to spend her free time at her homes in Miami Beach and London.

A few Penn alums who know her mentioned that Toral has the chops to give Omarosa a run for the money in the drama and tension category.   Delicious.   Her interview Q&A certainly reveals she’s a PC-be-damned type –

When will you consider yourself “a success”?
I already do.

Have any previous Apprentice winners motivated or inspired you? If so, who and why? If not, what did you think of the winners?
No, and I don’t think about them.

Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with Donald, George, or Carolyn, and why?
I would take my chances floating at sea.

Heh.   She sounds charming.   Unlike Raj, for whom charm appeared to be just about the only thing in the show he had going, Toral’s victories sound rather less fleeting.  Let history and the history about to be made be the final judge whilst the denizens of Sepia Mutiny lavish ratings.

71 thoughts on “The Next Apprentice?

  1. Angie, um…wanna split a latte some time?

    hey guy… sorry i was flippant in my earlier post… didnt know if you were seriously smitten or were just making idle chat… if you were serious… takes balls to express yourself in a public forum… hats off …

  2. ok… my third comment in a row. promise i’ll log out for hte nite…. angie… i’m sure you’re not a hairy jat from haryana… althoug i am admit to it … didnt mean to mock you or mangle your persona. – slinking away to my rat hole –

  3. I’ve met her at a wedding– she was the best dancer and obviously the prettiest girl. She kep to herself mostly. Seemed like she was planning something. All of my buddies were drooling. But I must say, my female friends really didn’t like her. I guess its a catty female thing. That’s my 2 cents.

  4. I saw her in London three weeks ago at Cinnamon Club. She was sitting with some guy with a striking resemblance to Abhishek Bachchan…

  5. I guess its a catty female thing.

    Or an idiot male thing?

    I don’t have a personality? Let me go home and cry about this for a while.

    We’ll see what Toral is made of soon enough…

  6. Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with Donald, George, or Carolyn, and why? I would take my chances floating at sea.

    Looks like a spoiler – if she were one of the top 2, she wouldn’t give such an answer. In fact, with the level of bitterness, perhaps she flames out spectacularly.

  7. I bet you’re ugly, Dedpa. Why don’t you go search

    Who cares what Toral does on the show– I think its a great PR stunt. Instant fame– good for her.

  8. I think I saw Toral at Spice Market in New York City last night with Gotham Chopra and Regis Philbin. She will probably be the next ‘It’ girl.

  9. you didn’t seriously use “it girl” and Regis Freakin’ Philben in the same sentence?!

    It immediately shoots her street cred out the window if she parties with The Rege.

  10. Well I was just assuming that Regis is planning to have her on his show if they were out together.

  11. I bet you’re ugly, Deepa. Why don’t you go search
    Who cares what Toral does on the show– I think its a great PR stunt. Instant fame– good for her.

    really? well, i bet you either already are or would love to be one of Toral’s friends. i’m not going to comment on whether or not i find YOU “ugly” Paanwala, though your words and attitude certainly aren’t pretty.

    just for gits and shiggles, let’s review all of the comments made by “Paanwala”‘s various avatars, shall we? inconsistency, thy name is…

    This girl is the biggest opportunist around. I know her because my friend was in love with her for years. For some reason, all the guys want her and she tosses them aside once she gets bored with them. This is just another publicity stunt for this chick.

    then there was…

    Please ask her to use me and toss me aside. It would be the happiest day (or night!) of my life.

    can’t forget the commenter whose asinine wording justifiably set off some outrage meters:

    I met Toral at a cocktail party in NY.. All I remember is that she was the best looking woman around; she knew it and she made sure everyone else knew it through that look in her eyes. But I have to say, while she is not my type– she is definitely someone with a confidence and personality that most women lack.

    misogynist, perhaps?

    I’ve met her at a wedding– she was the best dancer and obviously the prettiest girl. She kep to herself mostly. Seemed like she was planning something. All of my buddies were drooling. But I must say, my female friends really didn’t like her. I guess its a catty female thing. That’s my 2 cents.

    what are you, her personal page six flack?

    I saw her in London three weeks ago at Cinnamon Club. She was sitting with some guy with a striking resemblance to Abhishek Bachchan…

    utterly fascinating. either she fucked over your boy, you wish she’d fuck you or you just keep meeting her and finding her pretty while all the girls around her hiss, because that’s all they can do when confronted with her magnificence.

    where do you find the hours to follow her about AND advertise how good a dancer/pretty/confident she is on SM? i simply must learn your time management skills.

  12. Perhaps it may be a good idea to reserve judgement on Toral until everyone can actually see her in action in the show. It may not be a good idea to rely too much on second-hand anecdotes (even though it sure is interesting reading and curiosity-sparking), and it definitely isn’t a good idea to make assumptions about her being pure-as-the-drive-snow in her values, integrity etc as one poster has alluded to (you can’t tell all that just from a photograph).

    Will be interesting to see her in the latest version of The Apprentice when the BBC get around to showing it over here in the UK (currently still on the second series). Hope she does well anyway, she’s certainly very accomplished professionally, and at such a young age too. Good for her.

  13. Anna,

    We’re only 3/4 of the way through Season 2 over here so we’ll probably have to wait until at least next year to catch the latest version with Toral etc. It’s always good — and interesting — to see another Indian/South Asian person on these things though isn’t it.

    As I said in my post #34, you guys should try to catch the recent Brit version somewhere — it was quite gritty compared to the American show, and also had 2 South Asians on it (one of whom, Saira Khan, became very notorious/famous indeed here in the UK).

  14. I bet you’re ugly, Dedpa. Why don’t you go search

    Hee! Nope, not ugly. And married already, without the help of websites by the way 😉 You poor thing.

    Who cares what Toral does on the show– I think its a great PR stunt. Instant fame– good for her.

    That is very true. And I agree with Jai Singh – let’s see her in action. And thanks to Anna for the good word! 🙂

  15. SO FUNNY TO SEE TORAL – she is totally an indian amarosa. She got kicked out of Columbia Business School. Details are actually unclear so I won’t publicly air them. She took off to be in Bollywood, so yes that’s her. Actually seems to be successful in finance.

    Question is: Did she really go to Wharton? Going to check. Mehta is not her real name. Or maybe it is because she was a student under another name. Those casting crew chose well.

    Favorite quote “I have never been wrong. Ever.”
    Can’t wait to see her get to the top or at least do lots of publicity stunt raising moves.

  16. Just clarifying – she was in fact registered under mehta at columbia and she seems to have gone to U penn undergrad.
    Don’t want to spread dirt when there is none.. Nonetheless one to watch

  17. mumbaistud-wannabe, i noticed your rambling post, but you still failed to tell us whether your name is supposed to compensate for something.

    Here’s the truth: Toral is from Philly She was a dorky, loudmouthed teen She went to UPenn/Wharton Undergrad She interned for Channel 6 news (and badmouthed the anchor) she went to Columbia B-School but did not graduate. She does not own homes in London or Miami. She is not a multi-millionaire.

  18. guestspeaker: I am completely mystified by your comments on two fronts. First, why you are wasting so much time and energy trying to discredit the amazing Toral’s great accomplishments?? It is surely a sign of bitterness and jealousy on your part that you would try so hard to bring someone else down when it really does not affect you. You are really spreading bad karma and I can assure you that when (really IF) you ever have a moment of triumph in life (and it will surely be a very brief one) some bitter and envious person will try to bring you down. Second, you somehow claim to know a lot about Toral’s background and life. Have you been stalking her for the last 10-15 years or something? Please resist your evil urges to knowingly discredit all of Toral’s great accomplishments, and let me forewarn you that you are making a grave mistake in doing so. In conclusion, coward, stop utilizing all of your time and energy fabricating bad things about Toral and use your time and energy to try to improve you own life, which I strongly suspect is in a very sorry state.

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