You only need to read this post only if you use a blog reader. We’ve made a few changes to reduce our bandwidth costs:
If you read our ‘without comments’ feed: Please switch to the
main feed. It no longer includes comments but does include the full text of the post.
If you read our main feed: Our feeds no longer include comments. Depending on your predilection for drama, this will either sadden or elate you.
If your blog reading service isn’t showing pictures: Let us know the Web address of your blog reading service (e.g. Bloglines), and we’ll make sure the pictures in our posts are displayed in that service.
- If you republish our posts automatically: Please use the
feed for automated reblogging.
Technical details below.
Technical details: (thanks for the help, MadMan)
- RSS and Atom feeds no longer include comments:
Before: 50 comments each trigger a 250 KB reload, 12.5MB/reader/day
After: 6 posts each trigger a 70 KB reload, 420 KB/reader/day
RDF feed now includes only post excerpts. This feed is now designed for automatic reblogging.
Blocked image leeching, except for services like Bloglines and NewsGator
Turned on Gzip compression
Blocked image leeching, except for services like Bloglines
this was a serious problem for my blog. there would be periodic enormous spikes….
Is it better or worse for you if I read you on bloglines? I don’t, but I could switch if it was better. I was thinking it would be better b/c all the blogreader would be grabbing from you would be the text and the pictures, not all the stuff on top and the site graphics, but I dunno. . .
“[image leeching]….was a serious problem for my blog. there would be periodic enormous spikes….”
Yes, no doubt coinciding with the posting of, say, an exceptionally complicated cladogram 😉
Makes little difference re: bandwidth because your Web browser caches the Web page and images. It only re-downloads them when they’ve changed, or if you manually force a refresh (in IE it’s Ctrl+F5).
The only benefit is that Bloglines only refreshes hourly, but that also means you’d be reading the blog and comments on a delay.
top query from google for GNXP: “keira knightly.” all the rest are similar.