It’s time for a pledge drive

Folks the inevitable has happened.  As more people visit SM (thanks!) our hosting costs are rising.  Every time someone clicks on one of our postings it takes up bandwidth on the servers that host our site.  Last month’s bill spiked to an amount much larger than we can handle.  Some of us are poor students.


p>We feel a bit guilty for having to ask for donations right now, especially since we’d rather you gave to a charities in support of disasters like Katrina and Niger, but if you can spare a few dollars (whatever you think we are worth) we’d appreciate it. If a bunch of you just donate $1 to $5 that might be enough to do the trick.  That’s less than a beer at the bar tonight.  Just click this button:

Just like NPR and PBS we would like to stay ad-free for as long as possible, and would thus rather rely on donations like many larger blogs do.  In the coming days we will also be linking any books we write a post about to  If you buy the book by linking through our site, then we would get a small percentage.  Also we are finally getting the ball rolling on Sepia Mutiny t-shirts featuring some of the stuff we’ve blogged about.  If we think of other revenue generating ideas that don’t ruin the Sepia Mutiny experience then we will switch to relying on them instead of asking for reader donations.

We aren’t yet ready to sell out to the man! Thanks in advance!

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