Last night we had a MOAP (Mother of all Parties) at our North Dakota world headquarters. We had just finished hazing the heck out of the newest blogger at SM. After she chugged the 10 beers laid out before her and received two taps with the ceremonial paddle (courtesy of me
), Cicatrix was given a set of keys to “the bunker.” Also, just a fair warning. Anyone that calls her “aunty” will be banned. Please join me in welcoming her [clap clap clap].
Yay! Three cheers for Cicatrix!
I have no doubt this will rock, especially given Cicatrix‘s music taste!
For the record I am against alcohol as part of hazing rituals 🙂
Is that what you’re calling it now? 😉
So where is the link to her blog or previous writings? Who the heck is she? Come on SM! Get on top of it! And while you are doing that– where the heck is that story about ESPN and cricket.. I swear you need a ruthless boss to get you all moving.
daycruz, i think you can start asking/demanding that stories be posted as soon as you start paying them. when you have a ruthless boss, it usually means a paycheck as well.
cicatrix– w00t! go you!
For the record I am against alcohol as part of hazing rituals 🙂
But not paddling.
speaking of beer and sri lankans, i just had a sinha stout and it tasted like marmite, gross.
but anyways, i look forward to your posts cicatrix (btw what does that name mean?)
Cicatrix means “a scar left by the formation of new connective tissue over a healing sore or wound.”
I swear I’m not goth or into cutting!!!
I liked the word for a variety of cheesy teenage personal double-meanings.
Thanks for the warm welcome SepiaReaders. Though I am no longer one of you now (sniff) I promise to not be a cruel overlord. much.
btw: I like marmite Ananthan, so I’ll be watching your comments extra carefully 🙂
In honor of your elevation to the rank (and I do mean rank) of SM, I’d happily give you the clap as Abhi did, but frankly I’m queer and would rather not.
I hope you’ll accept kisses on your opening, instead.
Best Regards,
Is a MOAP related to a MOAB?
jim`, it’s customary to give n00bies a warm hand.
Nice eye cicatrix – is the other one just as bambi-like and alluring?
w00t! Congrats Cicatrix!!
Mutineers- you guys are picking some awesome guest bloggers! It’s like a great meal AND dessert 😉
Hey Cicatrix, look forward to reading your posts!
Punjabi boy, I’m afraid that’s my good side. Other eye is permanently bloodshot and jaundiced. It’s a nice effect when I turn around slowly to face people 🙂
Besos to all you supernice people. I will try to live up to your expectations. Let me know how I’m doing!
For real….welcome to cicatrix, the Sri Lankan Heather Graham.
Wow, you’re like the girlie version of Two Face. The whole Gotham (Chopra) thing makes more sense now.
Are you going to toss a coin to decide whether you write a nice post or a nasty one?
welcome !!
<tongue-in-check>U look really cooltongue-in-check>
looking forward to some fresh air and a new perspective and of course the beautiful eyes…
aw, you guys are such suckers for nice lighting. Daylight is a cruel mistress.
I’ll have to make sure the next mutineer meetup is someplace with pink lightbulbs and curtains behind which I can hide half my face 🙂
Y’all see Ms. Harvey Dent now, but I’ve been tossing my silver dollar for months now..right before every comment…
BB -Gotham Chopra?
cicatrix – this is wonderful. Your comments are some of my favorite on this site. After Punjabi Boy (you have to compliment him if you compliment someone else, or he whines…..)
Hmm, one of these days I’m gonna put up a picture of me on my website. I’ll make sure to heavily doctor it, and whatnot, so that I look at least as nice as you do 🙂
“Cicatrix”, The crank amp should have worn off from Wed. nite. Am I still hallucinating? Word, Life. Surely, the most curious appointment in recent memory since John Bolton. The eyes are nice but the gams are spectacular.
Besitos, “Ches”
I think BB meant Harvey Dent lives in Gotham city, hence your strong feelings about Gotham Chopra … or something like that.
That’s somewhat cryptic Ches.
Cicatrix, it’s a shoddy joke, but bear with me. Cica with half pretty-half grotesque face > Two Face > Batman villain > Gotham City > Gotham Chopra. Did I say shoddy? I meant woeful. Thank you for highlighting the lapse in my humour. I may never recover.
omigod! he finally revealed himself!
Not to bore y’all with in-jokes, but Ches and I know each other in real life. He once called me “matronly.” Which is, frankly, worse than aunty.
MD – Once you see the rest of me, in real life, you’ll see why these compliments are so hilarious. Your comments on the MIA review inspired my first post!
Buck up, BB. Your track record is much too good to let a small setback stop you 🙂
rockin! looking forward to your posts!
I was hoping you would have a patch on the other eye like a pirate.
has anyone pointed out you are beautiful?