How very karmic. Our chikna brother Turbanhead is relaunching his highly graphic, Bollykitschy blog today. The new version has all the greatest hits, but redesigned and with comments finally turned on again. Mosey on over and update your feeds (RSS).
Don’t miss his cheeky felicitations on our one-year anniversary.
Well, since I can’t comment on the Indian nationalist post because the comments are shut down (feel free to move this one if you ever deign to open them), how about a goddamn Pakistani flag? Or perhaps a decision to stop calling this a “desi” or “brown” or “South Asian” blog and just call it “Indian-American” and be out with it.
Well Saurav, Pakistan Independence day is Aug 14th. It would be odd, perhaps humiliating, to show Pakistan flag on Aug 15th. Please save your drama for next year and bitch on time.
Babloo, I checked the date of Pakistani independence before I wrote that and I was aware it’s the 14th. If there’s one thing that’s constantly stated on this blog it’s that the bloggers have a “South Asian” identity. There is no better way to express that on a nationalist holiday than to have the two flags side by side (perhaps with others).
But yes, if I were really going to ask for a just treatment for non-Indian South Asians, I would have asked for a separate post on Pakistan’s independence. But I’ve learned better than that here.
Thanks for your snide and obnoxious comments.
Hurrah!!! Victory for the South Asian enthusiasts among us 🙂
Saurav, Manish is of Indian origin (I’m assuming), so isn’t fair enough for him to put a post up for Indian Independence day? I’m aware it’s a group blog, but each contributor is an individual with their own thoughts and views. Would you have SM have posts dedicated to all South Asian countries’ independence days? (It’s not a rhetorical, I’m seriously asking) Well that’s just my opinion.
I really liked Turbanhead’s old look. It was way cooler and I had only just got to know the site. Yes comments are welcome, but the previous style was unique. I thought it was superb. And the splash screen was priceless!
This credo written by Manish gets linked here all the time. It’s a good summary of the underlying vibe of the blog, and while I don’t agree with substantial parts of it, where i do agree, I expect them to live up to it–or disavow it. But if it came down to it, yes, I would like to see guyana’s and trinidad’s and maldive’s and bangladesh’s and bhutan’s and nepal’s and fiji’s and whoever else’s independence days get the same treatment as india’s (and now pakistan’s). Have you ever noticed how fluidly people (commenters and bloggers alike) move between “Indian” and “desi” and “brown” and on this blog as if there were no difference?
If, on the other hand, it were up to me, I would ask him to post a link to the Ayesha Jalal webpage or a cartoon mocking nationalism instead of any of this flag-netaji-jinnah nonsense 🙂
“Perhaps, then, it is best that it is not up to you.” 😉
Does anyone else like Turbanhead’s new masthead? Speaking of Heads, the Propellerheads should purchase the image for their next album cover.
Did SM have a July the 4th Happy Birthday America post? Just asking.
yes, of course we did. you could see the flames all the way from purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plains.
In the next birth I want to be born as white british, so I don’t have to celebrate any independence day
Of course, how ever could I forget Manish’s Ayn Rand reference and the Tory brouhaha?