The gestalt of Sepia

Here are the most hotly-debated posts in our first year (thanks, IfI). By number of comments, the London bombings are the clear winner. By frequency, M.I.A. is probably the subject most often covered. So sex and death dominate the Sepiasphere

  1. British “backlash” box scores: the London bombings
  2. Modi gets B*slapped: the Gujarati CM
  3. How it begins: prejudice in editorial cartoons
  4. Bad Indian Girl: the gender war
  5. The white man’s burden, redux: the British Raj
  6. Were the bombers BBCDs?: the London bombings
  7. Ain’t nobody here but us chickens: General Musharraf
  8. They came from 2nd gen Pakistani families: the London bombings
  9. USAAF vs. IAF: comparing the lengths of military penises
  10. Here we go again: Jersey Guys radio controversy
  11. Say Cheese: Manmohan Singh’s visit
  12. Stand up. For all of us.: Power 99 radio controversy
  13. Creep: General Dyer and the Jallianwala Bagh massacre
  14. Benedict maledict: the new pope
  15. My son the fanatic: the London bombings
  16. Bollywood Delusions: Race vs. Language: on being color-struck
  17. Politicians are full of…: toilet habits
  18. Currying favor: misconceptions about food
  19. More than just wooden shoes: half-desi Miss Universe contestant
  20. A more perfect union: the original Indian-Americans
    Movin’ on up?: Bobby Jindal’s aspirations (tie)

Monthly visits:

Selected blog and press mentions (this is off the cuff — sorry in advance if I’ve left anyone out):

64 thoughts on “The gestalt of Sepia

  1. Everything gets tweaked for a few minutes up to half an hour after I write.

    well, fuck. I wish I could do that here in the trenches! My eloquent and erudite thoughts wouldn’t get so mangled by my ten thumbs then. e.v.i.l.

    skulks away, casting malevolent glances over shoulder

  2. I wish I could do that here in the trenches!

    Yep, absolutely. The tradeoff is that it would then require registering for a name and password, which would probably put off some commenters.

    Also, not 30 seconds after I posted my comment I changed ‘up to half an hour’ to ‘up to an hour.’ Check out which version you snagged 😉

  3. skulks back to say

    yeah, well, I’m not waiting around for you to finish polishing in order to rip you a new one, buddy.

    Good point about registration being a put off for some. But still, not fair to us that you edit your comments.

    blows raspberry

    skulks off again

  4. Neither am I! that’s my point! I’ve been marvelling at your graceful pithy quips in the comments areas…and now.. I KNOW WHY! no fair!!

    clay feet visible manish falls off pedestle

    cicatrix feels a whole lot better about herself.. even though she’s still intensely grumpy

  5. Neither am I!

    a fan of my first drafts, not yours, I meant to say..

    ugh. this is probably a good time to go reclaim my real life.

  6. Manish, please don’t start any comment with “girlfriend” ever again.

    And what, pray tell, is wrong with that? Though it was slightly misaddressed. 😉


  7. Age group : 24-33???

    whoa . I am nowhere close to 24. I don’t want to admit how old ( young) I am now!