Another late/lonely night

I am so ashamed of myself today.  I was up late last night watching TV.  As usual I was all alone.  After a long days worth of hard blogging I look forward to consuming several drinks and plopping down in front of the TV to consider my numb state.  As I was flipping channels a commercial caught my eye.  Admit it.  You guys watch these commercials too.  Usually I just change the channel after about 10 seconds, but last night I was just mesmerized.  I actually picked up the phone to order the product.  Someone named Jenny answered.  I realized that it was all a ruse.  I felt so ashamed.  So dirty…

Image from

19 thoughts on “Another late/lonely night

  1. agree with Saurav. That was painful to watch.

    This week’s comic about condoms and AIDS is funnier and more thought provoking.

  2. Off topic but you may find this interesting —

    For once, I will probably agree with the lefties here on this one.

    When they charged 49 convenience store clerks and owners in rural northwest Georgia with selling materials used to make methamphetamine, federal prosecutors declared that they had conclusive evidence. Hidden microphones and cameras, they said, had caught the workers acknowledging that the products would be used to make the drug. Malvika Patel, left, and her husband, Chirag, in Ringgold, Ga. Ms. Patel spent three days in jail in a drug case before being cleared. The authorities had accused her of selling a medicine used to make methamphetamine. But weeks of court motions have produced many questions. Forty-four of the defendants are Indian immigrants – 32, mostly unrelated, are named Patel – and many spoke little more than the kind of transactional English mocked in sitcoms. So when a government informant told store clerks that he needed the cold medicine, matches and camping fuel to “finish up a cook,” some of them said they figured he must have meant something about barbecue.

    This is heavy handed police work. Profiling works both ways; sure, terrorist are more likely to have brown skin…but Indian shopkeepers intentionally abetting the heavily white meth industry? Doesn’t pass the smell test.

  3. LOL Chick pea! Me too… But I gotta admit that the whole “modesty” thing is a good excuse if you’re chubby and lazy (like me)! 😉

  4. New jokes in London, from the Guardian:

    • An immediate answer to yesterday’s G2 front page teaser: has Britain lost its sense of humour? The answer is a clear no, at least judging from the new T-shirts being worn by young Asians on the underground, which display the slogan: “Don’t freak, I’m a Sikh”. We’ll give top marks to the joke writer for that one and (for some obscure reason) the tale has also prompted a very loosely connected thought: does anybody know what happened to the Guardian Angels? Unlike funny Sikhs, you don’t see too many on the tube these days. Surely they’re missing a fantastic marketing opportunity?
  5. I really fancy that girl in the screen-shot above – she looks like she has a really naughty side to her.

  6. I called that number and got through to Pinky. We were talking about roses touching each other and birds flying when her mom intercepted the line and asked me if I had ‘good intentions’ for her daughter. Then I had to answer questions about how much I make and how my prospects are.I had to defend my grade point average and give her the details on exactly how much alcohol I drink on the average weekend! That was the most intense phone conversation. Ever. That line gets me hotter than an Indian summer in Rajasthan.

  7. what really cracks me up is how anti-skin and sex most desi’s are, yet we have fat aunties who bare their beer guts in their sari’s….too ironic

  8. what really cracks me up is how anti-skin and sex most desi’s are, yet we have fat aunties who bare their beer guts in their sari’s….too ironic

    Thats a strategy by the aunties to put us off sex and flesh.

  9. I was thinking, since us ‘desi’s’ have the entrepreunal (yeah, I know I spelt it wrong!) spirit, why don’t we start our own ‘Kuriye Gone Kamlee’ video series? It’d make a monster killing, and be good viewing pleasure in all the desi stores. Just a random thought…

  10. “what really cracks me up is how anti-skin and sex most desi’s are”

    …….. I’m surprised nobody jumped on Lovin here for this stereotype. I think I was jumped on before for saying something similar, wasn’t I?

    Anyway, the past is the past.

    Anti-skin – maybe.

    Anti-sex – With a population of over one billion, I don’t think so.

    But I do know what you’re getting at Lovin. Sexually conservative cultures do sometimes come off as being “anti-sex”. But everything goes on still the same, just more privately and “hush hush”.

    “I really fancy that girl in the screen-shot above – she looks like she has a really naughty side to her.”

    …….. I agree, Punjabi Boy. She kind of looks like Angelina Jolie too, don’t you think?

  11. Are we looking at the same picture? Angelina Jolie? She looks like Simran from the year above who shagged the whole rugby team in one weekend.

    You’re right, naughty.