“Lost” finds TWELVE nominations

congrats naveen.jpg The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences revealed the nominees for the 57th Annual Emmy Awards today…and would you look at who got props:

Supporting Actor, Drama Series : William Shatner, “Boston Legal,” ABC; Oliver Platt, “Huff,” Showtime; Naveen Andrews, “Lost ,” ABC; Terry O’Quinn, “Lost ,” ABC; Alan Alda, ” The West Wing,” NBC.

Can our boy beat Captain James Tiberius Kirk? Does the latter pronounce “I’m Denny Crane” a lot on Boston Legal? 😉

Eeeek, how exciting– “Lost” is also up for “Best Dramatic Series…and before you ask, no, I don’t know what the other nine noms are for. 😀

The only even remotely un-fun part about this is the fact that there are dueling-“Lost” nominees in the same category. I hate it when that happens, though I’m not exactly torn about whom I prefer in this instance. Now if it were the “Lead Actress” contest…

26 thoughts on ““Lost” finds TWELVE nominations

  1. I’m all for a “Muslim Iraqi” winning an Emmy 🙂 Maybe this would be the right time to let my beard grow and not cut my hair for a few months. Somehow I don’t think it would be enough though.

  2. She did… I never thought the day would come when I would oppose James Tiberius Kirk. If he loses do you think he will yell Andrews’ name with the same hatred that he yelled “Khan” in Star Trek 2?

  3. ewww..

    dislike naveen andrews.. his personal life is a disaster.. he might be able to act.. but don’t respect him one bit.. and that matters to me..

    he got his grade school teacher pregnant when he was 15 or 16? can we say mary kay letourneau

    hehe.. may the other lost guy win..or anyone else…don’t care if he’s brown.. hope he gets ‘lost’ among the nominees 😉


  5. he got his grade school teacher pregnant when he was 15 or 16

    Right, the teacher had nothing to do with it, damn dirty Naveen, preying on an innocent adult as a child.

    Anyhow, he’s currently dating Barbara Hershey (she’s 57 and he’s 36), and I believe the son he fathered with his teacher lives with him in Los Angeles.

    I’ve never seen “Lost” and I’m cheering for Shatner. Nevertheless, give the guy a break, he’s a serious actor who’s been busting it for eighteen years…

  6. he got his grade school teacher pregnant when he was 15 or 16? can we say mary kay letourneau

    Yes, in which case, the rephrehensible party is his teacher…not him.

  7. My vote’s for Naveen Andrews! The show is just awesome…! And of course, the man is just HOT!!

  8. Yes, Naveen Andrews deserves props for the work he’s done, and for staying at it in an industry where there are still no good desi roles. This role (on Lost) is a breakthrough along a number of fronts — he’s had some great moments, and is a big part of the show’s success (if you read the ‘Lost’ forums, you’ll see lots and lots of people talking about how hot he is)

    It’s a low blow to bring up his personal life. What we’re interested in is his acting… (ok, and maybe his looks…)

  9. I thought I’d give you all who are worried about Andrews’ personal life this link, where he says he didn’t have his son until he was 22.


    But I agree, his personal life isn’t a factor in whether he is a great actor or deserves to win. However, Shatner should get the Emmy! 😉

  10. I’ve watched a few epsiodes of this show- it really hooks you in! Naveen is great is WHATEVER role he gets IMHO. The character he plays on “Lost” has a lot of mystery AND dignity. Naveen can convey emotion very well. Terry O’Quinn’s character is great too, so we’ll have to see… I’m proud as a BD American!

  11. not a low blow to bring in his personal life..he’s a shady character and i don’t think he deserves a nomination..(not due to his shady life..but he can’t act)

    hell i think shatners last wife had a ‘mysterious’ death, and i don’t think he’s innocent on that front…

    and andrews good looking? heck no! i think he doesn’t have that great of acting skills, and isn’t ‘all that’ in the looks dept. either…

  12. I don’t know anything about Andrews’ personal life, nor do I care to know about it. I think he’s pretty good on Lost, and while he’s not really my type, it’s heartening to see a desi man as the object of so much female desire:-)

  13. Hey hey hey. Poor Shatner came home to find his 4th wife drowned in the swimming pool. How can you assume he’s not ” ‘innocent’ on that front”?

    And for that matter, how is Andrews’ personal life that shady when he had a son at 22 (not 15 or 16)?

    Undoubtedly they’re both good actors (but the Emmy goes to Shatner, dammit!).

  14. Here’s a link to an Entertainment Weekly interview with more details on his personal life. I will leave it to others to determine whether or not it is “shady.” I just wish he would get a haircut.

  15. Naveen Andrews was the first Indians penis I ever saw apart from my own in the bath scene in The Buddha of Suburbia.

    I didnt see another Indian mans ass either until I watched Harold and Kumar when Kumar is clipping his pubic hair in front of the mirror with Harolds scissors that he uses to clip his nasal hair. Very funny joke.

    I hear you ask, how can it be that you never saw any other Indian man ass and balls until you watched those films and I have to say, I dont know. It is part of living in the West, we are not exposed to other Indian mans ass and penis enough, leading to alienation, disaffection, and ultimately, amongst some, to terrorism.

  16. Deepa, I have banned people from this blog for much less than that. An insult to Picard is an insult against all that is good. 🙂

  17. I know this is a old post but I had to get this off my chest. Naveen is a very talented actor (and very good looking as well) and also an amazing person for having over come what he has. How can anyone here think they are holy or right enough as to judge another person’s personal life? No, not all that those magazines has said is true. They make money by making up stuff and twisting facts around. Naveen was not 16 when his son, Jaisal, was born.

    Naveen is a wondeful person who, like any human being, deserves respect.