Desi finally corrupts Hollywood

The guy who played Cooter on The Dukes of Hazzard complains that the new Dukes movie has too much humpin’ ‘n cussin’:

“… to take a classic family show and do that is like taking ‘I Love Lucy’ and making her a crackhead or something…” [Link]

“… the “Dukes” movie is a sleazy insult to all of us who have cared about the “Dukes of Hazzard” for so long… I think the whole project shows an arrogant disrespect for our show, for our cast, for America’s families, and for the sensibilities of the heartland of our country… Sure it bothers me that they wanted nothing to do with the cast of our show, but what bothers me much more is the profanity laced script with blatant sexual situations that mocks the good clean family values of our series.” [Link]

Cooter then took a big bite of apple pie, saluted the flag, and then rolled himself back underneath a replica of the General Lee. [Link]

Good clean family values? These good clean family values? ๐Ÿ™‚

Cooter says the song ‘Dazzy Dukes’ is a church hymn, cameltoe is what you find on a dromedary, and Bo and Luke’s ass-tight jeans are heartland values. So director Jay Chandrasekharstoner flick impresario, is now officially the first desi to corrupt Hollywood. And he’s Tamil, no less.

Jay, a big General Lee Dixie horn to you, sir. Vinod says, ‘TA-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-NA-NA-NA-na!’

If he didn’t want people to see the movie, Cooter should’ve pointed out that it stars Stifler, Jackass and Wonder Woman and uses the screenwriter for Starsky & Hutch. Yeah, it’s gonna suck. But the trailer’s loads of fun. Like The Last Samurai, that double-wide will probably be better than the movie.

Related posts: 1, 2, 3, 4

17 thoughts on “Desi finally corrupts Hollywood

  1. ummm…the car is called the General Lee and has a huge conferederate flag on it and the theme of all the episodes was about how corrupt the government is and how you need to rely on vigilante justice. I know the show was made a while ago and I’m not supposed to criticize the heartland anymore, but the hypocrisy overload is really too much.

  2. Manish must’ve snapped that photo of Vinod at Sunday’s meet-up. For those wondering what the “scene” was like – it was just like that!

  3. And heร‚โ€™s Tamil, no less.

    Cuz they’re only known for suicide bombers and programming???

  4. Cuz they’re only known for suicide bombers and programming???

    ‘Cause they’re known for being religious and conservative.

  5. ‘Cause they’re known for being religious and conservative. Moreso that other Indian communities? I’ll take your word for it. I saw Club Dread where Jay-C played a “brown English rasta”. Very odd. It’s like he did the brown role once before in SuperTroppers and had to write himself a new quasi-ethnic role. There’s a disconnect there..if you see the film you’ll see how his character almost feels like an afterthought.

  6. “Moreso that [sic] other Indian communities?”

    Dude, you don’t know the half of it.
    (And I speak for Tamilians, not Tamils, who hail from Sri Lanka and are often associated with the LTTE.)

  7. (And I speak for Tamilians, not Tamils, who hail from Sri Lanka and are often associated with the LTTE.)

    Because we’re so very different?

    And the LTTE receives ample support from the tamils in india.

  8. Hey-o! One poster on some other thread gets roasted because they generalize their remark to (all) South Asians, or all ABCDs residing between the 27th and 39th parallels, or “insert your favorite label here”, another here does because they restrict their observation to their own community. I guess you can’t win an argument on the Internet. And even if you do, nobody knows you’re a dog, or you are still a rat, or some such thing. (No offense intended, I think all you dogs and rats are perfectly wonderful).

    More seriously, yanging to my yin above (or should I use some cosmic Shiva/Brahma/Vishnu balance/contrast analogy?), I think the “religious and conservative” label applies more to Tamil Brahmins, than to Tamils in general. I don’t think the average Tamilian (Tambrams, of whom I am one, are a minority) is any more religious than many other Indians.

  9. //Cuz they’re only known for suicide bombers and programming???//

    PLEASE, FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE. I don’t want to spoil your party by bringing in the whine, but it’s like calling all Punjabis as Khalistanis and all Kashmiris as ISI operatives and the entire Northeastern community as a separatist cesspool. Creating a stereotype doesn’t take a second, and it’s a no-brainer. There’s more to everything than the coffee-house intellectual CUZs. So please think for a moment before you speak, it’s 2005.

  10. “Because we’re so very different?”

    No, because I’m not you, not a part of your community, and therefore, cannot speak for how religious and conservative you are (which, incidentally, was the topic of discussion).

  11. Oh, and thanks to Rahul for pointing out that subtle diff — I did mean TamBrahms. Sometimes I feel generous and love to claim the whole world, much less all Tamilians.

  12. hmm..interesting. I didn’t know Indian Tamils referred to themselves as Tamillians. Is that a standard/accepted term or something more colloquial?

    Funny how old Cooter’s bitching re the remake sounds so much like David Soul’s complaints about the Starsky and Hutch remake.

    To quote: “Their decision to make this kind of picture is an insult to the intelligence of the audience and the real warm feelings Starsky and Hutch still engenders in the collective memory of millions of viewers,” he said.

    Sure, dude. Yeah. Also? You’re OLD now!!! Accept it!!!

  13. I did mean TamBrahms.

    So, you’re saying that only you guys are Tamilians and the rest of us are Tamils?

    I’m not sure about these categories because as far as I know, a number of us lower down the ladder call ourselves Tamilian, mark Tamil on certain survey forms and have no pressing need to disassoicate ourselves from Sri Lankan Tamils or other Tamilians around the globe.

  14. “hmm..interesting. I didn’t know Indian Tamils referred to themselves as Tamillians. Is that a standard/accepted term or something more colloquial?”

    It’s what I call people from Tamil Nadu – “Tamilians.”

  15. So, you’re saying that only you guys are Tamilians and the rest of us are Tamils?

    Can you read?

    No, easily-offended shooter from the hip, I pointed out that it is merely the TamBrahm portion of the Tamilian population that I can speak for as being very religious and conservative, and not anyone else. If you read the rest of my comment, i.e. the part where I say “I feel generous and love to claim the whole world, much less all Tamilians,” it is amply clear that I can’t speak for all Tamilians.