Wanta Fanta?—HELL NO!


For years those silly Mentos commercials ruled the television airways as the most annoying and obnoxious commercials ever. They’d plant themselves in your head while some ad exec somewhere smiled diabolically. Recently that honor was emphatically stolen by Fanta softdrink and its stupid television commercials where a bunch of Fem-bot looking women ask you (or shout at you) “Don’t-cha Wanta Fanta, Don’t-cha Wanta Fanta…” until you break down and submit to their will, hoping that it hurts so good. Well SiliconIndia.com has this headline today: U.S. FDA rejects Indian consignment.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has rejected consignments of MNCs Coca-Cola India, Hindustan Lever, Procter & Gamble and Britannia from India on the grounds that they are ‘unsafe’ or not conforming to U.S. laws.

According to information sourced from the USFDA, a shipment of Fanta sent by Coca-Cola India from Mumbai to the U.S. was rejected on May 19 on the grounds that it contained ‘unsafe color’. The regulator said the ‘article appears to be, or to bear or contain a color additive which is unsafe’. Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been under fire in India for allegedly allowing higher pesticide content than permitted internationally.

Hmmm. I wonder if that unsafe color was yellow#5. Seems like the Fantanas evil plot has been thwarted and I shall never taste Lol…errr, I mean “Pineapple” on my lips. There were other items rejected by the USFDA as well. This one REALLY caught my eye:

A shipment of “decongestant vaporizing ointment” sent by the Indian subsidiary of U.S. FMCG major Procter & Gamble was also rejected by the USFDA on May 25 on multiple grounds including the grounds that “the article appears to be a new drug without an approved new drug application” and “the article appears to be a non-prescription drug and fails to bear the established name of each inactive ingredient…”

Come on. By a show of hands now, how many of you got rubbed down with some sort of ointment from India when you were a kid, that was supposed to cure the area in question whether you had a cough or a broken leg? The USFDA doesn’t know what it is talking about.

12 thoughts on “Wanta Fanta?—HELL NO!

  1. cough cough. raises hand

    Though really, I think it was just an Indian version of Vicks. Which probably is good for both a cough and a sore leg. (Never broke anything.)

    Do we even drink Fanta here? I never notice it. Just got back from Europe where it was everywhere. How disappointing to be in Rome and only have Fanta, not my favorite San Pellegrino Aranciata.

  2. The orginal Fantas were scorchin’. Version 2.0 are straight up drag queens.

  3. Boy, I used Amrutranjan to stay awake during boring lectures, courtesy one of my friends. All you need to do is apply a touch of Amrutranjan below your eyes and the vapor will keep you awake through the dullest lecture. It will also keep you wide-eyed enough to convince your professor that you are the most attentive student. Trust me, it works!

  4. Anil, might it not be safer, perhaps, to use Vidyasgar’s trick and tie your hair to a nail in wall slightly above your head? No nodding off then. 😉

  5. Anil, might it not be safer, perhaps, to use Vidyasgar’s trick and tie your hair to a nail in wall slightly above your head? No nodding off then. 😉

    Nothing like a good Vidyasagar reference 🙂

  6. I wish I had hair long enough to use that trick :p

    I may be mixing stories.. but didn’t he fall asleep inspite of that ingenious method?

  7. My name is Fanta and I firmly support all Coca Cola Products! Power to me ha ha ha