Other commencement speeches

SM reader Manoj directed us to Conan O’Brien’s 2000 Harvard Commencement Speech. There are two desi references right up front. First Paragraph:

I’d like to announce up front that I have one goal this afternoon: to be half as funny as tomorrow’s Commencement Speaker, Moral Philosopher and Economist, Amartya Sen. Must get more laughs than seminal wage/price theoretician.

Second Paragraph:

I especially miss Harvard Square – it’s so unique. No where else in the world will you find a man with a turban wearing a Red Sox jacket and working in a lesbian bookstore. Hey, I’m just glad my dad’s working.

One thought on “Other commencement speeches

  1. Note to Jay Leno: take a cue. Conan’s mocked up visit to an Indian call center and this commencement speech are a great contrast to Manish’s recent post about Leno’s schtick.