Rum-based lubricant

TTG reminisces about the good old days before liberalization:

Option 2 was a bribe at the beginning of it all, a one year wait, and then a monthly bribe (usually in the form of a bottle of ‘Old Monk’ rum, presented to the local linesman) to ensure the smooth working of your phone. Everytime it rained, you knew your phone would die, along with your connection to the outside world. And every once in a while, somebody would bribe the linesman, who would then… allow the briber to make calls on your line, for free.

Who knew it took rum to lubricate the Indian phone system?

3 thoughts on “Rum-based lubricant

  1. Woah!

    Judging by the title of this blog I thought the lubricant was used for something else, okay I know my mind = gutter!