Torrent of Aishwarya Rai on ‘Oprah’

“The most beautiful woman in the world” takes on the most powerful woman in the world in an apocalyptic duel to the death on the “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Download the entire sari-wrapping face-off:

“The Oprah Winfrey Show”: Aishwarya Rai (Quicktime, 11 MB, 11 mins.)
Requires a BitTorrent downloader — PC, Mac

Previous post: Not just a rumor anymore, Ash on Oprah this Monday

31 thoughts on “Torrent of Aishwarya Rai on ‘Oprah’

  1. She got a full 10 minutes on Oprah.

    She’s apparently not only the most beautiful woman in the world, but also the biggest movie star, because Bollywood movies reach FIVE BILLION PEOPLE. I wonder where that number comes from.

    She isn’t even the most beautiful woman in India!

  2. Oh. My. God. That was such a wake-up call. We have so far left to go. This is the level of discussion we have to have with middle America? I need to leave the coasts more. And I speak as an erstwhile Oprah fan.

    But I have to say, Ash came across as much cooler and smarter and realer and sweeter than on 60 minutes. (And I thought she was fine on 60 minutes, but a bit stiff.)

    Thanks Apul. 8000 downloads? Seriously? Cool.

  3. i’m not too plugged in to the browngeist, but does anyone else find the ‘most beautiful woman in the world’ crap kind of embarrassing? i mean, if that’s the best 1.2 billion browns can produce….

  4. p.s. yes, she is really good looking. but it wouldn’t say she’s more that 3 standard deviations. i mean, look at this (not work safe!). there’s only 80 million germans!

  5. Jeez, Razib, don’t embarrass us with your bad taste 🙂 Aish is way cuter. Eye of the beholder and so on.

  6. btw, bengali people do say “cookie tookie.” do other brown ppl also do the rhyme thang? what verisimilitude.

  7. This was definitely her best interview so far … as is obvious by the fact that she didn’t giggle as much as usual.

  8. While the argument over Aishwarya continues over the comments…I just wanted to thank SM for being so resourceful and immediately providing the clip.

    I no longer have to go looking all around the internet for such desi snippets.

    8000 downloads….way to go guys…Thanks!

  9. I got all mad, because I thought Oprah asked a dumb question like “Do people have sex a lot?” in India. I saw the video again, she was asking about extra-marital sex. Oh well, I still don’t like her. Even if she looks sorta good in a sari.

  10. Even if she looks sorta good in a sari.

    wow, i went through the whole two-post Ash-discussion and it was this that caused me to puke…

  11. there was ONE star in this clip. HINT: IT WASN’T ASH.

    so, Oprah gets only one star? is that out of five or ten?


  12. Oprah calls Aishwarya Rai on her show and asks her about Kama Sutra!?

    Hell, I could tell her all that and more. For all she knows, I sleep on a bed of nails, ride a magic carpet and do the ‘Indian rope trick’. Can I be on Oprah now?

  13. there was ONE star in this clip. HINT: IT WASN’T ASH.

    Oprah may have the mass of a star, true, true…

  14. A taste… From

    “I come from the land of the Kama Sutra,” Aishwarya says. “So we obviously do have a normal, healthy sex life. [Kissing] is a more private expression of emotions. So I guess art imitates life and that kind of comes across in our cinema as well.”

    Oprah: I think you’re gorgeous. When you look at yourself, do you see that?

    Aishwarya: To me, beautiful is as beautiful does. I think that’s what speaks volumes. It isn’t about the apparent gig. It’s about what you do.

    Wholesome and deeply religious, Ash, as she’s known, is fashionably hip and quite sexy. “Actually,” she says, “I don’t think I’m really into setting trends or following trends. I just do my own thing.” She loves traditional saris like this one she brought for Oprah. “It’s very sensual!” Oprah says.

    Ash also follows tradition and lives at home with her parents like most single Indian women. “Back home, you’re a loser if you say, ‘Mom, I’m out of here,'” Ash says. “In India it’s more about the family, about living together, about remaining connected, and that’s probably the most beautiful special thing about it.”

    Oprah: We did a show recently where we were looking at women around the world, and we were talking to French women at a cafe. Â… They said [Americans] are all fat.

    Aishwarya: I’m from India, I wouldn’t say that because Indian people, Indian people eat well, we’re well endowed.

    Oprah: Do they say we’re rude?

    Aishwarya: No, Indian people are very hospitable.

    Oprah: Do they say we talk too much?

    Aishwarya: Opinionated maybe.

    Oprah: Do they say we get a lot of divorces?

    Aishwarya: Ah, that could be a discussion.

    Oprah: You know what, you could be a diplomat!

  15. “I come from the land of the Kama Sutra,” Aishwarya says. “So we obviously do have a normal, healthy sex life. [Kissing] is a more private expression of emotions. So I guess art imitates life and that kind of comes across in our cinema as well.”

    Seems like the PR machine has taught Ash the beauty of stock-boilerplate-vanilla answers… I could swear she gave the same exact answer on Letterman & 60 Min.

  16. Yes, Klum is expecting a baby seal (groan), but that wasn’t what I was referring to. Her blonder than blonde hair, and her raccoon eyes were what caught my attention, and if you ever had to hear her give an interview, she makes Rai sound like a panelist at, well, Sepia Mutiny.

  17. and if you ever had to hear her give an interview, she makes Rai sound like a panelist at, well, Sepia Mutiny.

    i’ve never seen/heard an interview, but i watched three episodes of “project runway” once…and she was my least fave part. 😀

  18. Dear Fans,

    Awwwhhh ! It always brings me a great sense of pride and humility to know that I am so revered here.

    But, I am slightly disappointed that you guys aren’t referring to me as TMBWITW, which has so rightly been bestowed on me.

    I plan to trademark “TMBWITW” as a form of salutation, and I turst that I have the support of my fan base. After all I am TMBWITW

    Thank you fans…

  19. Without all the media coaching for her interviews, and the acting lessons from very capable directors like Rituparno Ghosh, Ash would be just another pretty face. For pretty faces, Preity Zinta beats Ash hollow, in my opinion. As for acting, give me Nandita Das or Konkona Sensharma any day.

  20. “I come from the land of the Kama Sutra,” Aishwarya says. “So we obviously do have a normal, healthy sex life. [Kissing] is a more private expression of emotions. So I guess art imitates life and that kind of comes across in our cinema as well.”

    I believe she gave the same answer on 60 minutes, when they too asked her about PDA. Granted, Ash seems to be coached and giving these rehearsed PC answers. However, it also seems she gets asked the same stupid questions over and over again. Geez, there is no kissing in Indian movies-move on!!!

    And personally I think the whole blonde blue-eyed thing i.e Heidi Klum is so played out.

  21. thanx for putting the torrent link….dloading it rite now…will post comment later…but can comment on the CBS 60 minutes show…

    Aish was artificial and giving prepared answers. I personally think tht she came across as manipulative

    neways…she is one of the most beautiful people..certainly not the most beautiful one

  22. neways…she is one of the most beautiful people..certainly not the most beautiful one

    just to be devil’s advocate here, how much of beauty is defined by one’s appearance/exterior, and how much can be found inside ie, the person? So Julia Roberts has coined this TMBWITW tagline, but obviously it’s based on only one facet of all things a woman can be.

    I personally have minimal opinion on her appearance, I’m just throwing that out there for the masses to chew on. it’s lunchtime.

  23. This whole “we don’t kiss in hindi films” is such BS…granted till like a decade ago we had the rain drenched songs and the 2 flowers and the bees fluttering around to represent kissing, but Ms Rai herself has done a couple of films where she has been intimate with her co-stars like Shabd and Chokher Bali not to mention the barrage of recent movies like Jism, Murder, Aitraaz that have steamy scenes.

    I am an Oprah fan but yesterdays interview left me disgusted with how she totally exotified Aishwarya and India as the “land of the Kamasutra”…the ironic moment was when she was asking Aish about what are the stereotypes she wants to break about India, and I bet Aish was thinking “all of the ones that you’ve brought about in this show so far about arranged marriages and kama sutra and children living with their parents till after they are 18”..I mean how would Oprah react if she were on a show in India where the entire topic of conversation was on why Black women have kinky hair and whether its true that Black men have bigger penis’s!

  24. This whole “we don’t kiss in hindi films” is such BS…granted till like a decade ago we had the rain drenched songs and the 2 flowers and the bees fluttering around to represent kissing, but Ms Rai herself has done a couple of films where she has been intimate with her co-stars like Shabd and Chokher Bali not to mention the barrage of recent movies like Jism, Murder, Aitraaz that have steamy scenes.

    Most of these new films are so crappy and exploitative, with no semblance of plot….makes you wish we were back in the 70s and 80s. Yes its somewhat silly to avoid kissing at all costs, but its equally silly to be excessively prurient and sexual, just because that is the sign of the times. I think Qayamat se Qayamat tak is a good example of an old (80s) quality film, where they DO kiss, there IS a plot, and it isnt just a sleaze-fest a la Girlfriend, Jism, etc.