Midnight’s child

Pakistani strongman Pervez Musharraf is finally getting his birth certificate — from a New Delhi hospital:

Officials are set to present Pervez Musharraf with a certificate showing that he was born on 11 August 1942 at a maternity hospital in the city… “Begum Zarin became very emotional during her visit to the hospital and she could even recall the name of the medical superintendent of the hospital in those days and some of the staff members,” said hospital medical superintendent Indira Yadav. Delhi’s city council confirmed that an entry for the Pakistani leader’s birth had been found in the hospital’s records and a certificate was being drawn up.

August 11, eh? It’s a pity he was born four days early, or no one would’ve ever forgotten his birthday. Besides, his punctuality virtually disqualifies him from being desi 🙂

Like Rushdie’s protagonists, Musharraf also has superpowers. Only his came from sacking the judiciary and rewriting the constitution.

3 thoughts on “Midnight’s child

  1. Manmohan Singh was born in a part of Punjab that is now Pakistan. I wonder if he’ll ever make the trip to his village there.

  2. Wow, a leader of one country was born in an another not a friendly one at that either.

    Hey, does anyone still remember the whole episode of pakistan being run by a dictator and how it was a problem to the International community, particularly to the US and UK? What happened to that? How did it end and when?


  3. August 11, eh? It’s a pity he was born four days early, or no one would’ve ever forgotten his birthday.

    Not that birthdays matter too much, but I think it would be more interesting if he were born three days earlier. On 8 August 1942, Gandhi-ji/Indian National Congress launched the Quit India Movement to give the imperialists the final (successful) heave-ho.