A match made in marketing heaven


Sanjay Kumar of UP is feeling very cool and refreshed these days. Grocer by day, this real life Apu has just won a unique prize. Tipster Deepa Menon forwards us this Times of India article:

When Kumar bought a bottle of Coke to quench his thirst he ended up becoming the regional winner for Coca-Cola’s under-the-crown promotion, Thanda Aish-Cash.

As the winner, Kumar takes the prize – a dream date with the beauty queen.

Wait, if Kumar is a grocer, why would he have to “buy” a bottle?

So what might Sanjay expect to do on his date? Well if this dream sequence (.zip file of commercial) is any indication, he is going to be having a memorable time.

The date will be in Mumbai, where he will spend an entire evening with Ash at the premiere of her upcoming movie.

For Kumar, who has idolised Ash for years, reacted in disbelief. “I just could not believe my luck,” he says.

And what’s more, Kumar could well end up travelling with Ash to a foreign location for the international premiere of the movie.

Who knows? This whole affair may end in an altogether unexpected way. The possibility reminds me of this General Electric commercial. If only…

10 thoughts on “A match made in marketing heaven

  1. I’m sure he will feel pretty happy after a some of rum and coke.

    But the real question is will Salman Khan decapitate poor Kumar.

  2. If he was a billionaire, or just a multi-millionaire, he would stand a chance with women as nice as Ash, if not Ash herself. Thats the truth.

  3. My employer (a multinational) recently featured a story on management successes within the company. All around the world, the featured people rightly smiled with merriment… until I scrolled to India. Every Indian – men and women, it made no difference – sported a frown. They looked so out of place among all those happy people.

    (Curiously, the Indians in America smiled 🙂

  4. Anonymous Cow

    What the hell’s the matter with you? You expect Indians to be happy? Indians were born to toil and fret. This western democracy disease is giving some people stupid ideas.


  5. Look at the caption under the guy’s picture in the Times of India article.

    Awestruck: Kumar has a big fan for Aishwarya’s.

    I now has a big fan Indian for Engrish. 🙂

  6. Indians dont smile because they usually submit their photos to Universities after finishing 12th grade or plus 2. These passport photos go to the universities and smiling shows they arent serious students I guess. That makes sense..what doesnt make sense is why would he post this photo in the article? Indians tend to post the same “official” photo everywhere..I just dont get that part…smile…there are worst situations to be in.

  7. must. not. show. emotions. in. photos…

    That’s exactly how I chide my mom when she doesn’t smile for photo ops!

    My theory is that so much of their energy goes into remaining stationary that no more can be expended on the act of smiling.

    I bet Mr. Kumar will look quite dapper sporting a nice suit and a permagrin all evening long.