Sanskrit Rocks!


As summer fast approaches we are all eyeing those concert schedules to see which one’s we’d like to attend. Here is one for the mix that I ask you to consider: Sanskrit Rock [thanks for the tip Dinesh Rao]:

Shanti Shanti is a performing group consisting of two young sisters, Andrea & Sara Forman. They are gaining worldwide recognition for their Sanskrit chanting as well as for their unique approach to New Age music. Sanskrit is the ancient language of India and is known for it’s tranquil and harmonious effects.

Andrea & Sara Forman have been chanting Sanskrit since they were nine and seven years of age, respectively, and are now considered among the top scholars in the U.S. in their field. The girls have performed Sanskrit nationwide, including appearances on PBS television programs, and on various radio broadcast shows.

Andrea & Sara have just released their fourth album, which steps into a whole new level of enchantment as they chant, in Sanskrit, the traditional Vedas from India, as well as perform ancient Bhajans. You will also enjoy the magic of their new, original songs, which are causing such a stir in the World Music community.

You’ve got to see the clip for yourselves. If they ever decide to add a band mate, I have a great suggestion for them. If any of you live in Colorado Springs go check them out next Friday and report back to us your impressions if you can. MP3’s of more of their music can be found here. They aren’t the Corrs sisters but I’d watch them. Incidentally, I also highly recommend Sheila Chandra for those that enjoy “Indian Gospel” music.

18 thoughts on “Sanskrit Rocks!

  1. aww thanks abhi 🙂 hopefully will have a demo tape soon!

    Although I end up singing more item numbers than anything else … I’d be the naughty one next to those sweet sweet Indian gospel singers 😉

  2. Gotta disagree on Chandra. She always struck me as music’s version of Chitra Divakaruni, selling a dilute exoticism to the West.

  3. Oeth, have you heard her Speaking in Tongues pieces? Those pieces lead me to disagree with your lumping her in with the Divakaruni’s of this world. But that’s just my opinion…

  4. Re: Sheila Chandra, With a voice like that I’ll buy WHATEVER she is selling. Only on the rarest of occasion do I allow voice to trump lyric in my review of music.

  5. Hey, weren’t they momentarily on the Jay Leno show, in one Jaywalking scene in LA? I think they sung a small bit. Anyone remember?

    I was taking a Sanskrit class at the time, and I was so stoked that I could actually decipher parts of what they were saying 🙂

  6. Quite refreshing (and mildly vindicating to someone who has known Sanskrit for 25 years but couldn’t find a use for it other than in religious ceremonies and SAT/GRE Verbal prep).

    Now my non-desi sweetie wants to learn it! Yay!

  7. Wow, I totally forgot about these girls. I guess they’re women now. Yes, Rishi, they are totally for real. I met them about . . . gosh . . .four years ago when I shared a dressing tent with them at some fair in the South Bay. I can’t remember which. . .my dance teacher was always having us perform at random melas and such. They were just bubbling over with earnest enthusiasm. If there’s one thing I’m a sucker for, it’s enthusiasm. I know it’s chic to make fun of people who are earnest and enthusiastic, but at some point I refuse and have to admire suchpeople instad. It’s such a random and kind of odd shtick they have, that I have to believe in their bubbling sincerity. So yeah, maybe they’re exoticizing desis a bit. But I think their effort and dedication puts them way beyond the cultural appopriation crowd.

    However, if you want some truly excellent Sanskrit-Tamil-Telegu-Jazz-World Fusion, of the first order, thoroughly grounded in the classics, yet gorgeously modern, I have a name for you. I have just googled [“susheela raman”] and gotten nothing, which leads me to the improbable guess that amazingly, possibly y’all haven’t heard of this fabulous chanteuse. Run, do not walk, to your local record shop and get yourself nice legal copies of Salt Rain and Love Trap. Susheela Raman’s on Narada Records, and the Love Trap title track alone is worth the price of admission. She’s got Carnatic Chops, Jazz Chops, and she totally rocks!

    I hope one of the mutineers will give her a listen and put a review on the main page. 🙂

  8. i know… i just thought it might be too catty for me to bring up the New Age hair. But since YOU did it… The 80s might be back, but the Farrah Fawcett wings aren’t. I suggest growing out those bangs about 3-5 inches, and a good ceramic straightener… 😉

  9. They look like the Judds after a crazed shopping spree at World Market. Those sarong wrap things look like curtains.

  10. And having seen the Sanskrit Rock video, gotta disagree on them too. Years later, their Sanskrit pronunciation still isn’t right! And they call it Saaaan-skrit, with a long a and a hard t.