
I know, I know. I too hate it when lame journalists decide to add a “Gate” at the end of a story just to capture attention and show that the story is about scandal. I would not have succumbed to this type of journalistic laziness were it not for the wire tapping. The BBC reports:

A police officer in India’s Gujarat state says the government there authorised the killing of Muslims three years ago. RB Sreekumar made the allegation in notes he kept at the time while serving as Gujarat’s intelligence chief.

The Gujarat government says the charges are baseless and untrue, instigated because Mr Sreekumar was not promoted.

Personally I think it would have been more efficient if Sreekumar had stayed anonymous and led SM bloggers to the truth by arranging a series of meetings in dimly lit parking garages, but I suppose my life was not meant for such excitement.

Mr Sreekumar has submitted his notes to India Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) which investigates complaints by civil servants.

He brought a case against the Gujarat government, saying he was denied a promotion for refusing to act upon the “illegal and unconstitutional directives” of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as well as the state government and senior state police officers.

In the notes, Mr Sreekumar alleges that the chief minister asked him to tap the telephones of Shankersinh Vaghela, who was then president of the Congress party.

He said that he was also asked to tap the telephone of cabinet minister Haren Pandya.

In the notes, Mr Sreekumar also says that senior government officials sent messages asking him to kill Muslim extremists who were involved in rioting.

In other news it is obvious that Mr. Modi is still bitter about last months events. reports:

Law and order situation in Gujarat is far more satisfactory than other states and even some other countries, Chief Minister Narendra Modi said in New Delhi.

He was speaking at the Chief Ministers Conference on Internal Security and Law and Order on Friday.

“The number of murders in Gujarat is 30 per cent lower than the national average and rapes 70 per cent lower. Compared to New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, the crime rate in the state is negligible,” the CM said.

11 thoughts on “ModiGate

  1. “The number of murders in Gujarat is 30 per cent lower than the national average and rapes 70 per cent lower. Compared to New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, the crime rate in the state is negligible,” the CM said.

    Ha! The man is fukkin tool. Thousands of women men and children dont get raped slaughtered and burnt in the space of a few days in a genocidal pogrom in those cities either. I am so glad he got bitch slapped out of America. It’s still really stinging him.

  2. Actually Gujrat is a better administered and more secure state than say UP or Bihar (not neccessarily because of Modi). E.g. if you cummulate the murder and rapes in Bihar for a given year – they would equate to a “pogrom” or two.

    (Modi is surely given lot of space at SM much more than other assorted bigots/dictators/idiots out there)

  3. I bet they can incorporate that last rediff quote into a tourism slogan somehow…

    Come to picturesque Gujarat! You won’t get killed or raped, like in New York City, but please you don’t mind our genocidal maniac CM…

    thank you come again

  4. E.g. if you cummulate the murder and rapes in Bihar for a given year – they would equate to a “pogrom” or two.

    ohhhh, i get it. THAT makes the riots in Gujurat okay by comparison. if there are more retards on fark, then the comments left by idiots on SM aren’t that bad at all. makes total sense.

    if the reasoning is that solid, why was modi trying to compare his state to america and not bihar? i mean, going by your article, it seems like bihar is a much more logical choice than new york (which hasn’t had a pogrom in recent memory).

    no matter. if we’re going to compare bananas and apples, i’ll take an american city where my religion won’t get me and hundreds of my friends and neighbors killed over gujurat, thanks.

    p.p.s. punjabi munde- go on wit yer badself. innit. 😉

  5. “When they caught Saddam Hussein, he had more than $750,000 dollars. When he heard this, President Bush immediately invited Saddam to a fundraising dinner” —Conan O’Brien

    Thats the figure MOdi should be aiming at 😉

  6. EOFIA – Tu paagal hai kya? First its NOT my article that I posted, its TOI. 2 – I noted that the crime rate in Gujrat, whatever it is, may have nothing to do with Modi. 3 – Yes there have been numerous riots or progroms in Bihar and some in recent memory – in the 80s – Bhagalpur riots.

    Beta check your facts, read properly. And we should condemn every type of killing or mayhem whether it is based on religion, caste, poverty. wealth etc. etc.

    As much as you would like to belive but day-to-day nowhere in India are people being randomly killed because of their religion. And that includes Gujrat

  7. whatever the rates in gujarat and bihar… many acts of randomly occuring violence are bad by anyone’s opinion. HOWEVER one systematized pogrom/genocide is bad AND evil.

    I don’t think EOFIA is pagal at all. Such statements seem to legitimize what happened in the riots – take the heat off them, so to speak. “Oh, our crime rate is low so there must not be anything wrong at all!” Of course, law and order is quite easy to maintain if you’re afraid the government itself is going to exterminate you. Good behavior abounds in such circumstances.

  8. andrea – i agree with you about systematic violence being evil. Having said that, without justifying what occured in gujrat, it happened in the context off the train burning. While it became systematic after couple od days, it started off as outright anger by one community over another. This also happened in riots that happened after the Rodney King case.

    By the way violence in Bihar is not so random. Many muders, dacoity and rape are caste specific. Some of them are perpetuated systematically against the poor, other systematically against the rich. The only reason it does not come in focus of the media is because it is so common and does not result in deaths of a thousand people in space of few days.