Magazine released today its list of the world’s
100 most influential people, which includes Indian Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh in its assortment of “Leaders & Revolutionaries.” Bollywood,
despite its growing popularity around
the world, doesn’t show up anywhere on the list’s crew
of “Artists & Entertainers.” Ann Coulter made it there though,
which leads one to suspect that the selections are a tad American-centric. After
all, the Third Reich hasn’t reemerged yet, so how much influence can Coulter
possibly have outside of hard-up American reactionaries? Wipro’s Azim Premji
and steel kingpin Lakshmi Mittal are also notably absent from the list’s
club of “Builders & Titans,” which includes domestic diva Martha
Stewart and rapper Jay-Z.
Reminds you of People Magazine and and their list of the 50-most beautiful people in the “world” (sic) — mostly American..
Way to go! Among its many accomplishments, America’s swept the pulchritude polls.
Don’t believe those nitpickers who point out the uncanny correlation between the number of Americans in the list and People’s circulation reach
Its another stupid list that sells magazines, who cares.