Banana Birth Control

Remember how everybody in 7th grade would snicker in SexEd when the teacher would put a condom on a banana? Well, Indians are far thriftier than that. Instead of wasting a perfectly good condom on a banana, they use the condoms to weave a sari, and use just the banana as birth control. Well, kinda:

India’s western state of Maharashtra has told banana and sugar cane farmers they will not get water for irrigation if they have more than two children. The state’s water minister says the move will help curb the rising population and solve water shortages. The bill also requires all banana and sugar cane farmers, regardless of child numbers, to use drip or sprinkling systems of irrigation within five year or lose their supply. The bill is targeting the crops because of the large amount of water they require. The upper house of the state’s parliament has backed the bill and it will go to the lower house on Monday. If the bill is approved into law it will not apply to farmers who already have more than two children. Maharashtra is agriculturally one of India’s most advanced states but has suffered bad droughts … that have led to hundreds of farmers committing suicide. [Note: Quotes out of order from the original BBC article]

Would this have been half as funny if I had posted about sugar cane?

2 thoughts on “Banana Birth Control

  1. oooh, humor that requires brain activity for you to get the pay off… not for the amateur athlete. you want laughs that don’t make you think? go here