Spotted on last Saturday’s episode of Showbiz
India: New York Life urges
you to insure your elephant, lest your bastard spawn choose to abuse the living crap out
of it.
Here’s a Quicktime video of the advertisement (500 KB, 30 secs.).
Spotted on last Saturday’s episode of Showbiz
India: New York Life urges
you to insure your elephant, lest your bastard spawn choose to abuse the living crap out
of it.
Here’s a Quicktime video of the advertisement (500 KB, 30 secs.).
I’m sick of these corny NY life ads. Even the Basmati ads with the nerdy kids is starting to grate on my nerves.
what the hell?
sigh…i wish i could get sound with quicktime videos. it would have been interesting to hear what the elephant was saying.
I saw this when it came on AVS last weekend and it took me the entirety of the spot to figure out what the hell product it was advertising for.
My parents wouldn’t even let me keep a hamster, for cryin’ out loud!
All I have to say is that wouldn’t make me buy sh**. What the hell is it an ad for? And how was that supposed to affect me?
Maybe I am not brown enough but I dont get it.
They are playing Kabbadi..hmmm with an elephant. It’s an ad for an insurance policy.
oh come on … not one NY life commercial has made you tear up?
when you play kabbadi with an elephant, I would assume the elephant loses…
that is truly the case in this picture.