Gotham Chopra explores spirituality on TV

Former Vice President Al Gore on Monday unveiled his long-awaited television venture, “Current,” which is described as “the first national network created by, for and with an 18-34 year-old audience.” Deepak Chopra’s son is prominently featured:

Among Current’s young on-air talent is Gotham Chopra (host of “Current Soul,” an exploration of spirituality from a young perspective), a former Channel One News anchor who has reported from around the world and interviewed leaders including Bill Clinton and the Dalai Lama, wrote three published works including the comic book Bulletproof Monk (serving as executive producer of the film adaptation), and was called one of the “most powerful and influential” South Asians worth watching by Newsweek. [PRNewswire/Yahoo!]

Twenty-somethings discussing and exploring spirituality? What, did a high-pitched screeching sound already have a prior commitment?

PRNewswire/Yahoo!: Al Gore and Joel Hyatt unveil Current…

2 thoughts on “Gotham Chopra explores spirituality on TV

  1. Gotham!?

    Wonder where he lives? Or whether he got a bit part in this movie

    Anyways heres wishing him luck and hoping that the botham doesn’t fallout on his new venture, ;).