Desis Rising Up and Moving (DRUM) is organizing a rally on Saturday, March 5th at noon in Queens “to protest attacks on immigrant communities and to demand that Governor Pataki and other political representatives recognize all immigrants’ right to a driver’s license.” This according to their press release:
The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles initiated plans last year that would result in the suspension of nearly 300,000 immigrants’ driver’s licenses and inappropriately use the DMV as an immigration agency. Over 40 organizations, mostly based in Queens and many belonging to the New York Coalition for Immigrants’ Rights to Driver’s Licenses, have come together to form the Queens Drivers’ License Coalition and will march in opposition to this policy. They are demanding that the right to drive be recognized as an immigrant worker rights issue, that all drivers be granted one license (no separate driving permits for immigrants), that DMV not act as immigration enforcement, and that Governor Pataki and other elected officials stop pushing immigrant workers underground.
Obviously this issue is of great importance to the South Asian community, many of who make their living as drivers:
Moni Alam, a Bangladeshi mother of two and family organizer at DRUM, expresses, “My husband, who is also a target of Special Registration, is very worried that his driver’s license will be taken away and that the DMV will help the Department of Homeland Security to deport him. He drives a taxi six days a week and if he can’t do his work, our family will have no income and we’ll be pushed further underground. I want to ask Governor Pataki and the DMV, ‘How will we survive?’â€Â