Woman weds clay pot

Spurned women and distinguished tandoori chefs agree: It’s so hard to find a good clay pot these days. When you do, you best get that piece of ceramic to the altar:

An Indian bride was married off to a pot by her relatives after her groom failed to turn up for the ceremony. Savita took her vows with a clay pot when her fiance Chaman Singh, an officer with the Indo Tibetan Border Police, reportedly got stranded on the border because of heavy snowfall, reports newspaper Deccan Herald. [Ananova]

The newlyweds honeymooned at a local Williams & Sonoma, while Singh vowed to never again date women from the nearby insane asylum.

Ananova: Woman marries clay pot

10 thoughts on “Woman weds clay pot

  1. If you think that this woman “married” the clay pot on her own will, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell. Question why were her parents so anxious to “palm her off” that even a clay pot “son-in-law” is acceptable rather than wait for a brave soldier to return home?? Try to understand the societal presuures that this girl was under. Try to imagine the ridicule the parents have set up this young woman. How can you help, should be the question.

  2. PSU, you are getting ahead of yourself! It’s not like the claypot is her husband. It’s just that the claypot was present instead of her groom – marriage by proxy if you will.

    I am sure if they could get a net connection somewhere, they would’ve kept a monitor instead of the claypot and the groom would be found grinning at his bride through a grainy web-cam stream 😉

  3. What about wedding gifts? Would it be inappropriate to give kitchenware to the couple? Would that be like trying to fix up a bride with another man at her own wedding?

  4. That’s so cracked. I’m getting a glazed look– this is throwing me– the husband, even with feet of clay, is not a potted plant.

  5. Well, the if the pot can provide for her, treat her right and not come home too late from poker night, they might have a shot. Didn’t Kumar have a successful relationship with a pot of sorts?