To see but not understand…

I had just finished commenting on how many weird death stories we find in India when I came across this story that takes the cake… well, for today at least –

Woman kills herself so blind sons can see But corneas of little use to her children, doctors say NEW DELHI, India – An Indian woman committed suicide so her two blind sons could receive her eyes and see, a newspaper reported Monday. …Doctors in the southern city of Chennai say Kumar’s condition cannot be helped with a cornea transplant and also suspect his elder brother does not have a cornea defect. “We had told the family earlier itself that a corneal transplant was not needed for the younger son,” the Express quoted hospital official G. Seethalakshmi saying.

Between the Mother’s obvious love and the utter Maji-like tragedy of the whole thing, I’m just speechless.

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6 thoughts on “To see but not understand…

  1. This just shows how much untreated depression there is in India. But thanks to the recent legislation on patent rights, it’ll be even harder for people to avoid necessary drugs. Go pharmaceuticals!