Speed dating starts up in Bombay

Wealthy singles in Bombay are getting their first taste of speed dating, which works by bringing together a group of the unattached, and giving them three minutes to impress one another before moving on to the next potential date:

Organisers feel Mumbai was the right venue as it is India’s most liberal and cosmopolitan city. “Mumbai accepts a lot, its very tolerant city,” says Sandeep Shetty, one of the local organisers. Another organiser, Maha Khan, 25, a London-based British Asian who runs the Asian Speed D8, believes India is ready for speed dating. “I think cities like Mumbai are ready for a safe, informal way of getting to know each other face-to-face with a view to finding partners.” [BBC News]

Experts say the western phenomenon of speed dating is bound to find success in India, as it perfectly complements its centuries-old tradition of speed marriage.

BBC News: Speed dating comes to India
Speed dating sites: Asian Speed D8, BombaySpeedD8

4 thoughts on “Speed dating starts up in Bombay

  1. Hi!

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  2. I was going to blog this under the title, “Isn’t this Dandia” 🙂

    India has speed dating! Sometimes it goes by so fast that you’re married without even seeing the other person’s face!

  3. Actually, as a desi I’d love speed dating. India has speed marriage, which is different in one significant detail.